
  • Hi all, this looks like an incredible site. I can't wait to wade through all the posts.

    I have hit the emotional wall with my weight. To the point that nothing works and I eat even more. This is leading to my need to start my first "diet". We did a really good job of changing our lifestyle with body for life over a year ago, but then I got a new job and it was too hectic to eat regularly. So, since May of 2003 I have gained 43 pounds and then there is of course the last 10 that I still had to lose. I'm depressed a lot and have no energy. I've always been VERY active in sports and can barely walk to the mailbox without starting to breath hard.

    It's time to get ME back. I want to be my bubbly, upbeat, extreme mountain biking, soccer playing mom again!

    Oh, I'm leaning towards South Beach because it seems very close to how we were doing on the Body for Life. I just need to do the first induction part because I've become a complete carb addict lately. Sorry, for not putting my name on the first post. I forgot I didn't have a sigline yet.

  • Welcome to 3FC, Val. If you scroll down, you will find a whoile South Beach Forum where you are welcome to join in.
  • I am starting a diet again.I have been completely out of control for the holidays.I usually do Adkins but I have to get my portions under control.So I am doing nutrisytem for a month .
