It's noon, and I haven't drinken ANY water today!

  • *sigh* - I guess I'd better get started, eh? All I've had to drink so far today was black coffee.......... big water bottle - here I come!
  • When I started this whole thing I went from drinking NO water at all in a day to about 100 ounces. It was a big change but I've noticed I don't retain water at all anymore (before I lost this weight my right leg would get so water logged water would leak out of it ) and my skin is/softer/clearer/less greasy, woo hoo!
  • I love water, it's all I drink other than skim milk. But, I didn't always feel that way. I bought a Brita pitcher so I could keep filtered water in the refrigerator at all times. It tastes so much better that way, so it was easy to drink more. After a while, your body will crave it!
  • mmmmmmm i love water too, and my brita filter pitcher. i have upped my water intake signifigantly because i have started running a lot more and i am a major sweater ( as in perspiration not the outerwear). i feel so much better now. i feel more alert, more refreshed when i wake up, less hungry ( less cravings too). i had a weak bladder that is constantly becoming stronger and stronger. water is fantastic.
  • Plus it forces youto get up once in a while, something I often forget to do while at work!
  • Quote: *sigh* - I guess I'd better get started, eh? All I've had to drink so far today was black coffee.......... big water bottle - here I come!

    You can do it!!!! I left my water at home out: but I am going to drink and drink and drink tomorrow though. I might just float away!
  • I have a hard time drinking water aswell... It's almost like a chore. I've definately cut out sodas, I have a diet one every now and then as a treat. I drink tea sometimes. I really need to get used to the idea of drinking more water.