Desperate Housewives #330~Wednesday

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  • Hi ladies - hope all of you who have been sick are on the mend.

    I've been straightening this morning - my parents are on their way down, bringing Matthew's wagon that couldn't fit in our car Christmas night. I am ITCHING to throw stuff out, now that all this new stuff has come in. DH won't let me take the tree down until Sunday either, which is killing me.

    Okay, better scrub the kitchen floor. Congrats, Mel, on your loss!!
  • Hi, all. I am still dealing with DS #1 having the flu. Last night, he threw up kool aid all over the bathroom floor, this morning, after he slept for 15 hours, it was sprite all over the couch. The joys of being mom. Any way, I may be taking him to the dr, I think he may be getting dehydrated. I hope everyone is having a good week. I got in my exercise yesterday, and my water,too. I am doing the water today, and trying to take care of ds. Have a great day eveyone.
  • Hey ladies, sorry I've been so MIA. I've been here but just not posting. Not sure why, just busy I guess. I don't like to post unless I can say something to each of you so if I don't have time for that I usually don't do it at all. Anyway Christmas was good, Bayley made a haul and so did dh and I. I got a fossil watch with 3 different bands, a dust buster, good shampoo and conditioner, some really pretty sweaters and some chandelier earings. It was nice to have time off together and spend it with family. Not much planned for New Years, just going over to a friends house that has a baby Bayleys age. Should be fun.

    Bayley woke up with a 102 fever! She's never had one before and it made me really nervous, I had mom bring over some motrin and she seems to be fine now. Thank goodness, fevers scare me. I knew she would be ok but it's hard seeing your child sick. She's sleeping now and has been playing and seems cool now so it's all good. I need to grocery shop and wanted to get to the gym but it's not going to happen if I have to take Bayley so my mom is going to come stay with her so I can get some food in the house. My cupboards are bare!! Probably wont hit the gym though, just not in the cards for me today. I will get all my water in though, need to get a jump start on it though if I am going to get in 100 oz.

    Hi Tracy hope you can get rid of some old toys! I am going to have more kids so want to keep some of the toys Bayley has outgrown, however where I'm going to put them is a good question! Have fun scrubbing!

    Penny it was great to hear your voice yesterday! I was chuckling about your call the rest of the day. Who would know I would meet such great friends on here that we now talk on the phone! It's just too funny! Anyway cut pics! Looks like you all had a good time, that's so great!

    Hey Michelle! Can't wait to see if your new meds help you lose some weight. Hope your having a good day!!

    Hi Chris! Have fun decluttering!

    Kris I was LMAO when I read about Syd and the hanger! LOL That was like Bayley! We got home with all her new toys and she would rather be playing with the wrapping paper and the little pen light Ron got for Christmas than all the new things she got!! Why do kids do that? Just to torture us? I think so!

    HI Roxy! I've been MIA too so don't worry about it! Anyway sorry your family is driving you nuts, it's hard to get off routine and as much as you love them you can't wait to get back to your normal routine. I only have 1 child but I know exactly what you mean! lol Glad you had a good Christmas! Too funny about the poutine!

    HI Mel!! Sorry about your accident, too weird that your car needs 2700 done and the other one is nothing, I guess that's better though, right? Hope you get to feeling better and WTG on the loss!!!! I'm not sure if I will see one this week or not, I haven't been to the gym for 2 days now and not very good on my water, we will see.

    K ladies, my mom is going to be here soon so I need to get dressed and get ready to go. I'll TTYL!!
  • hey ladies - I fly by for me I am going to finish this load of laundry, and then get another going. Down to 4 left! Who-hoo! Anyway, dd is gettinga much needed nap at the moment. She had so many outbursts today, I thought I was going to lock myself out on purpose! LOL! Okay - time to get my butt in gear..Im doing okay on the water. I've got about 40 oz. now, and now I am having a diet sprite, I just needed some carbination and flavor! NO execise for me today, I am too busy getting ready for mil's b-day and getting the damn laundry done!
    Okay TTYL !
  • Well, well, well...
    The house is looking worse. The more I try to declutter, the more cluttered it looks. Where is my flylady?

    I've drank 117 oz. of water so far and I still have half a day to go. I swear the river is going to dry up because of me.

    Michelle-We are sunny and in the 40's. You must be getting all the "good" stuff. I think when I finally hit ONEderland, that'll give me a confidence boost and more motivation to keep me going.

