*~* New Year's Day Chat *~*

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  • Well Happy New Years Everyone

    We have really been in a funk at our house.. still trying to get over the family hassles of Christmas But today begins a New Year and it is time to shake it all off and get positive! We just had a quiet night at home, trying not to do any extra weight damage after the silly season My weighin today was the first one in some time and I am sad to say that the scales did not move in the direction that I would have liked.. But I have to say that I feel like it could have been a whole heap worse and I am far more understanding of just exactly how much I stress eat now.

    So here's to knowing that it is the last time the ticker gets shoved back the wrong way

    I have been very slack with responding to people lately so here goes:

    Ruth - Hope the ticker moves in the right direction. Happy Anniversary!

    Sheila - Hi, nice to meet you. The area around your new house sounds great, heaps of opportunity to exercise.

    Amy - Happy New Year... hope you have a great time at your Party.

    Mamacita - oh... lazy days are always lovely... in fact I am having one today.

    Ellis - mice...nasty.. have you thought about getting the traps that you load with food and that keeps them caged alive and then you release them later in a field? Good Luck with getting rid of your squeeky guests.

    RNMOM - we have close friends that are nurses and the xmas season can be really tough for them. I hope that your night in is just the recharge that you need.

    Bunna - I hope the cold improves.. Have you tried echinacea liquid? Thats what we use here at home and it really seems to help.

    Barb - WOW size 10!!!!!! How wonderful for you. I am also packing up my daughter's room and giving some of her toys to charity..didn't realise just how much we had accumulated.

    Little chick - What are bangs? Have a great party.

    Cottage - I am glad the season is over as well.

    Julia, Kiko, Kris, A Broad and Bamie - Happy New Years Chickies.
  • Happy New Year, Chickies! I did go to Bob's party but am home now. I'll see everyone in the morning - except for Artemis who has 2005 well underway! ing to the Southern Hemisphere!
  • Happy New Year I hope no one has a headache today, LOL.

    It is a rather day here right now, but thankfully not too cold. We had quite a few fireworks in our neck of the woods last night, so we got to see a display without leaving the house. The village across the river had some too and we are at just the right location for prime viewing.

    DH waited unitl I got up to make and it smelled good. Last summer I would always go for a walk when he did that but thats not an option right now. Maybe next time I will find a room, close the door, and spray air freshener to cover the pizza smell

    Artemis, shake off that funk! It's a new year for us all and summer where you are By the way, in hair talk bangs are fringe.

    Ellis, enjoy the new Grundig shortwave in your new kitchen and good luck with the critters.

    Barb - congrats on the size 10s. Way to go!

    Newbies, hello and welcome to you all

    Everyone else, Happy New Year
  • Happy New Year, Chickies~~

    Didn't make it to see 2005 in...faded around 11:00, but woke up at 12:03 to kiss dh.

    Today is my expedition to Athens and the "Football Free Zone" at Main Street Yarns with my knitting buddies. Should be a fun time.

    I haven't weighed for December yet as TOM is still with me...playing hide and seek. I'm retaining fluid big time. UGH!

    Hope all you chickies have a wonderful 1st day of 2005 and that the new year is good to you. Wishing you health, happiness, prosperity and smaller jeans!!


    Yesterday we went to see National Treasure. Fun movie. I did absolutely NOTHING of any use whatsoever.
  • Good morning!

    A bit tired today. For some reason I didn't get to sleep until 3 and Lucy decided 6 was a good getting up time! I hope the rest of you chickies are bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to start the New Year. As for me, I'm already considering an afternoon nap!

    So.....onward and downward we go! I was pleased to not have to change my ticker this morning but sure intend to see ONEderland by the end of January!

    Happy New Year to us all! See you lighter in 2005!
  • Good morning everyone! A very uneventful evening last night. I made baked low carb tortilla's for the first time. I wish I had discovered making them earlier in my diet. I had found myself wishing for a "cracker" type bread that was acceptable. I'm glad everyone had a nice evening, think positive and put on that happy face this morning!
  • HAPPY NEW YEAR Chicks. I rang in the New Year with a bang which now is still ringing in my head We had a fun time last night at our garage party I even played pool which I believe pictures were taken I will check my camera later and post one. I have a big fat headache which I guess I deserve because I drank 2 bottles and a bit of wine. I am now making bacon and eggs for breakfast and hoping this will start my year off OP.

    Artemis02-bangs are the short hair that hangs over your forehead. I had a great time at the party.

    Ruth- glad you did not have to move the ticker and onederland will be here before you know it. Have a great day.

    a broad abroad- I love pizza it is one on my down falls. I make a crustless pizza when I am being very good.

