Feel Like Talking?

  • Hi!

    I'm new and thought I would post an intro if anyone felt like talking. I don't know how I came across this website, but I sure am glad that I did. I am at the heaviest I've ever been my whole life and it's really time to do something about it. Problem is.... I am probably the laziest person on this planet with zero motivation. I've had some small successes in the past (lose 20), but I would gain it all back plus a whole lot more when I went back to my old habits of eating whatever I felt like. Eating whatever I feel like.... yep, that's pretty much my diet. We all do what comes naturally to us and not eating vegetables and healthy foods comes naturally to me. So I've crashed and burned a lot eating pastas and meats rather than fruits and vegetables. I'm hoping that I can really get my act together this year and get back down to a size 16 and maybe even smaller. That seems to be my unlucky number. Once I hit 16, I start gaining back up to an 18-20. And maybe I can get my lazy *** off the chair to exercise.

    Anyone want to buddy up? I would love to hear how you lost all your weight.
  • hello Dragonfly

    i have had alot of problems loosing and gaining weight and so far I have stayed on this diet that I am on for 9 days so I guess I am doing good. I am also a lazy person but I have been working out everyday this week as well. If you need to talk you can post here, PM me here, email me at [email protected] or I also have Msn messenger : [email protected] or yahoo messenger : kittymoon98

    Talk to you soon
  • Hi dragonfly and welcome!! i definitely understand what you mean about how eating healthy doesnt come naturally to you... me either! my highest weight is somewhere around 200 pounds (who knows... maybe more!) in high school (my first formal dress was a size 18). Learning how to control what I eat and make changes has been a very long process for me... well, we're looking at somewhere around 6 years now (i'm 23 now). It has been full of ups and downs, but the one thing that has set me back in the past has been not making PERMANENT lifestyle changes.

    if you are the laziest person on the planet, then I am the second laziest. I LOVE sitting around... preferably on the couch watching tv and reading at the same time. But, at the same time, I do (now) love working out and seeing improvements in my body.

    It is scary to think that I will continue eating healthy the way I do now and exercising consistently FOREVER. But is also comforting in that I know I have complete control over my weight.

    anyway, sorry to have babbled on and on, but I (and i'm sure the rest of us on this board) would really like to know more about you and what your plans are. i hope you post again soon!!!
  • Dragonfly, I'm glad that you posted. You can IM w/ me if you want also, I'm on MSN, [email protected]. If you ever need to chat or just get something off your chest feel free to post or contact

    You'll find here a cool group of girls, a lot of us have the same story, we are all here for the same reason, we want to feel better about ourselves by losing weight and getting healthy.

    Dragonfly, if you really want to lose the weight you can!!! Just put your mind to it, and do it!

    Much luck and love to you!!
  • Dragonfly.. the eating thing is hard, I LOVE pasta and have a blood thing where it's easiest for me to get the iron I need by eating meat.. but thankfully I love veges too.. however with exercise, I find I don't have the mental discipline alot of the time.. anyway if you would like to chat (and this goes for anyone on the board!) my msn is [email protected]

    Megan - reading, watching tv and daydreaming all at the same time in bed is my FAVOURITE!
  • Hi Dragonfly,

    I am also a lazy person. I dont like to do anything when i get home from work, except get my babies fed and in bed and sit and watch tv. I was eating basically anything i wanted anytime i wanted it, and then i went to the Dr. I was embarrassed that i really had not lost that much from my last pregnancy that i decided to diet. So far so good i am still motivated with the eating of veggies, which i may add i am not a hugfe fan of. The exercising i am working on, i despise it. I really do want to be at a weight that i am happy with. If you ever feel like talking you can email me at [email protected]

  • Hi:

    Thanks so much for responding. I have put all of you on my MSN Messenger so don't be surprised if I drop a line! I'm so glad you emphasize especially Tanny when you said that it was difficult to imagine eating healthy. That's exactly how I feel! It's so weird to be eating veggies and fruits when it hasn't ever been part of my diet.