Free Exercise Tapes and DVD's

  • I was looking on ebay and stuff for more fitness tapes that I would like to intoduce like pilates and yoga when it hit me that I should get them FREE from the LIBRARY. I live in a small town, but close enough to a major metro area and the libraries loan out books through the system. I put 10 pilate DVD's on hold and eventually they will come to me and I can check them out for a week or two for free. Then I can decide if I like any of them enough to buy them.
  • Great Minds Think Alike
    Hi Heather.

    I just did the same thing. As a matter of fact, I'm at the library right now. I picked up three (the library's limit) exercise videos yesterday. I tried to watch one last night on stretching but you'd have to be a gymnast to do that one - definitely NOT for beginners.

    I got two on Pilates. The one I watched last night looks like one I may buy - Pilates for Dummies.

    Unfortunatley, this library doesn't have a lot of videos. I'm going to check some other libraries to see what else I can find to review.

    Let me know if you find any keepers.
  • Excellent idea! The library is a wonderful resource!
  • Also - you can sometimes request a video through the library if they don't have it. It can take a few weeks, and sometimes they can't get them anyway. But it's worth a try if you think one would be good to add to their collection.