See Ya Next Year February Menu

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal made with skim and 1/2 cup homemade applesauce

    Lunch: Eggbeater omelet with FF Borden american slice and ketchup

    Snack: Chocolate banana smoothie

    Dinner: Core Chicken Fried Rice, mixed greens salad with FF ginger dressing from Trader Joe's

    Snack: SF/FF lemon pudding
  • I had forgotten today was the last day of February! Hard to believe March is upon us! Time sure flies when you're on the downhill side of 40!

    B: SF/FF yogurt w/apple cider drink powder mixed in
    1/2 cup fiber one mixed in to yogurt
    Crystal Light Sunrise drink
    L: McD's grilled chicken caesar salad (points)
    S: Wasa crackers w/light LC cheese (points)
    D: Roasted pork chops
    Sugar snap peas
    Wild rice
    Green salad
    S: Rhubarb rumble stuff
    SF/FF lemon pudding
  • Here's the line-up!

    B: maltomeal with splenda, banana, milk
    L: chicken salad*, 1 slice of Delightful 100% whole wheat bread (.5 pt for 2), light string cheese (1), milk
    Sn: SF/FF cheesecake pudding with strawberries
    D: tomato soup, 1 slice of bread with FF cheese melted, small salad with FF caesar dressing

    *I adapted the chicken salad recipe that was posted the other day; man, is it good!! I just used chopped chicken, pineapple, celery, apple, purple onion, and FF miracle whip. I will definitely be making it again and again!
  • Back to the straight and narrow!

    Breakfast: 1 sf/ff apple pie yogurt, 1 banana, decaf w/light cream

    Lunch: another batch of my soup (beef/barley/veggie/cabbage)
    red grapes

    Snack: apple, green tea

    Dinner: bbq chicken thighs, potato, green beans

  • Isn't that chicken salad good Kathy? I looked at the ingredients, and was dubious, but it's definitely one to make again and again.

  • It is SO good ... I had to make myself stay away from it until today or I wouldn't have any to bring for lunch!! I always put chopped apple, but never thought about pineapple. It really make a difference! I just used what I had but next time will get all the ingredients for the real recipe, which I'm sure I'll love just as much as this! Thanks so much for posting it!
  • B - oatmeal and banana and milk
    S - applesauce and yogurt
    L - pea soup and a small piece of chicken
    S - fruit
    D - sole and brocolli and potatoes
    s - pudding or jello
  • B: Scrambled eggs and a glass of FF milk

    L: Grilled chicken, green beans, peaches w/equal, water

    D: Probably wendy's since I gotta go grocery shopping tonite.
  • b: sf/ff yogurt
    snack: orange, babybel cheese
    lunch: ceasar salad with chicken
    Supper: ham, potatoe, small tablespoon of baked beans

    snack: nothing yet but could prove interesting later
  • Ugh, my plan fell apart. I ate half of a chicken salad sandwich, but then after I was done making all those lunches for the night shelter (turkey/cheese sandwich on white bread, bag of chips, 2 Chips Ahoy) there was a lot leftover, so I passed them out to my coworkers. Of course there was one left ... who ate it? Yes, me.

    After work I ran around for 2 hours like a maniac trying to get it all done before American Idol started! Zuki is in the hospital for a few days, so I went up to see him but they wouldn't let me because they didn't want him to get agitated and start crying. They had said that *I* could see him as long as I could assure that *he* couldn't see ME! Not possible unless I wear a Halloween mask back there though, and that would scare all of the animals! I'll go back in the morning before work and give him a kiss.

    Tonight after I got home I made a salad, just lettuce and tomato, and had the nastiest tomato I have ever in my life had. It is called (I think) American Ugly ??? and it was the mushiest glop ever! It wasn't even old, but you sure can tell winter tomatoes from fresh ones. I would have rather poured tomato sauce on my salad, that's how bad it was. The rest went in the trash.

    Now a beer. I'm depressed about my little baby sitting all alone overnight ... what if he wakes up and is scared? And I'm sure his peepee is just killing him! Poor widdle guy!
  • Geez, sorry to take the menu thread in another direction! I just realized I totally messed it up!
  • That's okay Kathy - we forgive you - after all it did start out with sandwiches and such....hope poor little zuki is home soon!

  • Poor Zuki. I'm glad you're going to kiss him in the morning. My animals are my kids. I'd be so sad if mine were in the hospital.