Is My Workout Enough? Strength Suggestions?

  • This is my workout routine that I'm going to start:

    *Cardio will always be 30 minutes or more and will consist of: aerobics (step, floor) walk away the pounds, tae bo, belly dancing...

    Monday - Cardio & full body strength routine
    Tuesday - Cardio & a walk with my bf if weather permits
    Wednesday - Cardio & 20 minutes of pilates
    Thursday - Cardio & a walk with my bf again if weather permits
    Friday - Cardio & full body strength routine
    Saturday - Walk with bf if weather permits
    Sunday - Off

    I'm also doing weight watchers, and I will be getting a job soon (which will burn some extra calories, compared to what I do now lol which is sit at home)

    I'd like to add strength training to my routine, with dumb bells and an exercise ball, but I need a good full body routine, anyone know of one? I dont really have money for a video or anything right now so a print out or something along those lines would be awesome...

    what do you guys think?
  • You can get a good exercise printout at on IRON) . Krista Smash has great tips and routines for beginners on up. If your financial situation has improved, Kathy Smith Lift Weights To Lose Weight is good, and also her new Project: YOU. (I'm doing that one right now and I love it) . You can pick up the LW2LW on ebay or used at Amazon. There is an older one and an updated one. The Project:YOU is a brand new thing, and a 3 DVD-set, so it is a lot more $$.

    If you are totally new at lifting weights, you might want to split it up to do upper one day and lower the next, and then repeat later in the week. Once you get the hang of things, you can blend it all together.

    My routine on Project: YOU is

    cardio x30/upper
    cardio x30/lower
    cardio x30/upper
    cardio x30/lower
    cardio of choice 30 or 60

    After I finish 5 weeks of this, the cardio and strength days will be split:

    full body strength
    cardio x 40
    full body strength
    full body strength
    choice of cardio or pilates/yoga

    Hope this helps!