300+ And Ready To Try Again...#623

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  • I just went to my weigh in.....*drum roll please*

    I was down 6 lbs!!! WOOHOO I know it is my frist week and it is mostly water weight...but yipeeeeeeee!

    Now I just have to figure out how to change my tracker. hehehe

    Tina and 2Cute....I will keep you and your families in my prayers.
  • Tina and 2Cute - you are in my thoughts and prayers today.

    2004 has been a difficult year. I am happy to start anew tomorrow! Jeff and I are not doing anything special to celebrate tonight. We are spending a quiet evening at home and letting 2004 slip away and looking forward to new and exciting adventures in 2005.

    Marcie - CONGRATS!

    My love to all of you!
  • I'm so sorry about the bad news... I am sending thoughts of strength and peace to all those affected.
  • Tina and 2Cute...I am truly sorry for the losses you are experiencing at this time! My prayers are with both of your families!!

    Where the heck is everyone? Getting ready to party hearty? Not me...we will probably all be asleep by 10 pm. We can't seem to make it till the ball falls anymore! Just getting too old I guess! Besides the fact I think I have a sinus infection! My face hurts!!

    Andrew is bouncing off the walls...probably from too much candy today! Had 2 pieces of chocolate that grandma sent him for christmas and then we went to Auntie's house and he had a candy cane off her tree!

    We got our new kitchen table and box spring and mattress this morning. I think I need a step stool to get up on our bed now! We took the tree down and packed up all the Christmas stuff, so our spare room is clean now and the bed is all put together so if anyone wants to come visit its all ready! I still have a few boxes in the closet to go through...in time I guess!

    Anyways, I hope you all have a safe and happy new year!!

    TTFN Michelle
  • Tina and 2cute, I'm so sorry for your losses. Such a sad way to start the new year, for sure. I will remember you both in my prayers.

    Marcie! Atta girl!

    Michelle...Is your mattress one of those HIGH, fluffy-on-top mattresses? I LOVE mine! Your new furniture sounds great. I'll be right down! No partying here. I'll be working. But I'm off the weekend!

    BarbPa...Sending thoughts your way for 2005!

    Jana...Hang in there! Just keep doing all the right things, those numbers will fall into place! Sounds like you've got a good leader there!

    Welcome, Rubyslippers! I love the name! Sounds like you're on the right track, with the family joining in...mine is often my downfall...tantalizing me with ice cream and goodies all the time! Little do they know, they're ALL going on diets, since I'm dumping all junk food TOMORROW! In the meantime, I'm doing my best to single-handedly 'get rid of' every chocolate covered pretzel in the house. I know...very noble of me! Anyway, stick around! And good luck!

    Hello to everyone else...I have to think about pulling something together for dinner. No big celebrations here! Dh will just be coming in from work as I get ready for my nap before work...like two ships passing in the night! Hey, works for us! Those ships occasionally dock at the same port!

    Happy New Year, all! Let's make this our best one ever!
  • Just checking in quick before company comes. The couple that we went to Vegas with is coming for cards or games or something and munchies. I have a shrimp/crab dip recipe I'm trying out. I should try to do the stats on it so I can determine just how BAD it is, eh? I'm using fat free cream cheese and fat free sour cream and crab meat and shrimp are next to nothing so it shouldn't be awful.....if I don't eat the whole bowl. I LOVE that kind of dip.

    I cant' wait for the weekend to be over. My new year will actually start with WI (not Wisconsin) on Monday morning. Not that I'm going to pig out for the next two days, just that that is when I'm officially starting over. I have not done well in the past couple of weeks at all. Scale looks like it might be up about 5 pounds. I've been feeling so crappy, PMSing, and just nasal drip kinda stuff, that I will be happy to bring more structure to my life once again.

    I'm a "showgirl" again this weekend for The Fockers. Maybe this weekend we'll actually be able to watch it! It was sold out for most of the showtimes last weekend when we were counting. We'll have to see about this weekend.

    Marcie: GREAT loss! Good for you! That's quite an accomplishment for the holiday! You've got a real head start for the New Year.

    I'm going to run. Gotta get the dips put together and a few things tucked away. Love ya all bunches! Have a wonderful evening.

  • Happy New Year's Eve!

    I'm ending the year with a nice horseback ride and now a quiet evening at home with my two other loves - the dog and DH. Maybe that should have been DH and the dog.

    I left work before 2:00 this afternoon and grabbed my riding partner. It was 60 degrees, sunny and a calm day. Absolutely gorgeous. Good exercise too. I made a special point to use my leg muscles more and suck in my gut. Might be a celebrex day tomorrow.