    Jilly-Okay, call me dumb, but what is a fossil watch? Like a brand name or something? You'll have to forgive some of us Montanans, we don't get out much...

    Ricci-I hope ds gets better soon. I've only had to deal with dehydration 2 times between all my kids. Tiana was 1 1/2 and was hospitalized. Nicole was hospitalized at about 1 yr. old for pneumonia and she was dehydrated too. Enough to scare this mom half to death

    Kristin-YOu go girl!!! Tackle that laundry... Tiana came home from her dad's last night so I have about 3 more loads to do. We call it "decontamination" when she come home. Her dad smokes and that is all you can smell on her after she's been with him.

    Tracey-Ha! I get to take my tree down today...nana na na nana!!! I am soooo sick of the needles falling everywhere. She's a goner and then I can get my living room back in order again. Halleluah! How's the day going, anyhow?

    Penny-Were you screamin last night? I bet that was fun! Well now you'll have to recover from all your fun.

    Okay enough of a break. It's back to the grind for me. I have soo much to do and so little time to get it done. TTFN.
    ~ chris
  • Hi gals. Sorry I've been MIA today. I've been ebaying again. It's addicting but now that I'm getting in the mood to get into my decorating for the new house, I just can't help myself. Anyways, everything is fine. Just miserable as usual. Got a short little nap in but otherwise been lazy today. I had to get off of ebay a bit ago to get some things done. The house is picked up and a load of laundry is going. Gonna make spaghetti for dinner and the kids need a bath tonight.
    Sounds like everyone's doing well, still trying to recoop from the holidays. I don't think we're doing anything for New Years. We've got an appt. on Sunday to take care of some house stuff and if we have time, my mom said for us to go out, she'll have the kids. So we'll see. My parents 33rd wedding anniversary is Friday and my mil had been ill so our sitters are too a minimum right now.
    Mel, wtg on that loss. You are oh so close. Can you just taste it now? WTG!!!

    Okay, I'm gonna get back to ebaying, I'll start dinner around 430 so I've got a while. TTYL
  • I'm back again. The tree is down and I have to put the decorations away but I'm taking a break. That darn vacuum plugged up on me 3 times so far and so I had to vacuum with the attachments instead. Talk about a pain. Sitting around sucking up pine needles, unclogging the vac, sitting back down and doing it all over again. And now I itch like crazy. I'm allergic to pine trees and have no idea why I agreed to the "real" tree this year. I'm begging for an artificial one next year.

    Tiana's room is cleaned up. Kayla's is half way there. The dishes are done. I only have 3 more loads of laundry to do. I still have Coli's room to organize. Luckily, Steve, one of my dh's co-workers was cleaning out his garage and found a nice set of shelves. Those are going in Coli's room to house all her Christmas "goods". She doesn't have a toy box. Just a bed, and a dresser so this will help out a ton.

    I hope all this cleaning counts and helps me lose some of this nasty weight. I haven't had a moment to sit down yet today.

    Crystal-I feel for you. I swear the last few weeks are the most miserable. Comfort becomes a thing of the past and time just drags on and on. Get some rest and have fun with ebay. I know I'm totally addicted to that too. Too bad finances are short right now, or I'd be on there bidding away. I'll do it soon enough I'm sure. Looking at Tiana's jeans...She's going to need some more before the end of the school year. On ebay, I can get all those high end jeans she likes, and pay the Wal-Mart prices. That's okay for me. The more expensive jeans are the only one's that fit her scrawny little butt. She's such a twig. So is Kayla. Nothing like their mother....YET!!!!!

  • Chris LOL ya it's a brand. It looks just like this

    Heard something bad about a child going blind from Motrin and that's what I've been giving Bayley all day so I'm going to call the doc. Hope you all are having a good day! TTYL
  • Birth Order of Children
    Thought you all would like this

    The Birth Order of Children

    Your Clothes:
    1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OB/GYN confirms your pregnancy.
    2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible.
    3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.

    Preparing for the Birth:
    1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously.
    2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember that last time, breathing didn't do a thing.
    3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.

    The Layette:
    1st baby: You pre-wash newborn's clothes, color-coordinate them, and fold them neatly in the baby's little bureau.
    2nd baby: You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and discard only the ones with the darkest stains.
    3rd baby: Boys can wear pink, can't they?

