teens weight loss surgery questions

  • hi,my name is meghan.im 16 and having weight loss surgery on april 28th 2005. i was wondering if there are any teens here who are researching,had,or having weight loss surgery.
    thanxs so much,meghan

    i aslo have some questions.hwo much weight deid u lose after the first,,4th,6th months after weight loss surgery.what procedure did u have?whats a reasonble goal weight for someone with a large bone frame and 5'4.75 inches tall?how long were u in the hospital for open weight loss surgeyr?whats ur stats?whats the morning of surgery like?do any of you guys purge?
  • blitzbabe - surgery in teenagers is NOT an easy decision - it's even harder than in adults because many other factors have to be considered.

    i'm curious about the purging question - are you asking if we throw up because things don't sit right or we get blockages? or are you asking if we are the 'finger-down-the-throat types?