    Tonight DH is making a special dinner. A lobster tail from Sam's club and two lamb chops each. We do love good food. But to his credit, he did not overdo on the portions.

    DH is trying (once again like us) to lose pounds this year. He got on the scale and almost died when it read 253. Not good for his back or his legs. I was like "wow, I weighed less than that". I didn't mean that in a mean way but that is the first time in our seven years together that I weighed less than him. Its been a week and he's still positive. Most of the time we don't make it a week before he's acting dumb and can't comprehend healthy eating.

    I'll have to be more vigilant on menu planning to help him be successful. Which will help me too.

    2Cute - I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter's FIL. It is always hard. You and his family will be in my prayers. Don't worry about the January challenge.

    Anyone mind if I create a thread for our January challenge for us to use in the interim? How about a snowflake challenge? Snowflakes for good and drips (melted snow) for bad.

    Tina - I am also very sorry to see about your loss as well. You'll be in my prayers as well.

    I need to go help DH with dinner here pretty quick. Have a great and safe evening! to everyone!
  • Terri-
    A snowflake challenge sounds great!
  • Thin I'm in it with you for Monday...my whole office is going on a DIET beginning Monday. After all the cookies and candies and junk the patients brought in to us over the holidays I probably gained 50 lbs!!

    Terri - the snowflake challenge sounds great to me!!

    Ruby welcome to this wonderful group of ours! You will feel right at home here!! Please feel free to jump right in!!

    Kat my mattress isn't the fluffy kind...John wanted firm for his back!! Its one of those thick mattresses that you have to buy the deep pocket sheets for! Lucky for me I have one set of those...and lucky for me I can go shopping now for sheets! I love to shop!! I actually need a step stool to get in the bed. I have to kinda jump and roll to get in it! LMAO...we have a new sleigh bed and it was high with the old mattress but I could still get in without having to roll....what a vision huh?

    Marcie great job on the loss!! A loss is a loss no matter what!! I will be joining you in reporting every pound I lose for 2005!!

    Qadira - welcome to you too! You will find this is a great group of women to associate with!

    Barb...my prayers are with you and Jeff this year...I will spread baby dust your way!! My little angel is fast asleep in my bed with his spongebob jammies on! I have to tell you...he was sitting in my lap yesterday while I was reading the posts and when he saw Charlie's picture he said "mommy, thats Charlie"! I couldn't believe he remembered her!!

    Chris...hop out of that depression! We have a new year, new beginning and a great group of women here (and a guy too) to help us along the way!! Look forward...not backward...we will all make it a bright, cheery journey into 2005!!

    Jana...don't give up! Jump in on the challenge...we have a goal to lose 300 lbs as a group in 2005...so whatever you can contribute will be an asset! Everyone's body is different and sometimes we just need to juggle our food, some days high points and some days low points to get our metabolism going! Just never give up!!

    Mary congrats on your son's engagement! That will give you some motivation, no? Get your hiney back here posting...we don't care if you are losing or not...just keep posting!!

    Barbg...love your avatar!

    Hi to Joyce, Tina, Leanne, CD, Jen, Susie, Steph and everyone else! Maybe with the new year some of the oldies who disappeared will come back and join us!

    For now...HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR!! I'll be back to catch up with you again tomorrow at some point!

    Love you all bunches!! Be safe! Michelle
  • Good Evening Ladies
    Tina & 2 Cute: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families

    BarbPA: I hope Jeff is doing better. I understand your struggles w/infertility. My DH and I were married 10 years before our son entered our lives through adoption. I pray that 2005 will bring a special blessing your way!

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    I haven't been around much this past year. 2004 was the year from for my family and myself. A broken ankle w/complications, five weeks in the hospital, a son in jail , and various other stuff. Despite everything, GOD has been gracious and merciful to us . You'll be seeing more of me in 2005, God willing. One good thing about being sick-I've been in TWO-terville for the last few months .

    Wishing you all Happy New Year!!
  • Thank you so much
    I want to thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts. {{ HUGS }}
    Tina... I am sorry I missed your post about your granddad. I am sending my prayers your way too. {{ HUGS }}

    I had my granddaughters for the last two days... and I was WORN OUT !!!
    One thing I am looking forward to when I lose some more weight is being able to keep up with them. LOL The baby can really stress me out. She can be a HANDFUL !!! It is a good thing I love her so much... because she can really frustrate me.

    Saturday is going to be VERY STRESSFUL for me. Taking food to other Grandma and family. Going to visitation of the passing Papa. So far I have only had to deal with the grandkids. I have not really had to face the reality of his death.