    1st baby: At the first sign of distress--a whimper, a frown--you pick up the baby.
    2nd baby: You pick the baby up when her wails threaten to wake your firstborn.
    3rd baby: You teach your three-year-old how to rewind the mechanical swing.

    1st baby: If the pacifier falls on the floor, you put it away until you can go home and wash and boil it.
    2nd baby: When the pacifier falls on the floor, you squirt it off with some juice from the baby's bottle.
    3rd baby: You wipe it off on your shirt and pop it back in.

    1st baby: You change your baby's diapers every hour, whether they need it or not.
    2nd baby: You change their diaper every two to three hours, if needed.
    3rd baby: You try to change their diaper before others start to complain about the smell or you see it sagging to their knees.

    1st baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics, Baby Swing,and Baby Story Hour.
    2nd baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics.
    3rd baby: You take your infant to the supermarket and the dry cleaner.

    Going Out:
    1st baby: The first time you leave your baby with a sitter, you call home five times.
    2nd baby: Just before you walk out the door, you remember to leave a number where you can be reached.
    3rd baby: You leave instructions for the sitter to call only if she sees blood.

    At Home:
    1st baby: You spend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby.
    2nd baby: You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older child isn't squeezing, poking, or hitting the baby.
    3rd baby: You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.

    Swallowing Coins (a favorite):
    1st child: When first child swallows a coin, you rush the child to the hospital and demand x-rays.
    2nd child: When second child swallows a coin, you carefully watch for the coin to pass.
    3rd child: When third child swallows a coin you deduct it from his allowance!!

    Pass this on to everyone you know who has children..or everyone who KNOWS someone who has had children... (The older the mother, the funnier this is!) GRANDCHILDREN: ..God's reward for allowing your children to live.
  • Chris, you and I are so close to onederland. I'm routin for you too girl. You can do it!!

    Jill, cool on the watch and other gifts. Hope Bayley is feeling better. The going blind with MOtrin was an adverse reation, happened the first time the child took it. If bayley has taken it before, I wouldn't worry too much. Motrin is a stong med, I only give it at night because it last longer. I use tylenol during the day. You know, who knows if the child was given too strong a dose that caused that problem. You never know. I've never heard of it happening before.
  • Ladies this is interesting: No wonder why I'm not losing weight faster than I am. I hardly get any sleep with Bugga getting up 2-5 times each night....

    According to a new study, losing sleep can raise levels of hormones linked with appetite and eating behavior. Participants who slept only 4 hours a night showed an 18% reduction in leptin, the hormone that tells the brain when the body is no longer hungry, and a 28% increase in ghrelin, which triggers hunger. The study also noted that the participants tended to reach for sweet and starchy foods after a short night of sleep. Eve Van Cauter, a professor of medicine at the University of Chicago who led the study, said "Since the brain is fueled by glucose, we suspect it seeks simple carbohydrates when distressed by lack of sleep."
  • Interesting, bcause, I eat when I'm tired. Makes total sense....What do you all think?
  • Mel I've been hearing and reading a lot about that lately. I think it's totally valid. I bet that's whats going on with you. Not sure if there is a quick fix for it though so hopefully bugga will give you some better sleep soon.
  • I eat when I'm bored. I might eat when I'm tired too. I guess I've never really paid attention to that one. I did go through a long period before I started weight watchers where I wasn't sleeping good at all. I was up about every hour and was exhausted all the time. When I'm having flare ups with my arthritis- I can't sleep.

    Mel-that is interesting. I'm going to pay attention the next time I'm not sleeping well to see how my eating patterns change.

    I'm bored. I'm looking at all the laundry left to fold and just don't have it in me to fold it. What to do? What to do?

  • hey a goodnight from me...

    Mel - that all looks great! I know that sleep totally effects my eating...mine is simppley because I am too tired to do a little more preparing to eat healthy. I fi have a good night, I am more willing in the morning to get a lot doen and eat right, etc. My best days are when I sleep well. I can only sleep about 6-7 hours a night becuase if I sleep too long, then I get tired again from sleeping too much!

    Chris - I am so sick of laundry, I thought about just throwing all of it in my car and taking to the godwill! LOL we have more than enough to wear...right?? haha, yeah right. Have a good night, get some rest!

    OKay off to bed for me after posting at BLC, I drank 144 ox of water today! WHo-hoo! I was soooooo thirsty! and did a 30 minute frind tape too! I WILL lose this weight, and get back on track!

    TTYL! Have a great night all!