    Well I gotta go the bacon is done and my mouth is watering. Good morning Mama and Ms Julia. I will return later. A big hello to the rest of the chicks yet to come.
  • Good morning and Happy New Year!!

    We wound up going over to our friend's last night- leaving around 9:30 or so. I crashed on the couch until DH got home, quick kiss at midnight and back to sleep. Pretty uneventful, but perfectly fine by me!

    Getting the last of the Christmas stuff put away, and almost through the laundry! My goal is to get it all done today so I can enjoy my last day of break tomorrow not doing household chores!

    Ellis I thought of you this morning while out in our garage as there was some definite non-human movement going on.

    Barb Size 10!! That is fantastic! I bet you feel fabulous in your new jeans.

    Is Laurie (Beachgal) on vacation? I know I haven't posted much until recently, so just wondering......
  • Well, I am a bit bummed that my weight is up this morning. My rings are tight so I think it is just water retention but I will go ahead and change my ticker and report no weight gained or lost during December. I guess it could be worse. On the other hand, my size 10 jeans feel great and I know it has been almost 20 years since I could wear this size so I am not going to worry about it.

    January is a new month and I think I will celebrate my birthday later this month with a no crust strawberry pie (with SF Jello) instead of the normal chocolate. The weather is nice and I'm heading out for a walk soon since the gym is closed today. It looks like it might rain so hopefully I won't get wet.
  • Ugh. A two pound gain this morning.

    But as you said, Artemis, this is a new year! Here's to a fresh start, and a great, slimmer year for all of us!!
    Ah... I knew someone would mention live traps! As soon as you said that, I thought, "But they'll get cold outside!!"
    I would do that if it were only one or two, but there's a whole new batch of them in here. No, it's gotta be two batches. (how many in a "litter", anyhow?) The sweet little buggers run around my feet (thank God I'm on a high stool) while I'm on the computer, and when one tried to climb up on the computer table (no doubt to share my coffee with me), I decided it was over for them.

    Ruth, looks like you stayed at Bob's a little later than you'd planned. I hope you enjoyed yourself!
    I was up until 3 as well. We all watched "Chocolat".

    A broad abroad, at least you didn't eat the pizza! Amazing willpower, girl!! (ummm, you DID hold back, didn't you? )

    MsJulia, I'm glad you enjoyed the low carb tortillas! I haven't tried them yet... must check them out.

    Little Chick, two bottles + of wine! Woof, you're amazing! I top out at around two glasses! Enjoy your breakfast, hon!

    Kiko, you can party big next year. Get your rest now.
    Laurie was away for about a week... but I think she may be crazy busy with work right now. (actually she's drunk under the table at the moment, but that'll pass)

    Barb, don't get discouraged, sweetie. You've done so very well to date, and you're going to keep going down! New Year, better attitude!!

    Bunna, take good care of that cold, hon. How was the sleepover with your granddaughter?

    RNMom, I hope you're enjoying the snow (ya nut!! ) and your cozy fireplace!!

    Today I'm going to plastic the attic windows. I didn't get around to it this fall, and it got so darned chilly up there, that I hung blankets at the windows. NOT very attractive! I'm longing for some sunlight in my bedroom!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful, OP day!!
  • Happy New Year Everyone!

    I hate to admit I was a little naughty last night. I didn't get a chance to pack my emergency pocket before I left the house and I ended up having a few crackers and some strawberries dipped in the chocolate fondue. Oh well, I've been pretty good through the whole season and as long as I don't do it again until next New Years Eve, I should be ok. I want to wear a size 10 like Barb! I'm making a grocery list right now for the store and the new year.

    I'm sticking with my 3 pound loss this month not a whole lot of weight lost this month but because of TOM - I'm very bloated. So maybe next week I'll post a better loss.

    I will dig out the sausage quiche cup recipe and post it. Have a great day everyone!
  • Hello ya'll
    Ah, it feels so good to post knowing that I have a fresh calendar! I changed the ticker to reflect my misbehavior and I'm ready to "carpe blobula" (my version of seize the fat ) Anyway, I'm OK with this because I know I can. It was fun this morning looking through my pocket calendar that had been my journal for the weight loss journey that pretty much took me through the year. I did OK and plan to finish it off time. My goal date is the first day of Spring.

    Didn't do a thing last night. DH fell asleep on the couch and I didn't have the heart to plant a big wet kiss on him, so I let him sleep. We ate badly all day but I'm prepared for today.

    Anchor, it's so cool that you've been so good, you did better with your losses for the month than I did

    Ellis, if I were sitting around while cute little rodents were running around my feet I'd have to go change my underwear...........if you know what I mean. They have got to go before I come to visit!