    I am dealing with guilt too. I feel guilty being alive when I have abused/neglected my body for so many years.... when he took such good care of himself. I feel like I should have been taken ... not him. I deserved to die... not him.
    PLEASE do NOT tell me how wrong these feelings are. I KNOW... everyone deserves to live. It is just how I am feeling. I am owning my feelings... nothing more. I have to own them first... then let them go. Thanks for listening... but please don't try to validate me. I don't need validation... I just need to get these feelings out in the open to let them go. Plus.. I have brought this thread down enough just posting these feelings... I certainly don't want it to become a topic of discussion. Hope that makes sense to you .

    On to a happier topic.
    Terri... I love your idea of "Snowflake Challenge" GREAT IDEA !!! I was headed toward a snowman theme so they fit hand in hand. Please go ahead and keep it going. I appreciate you helping me out.

    I want to announce the WINNER of our Christmas Challenge .....
    The winner is... LEANNE !!!! Congratulations !!!!
    Leanne.... I hope you have a sense of humor .... you'll need it when you get your prize.
    I will put it in the mail Monday .... hopefully it won't take too long to get to you.
    I think Leanne's total points earned was 76 !!!

    You will all have to do better than that to win the "Snowflake Challenge"
    I intend to have my best month yet. I am going to EXERCISE regularly this month.
    I AM GOING TO LOSE 10 lbs this month !!!!
    I am happy to share that I LOST weight this holiday season. I went up and down several times throughout the month... but in the end... I lost 5 lbs in the month of December.

    Is anyone interested in adding up how much weight we lost as a group in 2004?
    My total for 2004 is 30 lbs !!! I hope to double that in 2005 ... that is only 5 lbs per month. Definitely DOABLE !!!! And I am going to DO IT !!!

    I owe sooo many replys and just can't get to them all.
    But I do want to WELCOME ALL NEWCOMERS !!! So many of you.... Oadira,... Jibelle/Marcie,... Onetallmama/Jana,... TheRubySlippers/Ruby,.... on this thread alone.
    And welcome back... Mary, Chris, Joyce , and Joanne.

    Okay... gotta run. It is nearly 3am and I need to get some sleep. This was the only time I had to myself in a long time. I sure do miss all of you.
    I sure hope some more oldtimers return soon too. If you are lurking.. please post again. Come join us in our new "Snowflake Challenge"
  • Happy New Year!!!
  • 2Cute - {{{{{hugs}}}}}} is all I can say. I'll be thinking of you this day and especially your SIL. I lost my dad just 2 years ago and still remember the feelings.

    My total for 2004 is not stellar. BUT I'm glad its a net loss not a net gain. I'm up a bit here after Christmas so my total is only 8.2 lbs. I'm working hard this weekend and next week to get me back to a total loss of 30+ loss.

    2004 Net Loss
    2Cute - 30 lbs
    Terri - 8.2 lbs

    Total - 38.2 lbs

    Anyone else?

    Here is an update to what has been happening with me . I can't remember whether i told you about my brother getting put in jail for harrasing phone calls back in July. Well I helped him get out. The last of Sept the bail bondsman called and guess what. He hadn't finished paying his bail. So you guessed it, sister had to pay it. He now owes me $500.00 When I called him about it he hung up on me. I called him Christmas to invite him to lunch out of the kindness of my heart but he wouldn't answer. During the day he called me and he started badmouthing mother saying she should be dead for mbringing him in to this sorry world,so I told him never to call me again.

    My son moved in with his girlfriend in Oct. They got engaged on Christmas Eve. The wedding is in the spring. She is a nice girl and good for him.

    That leaves me and DH alone in the house now. We have decided that we are both going to start eatting diet meals instead of me cooking.
    I have fallen off the wagon badly in the last few months, but I am crawling back on and with all your help I will beat this.

    Welcome to all the newbies hope to get to know you all better.
  • We had a nice quite New Years Eve, but for the first time in many years we actually stayed up and saw it in!!! Maybe that means our luck will change for the new year!

    Nothing much on the agenda for today, except to work at taking down Christmas decorations!!! Why is it so much more fun to put them up than to take them down?

    Also I'll probally go into work for a while today, we got all of one system ready, but the other is not quite ready. Of course, it's the ACCOUNTING/GL system and no one will be actually using it except my sister Val and I, and we know we can't use it until it's finished, but if she can come in for a while, I'd feel better knowing it was done.

    I've had so much fun with the graphics I've been "snagging" and using on the posts. I guess you could say I'm addicted.

    Well anyway, I've finally taken the first steps in learning how to do them myself. I spent the time last night reading tutorials and practicing. When I get some ready, I'll share them with you. I know what I like, and I love to "create" things, but I don't have an original bone in my body!!! I'm very good at taking someone else's ideas and running with them, but the ideas are hard for me to come by.