Phase III

  • Ok, so I'm not even close to Phase III yet, but I was reading ahead in the book and if I'm not mistaken, the only difference between Phase II and Phase III is that instead of having 2 snacks between meals, those snack calories are somehow added to the 3 main meals. Am I right, or what? I know it's a life-style change, but please tell me I have something to look forward to when I reach my goal weight?
  • Mel, I understand how you feel. It's difficult to get rid of the mind-set that tells us that once we've lost all the weight we need to, we can go back to eating "the old familiar foods".
    South Beach is a lifestyle change. During Phases I and II, we teach ourselves to adjust to a new way of eating, and that has to be continued when we move on to maintenance.
    Certainly you can have the occasional "off-plan treat", but keep in mind that your body doesn't need that stuff. You're fueling your body for life.