Looking for a buddy and alot of support

  • Hi all

    I began ediets on the Heart Smart plan 3 weeks ago. I weighed in at 265 and I am 5'3" tall. I am 47 years old married, have 5 kids Oldest are twins 29 and youngest is 18. I work but only part time because of health problems. Last week I weighed in at 255 and this week I was up two pounds (257) and it got me down. I don't have a very large social circle so I don't have a lot of support. I am an emotional eatter. So I know I need to get a handle on that.
    Having a hard time staying off my favorite Coffee Coolattas made with skim milk but have done fairly well at avoiding them for me that is. I use to have at least one a day. I got it down to maybe two a week. I have many interests and love learning. I do journal. I like to write. I find it hard doing this on my own. I have set my goal at 180 even though I should weigh only 130-148 so as not to get too discouaged. Thanks for listening
  • Are you still looking for some support on this weight loss? I am on the Weight Watchers program and heard about this 3Fat Chicks web site and joined it. Very interesting reading. But have never been able to post really, dont know if I am doing anything right or not. So if you see this, if you still want someone to talk to about weight, messge me on yahoo messenger, cowgirl73160, in case I dont get back to this post again. I have lost as of today at my Weight Watchers class a total of 110.4 pounds. I know if I had started by myself that I wouldnt of kept up with long enough to the point where now I am addicted to going to the meetings, whether my mother is along with me or not, at first I had to have the moral support of another with me to continue. So message me if you still want someone to talk to. Lisa
  • Welcome both of you. We're all here for support and encouragement.

    Ginnysgurl--it sounds like you are off to a great start. Just by cutting out those drinks to about 2-3 a week is a big accomplishment. It sounds like you are doing great. Are you exercising as well? If so your gain could be muscle. Have you taken your measurements? Even when the scale doesn't cooperate, your tape measure will. Sometimes our losses can come in inches and not on the scale.

    Lisa--WTG on the 110.4 pound loss!!! That is aweseome. If you are having problems posting and such on here you can go here http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=155 and they have several tips and Q&A on how to use the forums.
  • Welcome Lisa and Ginny - hope you are able to hang around here more often!

    This is a great forum for support, advice and encouragement - sharing our highs and lows with others makes a real difference to our weight loss journey, especially when we have a long road ahead!

    Love Amanda x
  • Welcome Ginny and Lisa!