    Barb, so what if your rings are tight, it's those size 10 jeans that make your butt look great!

    Kiko, when your done with your Christmas decorations can you come and put mine away???? Plllllleeeaaaassssseeeee????

    Little chick, I'll whisper around you today so your headache doesn't get worser

    MsJulia, I'll have to try the low carb tortilla thing. When I'm in phase 2 that is.

    Ruth, I'm sorry you couldn't sleep, I hate insomnia! I know you'll be playing in onderland this month. I'm excited for you!

    Mamacita, I'm so happy you didn't do ANYTHING yesterday! Keep it up! It's good for what ails ya.

    A broad, Happy New Year to you too. Hope you were able to get the pizza smell out of your mind.

    Artemis, I'm feeling your vibes. I know that I'm not happy with where the scales went this last few months. This is a New Year and you will do it! (personally I'm really glad Christmas is over.....it wasn't a great time) You will do well this year That's an order!
  • Good morning (afternoon?), Everyone! Well, my New Year's was umm different this year. My daughter turned 11 on the 29th, but we couldn't really celebrate the way she wanted to til the weekend. Soooo, we had 5 11-year old girls stay the night last night. One of the girls' moms was so thoughtful she sent over a bag of guns that shoot confetti (with refills), 2 humongo rolls of streamers (that they used to wrap themselves up like mummies with...i'm still picking up bits of it), a gingerbread house kit, and oh, let's not forget the 3 boxes of sparklers. lovely. i'm waiting for her to extend an invitation for my daughter so i can send over a complimentary and thoughtful box of cherry bombs, firecrackers and some other little novelties.... i'm only kidding...i really do appreciate that she sent over the things to help entertain the girls...they really did have a great time...

    but we only had 2 toilet clogs, so that isn't too bad...i gave up and went to bed at 2:30 this morning. the girls were still wide awake. now, my 17 year old son wasn't home. as soon as he found out the plans he was on the phone... ben..dude... my house is being taken over ... can i come stay the night at your house? hehehe

    at midnight the girls were screaming and whooping and out front with sparklers.... i was all teary eyed, though, as this was my first new year's without my husband since we got together 8 years ago. he had to work

    this morning i made cinnamon pancakes with bananas for their breakfast... the kids were all gone by 1:00... can't say i'm going to be too interested in doing that again anytime soon. LOL... but the cleanup efforts on my apartment have begun... on the other hand, and most importantly, my daughter has thanked me repeatedly for giving her the best birthday she has ever had (which is my warning that she will ask for this again next year)...

    i'm feeling exhausted, but rather happy to know that 2005 is here and i'm starting with a clean slate.

    and by the way, in case you didn't know, i'm very, very grateful to have you guys in my life. i love this board and the support it offers. thank you...for you...

  • Well I am droppin by for a moment! Never anytime to really post this week! Sounds like you all had a good night. But some are are having a rough morning! (lil chick) haha
    Was fast asleep before midnight and didn't even hear the phone when my sis called at 12:15 to wish me a Happy New Year. Mind you the phone is right beside my bed. I was dead to the world! Well I have been cleaning out cabinets and such today my MIL gave us a new set of cookware for christmas so I had to reorganize my island so I can fit them in. DS is coming home today but his dad is bringin him because they are goin to Birmingham. This will be the first time he has ever brought him home since we moved here 2.5 years ago. I'm just glad I don't have to go get him! lol Well I have to go and finish my laundry. (fun fun) I have all my Christmas dishes and stuff put away and things seem to be getting back to normal. I know they will Wed. when the kids go back to school! haha I'll try to get back in here later and catch up a lil more on what's been happenin'!
  • Sounds like everyone had a fun and/or busy time last night!

    Well, so much for my long afternoon nap! The Hyper Pypers called and are coming to visit this afternoon rather than tomorrow when they say freezing rain is forecast! Yikes! So much for our little roast chicken dinner! I've got a 5 pound boneless pork loin thawed (Thanks, Microwave), garlicked and ready to pop in the oven very shortly. Oven potatoes for the spud eaters and green beans will round things out and Margo is bringing a WW pumpkin pie which I may have to pass on in order to have a clean eating day!

    Now I just have to get through the afternoon with the four Hyper Pypers and Bailey, my grandpup who will hype up my Girls! Actually, I complain about the Pypers a lot but they are fun and just like family - better than family because those family dynamics and tensions aren't there. After all, we are related only through the dogs!

    Does that mean that when Ellis gets a Lucy puppy, we'll be related?

    Carry on having fun. The season lasts until January 6, IMHO!