I'm a newbie!

  • I just happened upon this site by accident. It seems like a wonderful place and I feel like I have a millon questions. I found this site by trying to see if I want to purchase Michael Thurmond's 6-week program. Anyone have success with this? Seems a little pricey for me. ANy other suggestions for weight loss. I have tried everything! Curves,WW,atkins,southbeach,GI diet---HELP! Also is there a place to go to learn how to do one of the cool tickers you all have.Also what is a journal? Would appreciate any help. Thanks! Meixey
  • Hi meixey, welcome to 3FC

    Tickers: Go to www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/ and you can make one of ours to put in your signature. You'll go to your UserCP, under Edit Signature, and past the code there.

    The 6 Week Makeover has received mixed reviews here. We've had a support thread going for it in the past, but it died out ages ago. We also had a few posts in our Buyer Beware forum complaining about the program, most said it was extreme and difficult to stick to for long. One person posted her diet plan (personalized and not copyrighted) for everyone and it was extremely low calorie, which is not a recommended way to diet. We then received a notice from a rep for Thurmond demanding that we remove her post, and said everyone would have to pay to see what their plan offered Needless to say, that left a bad taste in our mouths. This is why we like good old fashioned diet books, you can flip through and see what you are getting before you plunk down your $19.99 (or $119.99 in the case of this program) If you do buy it, try eBay, as it can be had for just a few dollars there. If you like it, then you will succeed. If you don't like it, then you didn't lose much and can try another diet.

    Something else you might consider is devising your own diet plan. If you've tried all the diets, then you've learned what does and doesn't work for you. Most successful dieters actually lose weight and keep it off by doing their own thing, and not a published diet plan.
  • I'm a newbie to this site as well. So far I love it! Seems the best plan is the one you devise for yourself. I have just started my plan yesterday and so far so good. I have stayed on my plan and exercised for 30 mins. each day. For me this is a wonderful start. Back to work tomorrow. Wish me luck.
  • Thanks
    Thanks for responding to my thread! How do you go about devising your own diet plan? Trial and error? Seeing what works best for you? I know that I can do it! This site has given me the courage to find what works and stick to it! I am so glad I found it. Reading everyones success stories gives me such hope! Thanks again! Meixey
  • Hey girls. Try going to "General Diet Plans", and "Doing it the Old Fashioned Way."