Not a SNORK, but pretty funny anyway!

  • I love these crazy stories on CNN. First is the link to the story, second is the auction on eBay...
  • OMG! That is a hoot! I guess you can sell anything on E-Bay!
  • 69-HH!?!? Ouch!!
  • Geez... 16,0000 for a boob...that's just plain weird... btw,I was 40 something I with my DD...
  • Geez, it's a wonder Lorena Bobbit didn't do something similar.
  • Okay, the HH I get, but why 69? (other than the obvious reasons...)
  • Bust measurement, Laurie. And it is an obvious number! Shall I sing my song?
  • I didn't even think about the joke for the 69... I actually knew a girl in college who had GG boobs and had to special order her bras. She hated it.
  • Wow - that's crazy! Although in the picture, she looks very uncomfortable. Wonder why, it's not like she still has crazy big breast anymore.
  • She's probably has back problems from carrying those 69-HHs!
  • HAHA... that was just the laugh I needed today. You would think she would fall over with those things