can I join you all here?

  • I have been doing WW for about a year at home with help from various websites. I have lost 46 lbs which is fine since I am 49 years old and this stuff just doesn't roll off like when I was 20.

    I am in Vancouver, Canada and envy you Americans all your super low fat foods, but oh, well.

    Nice to be here.
  • Hi Kally,
    I'm impressed by your at home weight loss!
    No,it's not rolling off,is it??
    But think of the beaytiful fresh fish you can get in Vancouver!
  • thanks, fresh rain is more like it. lol
  • Hi Kally,

    Please join us on the weekly Weigh in at Home threads. Judy starts a new thread each Monday morning. You're right that weight is harder to lose in our 40's - probably because we've had it so long it doesn't want to leave! I'm in New West ... and surprise, surprise it's raining again!