Desperate Housewives #308 ~MONDAY~

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  • Good evening ladies!

    Michelle: I love the 3FC tickers! I got one....seeeeee! It took me 3 tries to get the right one copied and pasted but it's there. I've never tried that makeup either, I don't wear it anymore. How cute on the build a "doggie"! I haven't ever heard of it, must not have it around here....maybe in Kansas City but I never go there if I don't have too.

    Crystal: Did you happen to get your gift today? Geesh the post office is sloooowwww! Hope you got coffee today while you were out. I got your card today. Thank you very much, it's my first one this year.

    Sherry: Hey girl! Glad to see you again!

    Jeniqua: WOOHOO on the butt kissing!

    Roxy: Men never learn that paybacks suck !

    Kristin: How sweet....I almost cried just reading your post!

    Geri: Kick that cold babe! Lots of Vitamin C, juice, etc., etc.

    Cindi: We'll be glad when you get all moved so you can come post more often .

    Phoenix: Did you fall in the wine vat? Where are ya?

    Spryng: Hope you had a great weekend with dh and I'm sure you did just great on your test today....let us know!

    Ok, I know I'm missing several people so to all of you!

    I didn't make it to Curves this morning! Dh was home and I was working on rearranging the living room until I had to take dd to preschool. Then I hit Walmart and was there til I had to pick her up , but I got the things I need to make Christmas gifts for each family household. We're making suncatchers on those cleaer picture frames with ribbon so they can hang them or set them in a window. We won't get started on them probably til this weekend.

    Tomorrow will be Curves in the morning! Tomorrow is WI at home and dh WILL so measurements tomorrow morning before he goes to bed. I haven't gotten them done in 3 weeks...again. I tried to do them myself last week but it ended up I lost 2 pounds and gained an inch in each! That's why he's doing them!!!

    Have a great evening all.

  • Here I am after a long day's work. Woo hoo! It's been a pretty good day. I got in 25 min. of walking during my break at work. I'm going to get my butt into this weight loss expedition again. I figured I need to warm up and get ready for the BLC. I'm so excited for that one.

    Don't have time to get personal. I have to deliver a Christmas present to my BIL before he leaves to go back home tomorrow. Just wanted to say hi to all of you and hope your day went great! TTFN and I'll see ya all tomorrow.

  • hi gals! a quick hi from me !! Michelle, you and Jill are too sweet! I can't wait to see what it is! Well I think I might now! LOL, but we'll see! Dh and I are 85% done with X-mas shopping now, I am so excited! We went to dinner and I had grilled Tilapia, broccoli and baked potato! YUM YUM YUM! Have a good night girls! Gotta get some cleaning done! Love to you all !!
  • Just checking in again!
    It's coming down lightly with freezing rain. That'll make tomorrow an interesting ride to school and work. I am doing school work with one girlie who cannot get division. I worked with her for about 1/2 hour but she still doesn't get it. Well we'll try again tomorrow. I like your new ticker Michelle! Is that you on it? Cute lil' devil! Is that something we all are supposed to do when they are ready with it?
    I did read the notice about the time delay in loading. Let us know when, and I'm in.
    Ladies I came close to drinking my 5 qts. today! I had more than a gallon of water, and I'm fuzzy on how much other than that I drank. Whoa, that was work! I wonder if I could do that everyday. Michelle, How'd you get your 3 gallons in for your cleanse? I.V.? Maybe you have a better tolerance for it! I find if I put frozen lemon slices in my glass, it's better.
  • Roxy I just guzzle and pee and guzzle and pee, when I'm cleansing. Also whenever I get hungry I drink 32 oz of water before I eat and if I'm still hungry after I finish drinking then I know I was really hungry and not just thirsty or bored. I am one of those people who has to ask themselves everytime they head to the kitchen whether or not I'm really hungry. And no you don't have to switch your ticker when they are up and running properly, it's just a perk that we're offering Something nice for the members and we don't have to go somewhere else to get them
  • Can we get them now? Or should we wait? Btw- photobucket is accepting new accounts now. So I got one, free up some of your bandwidth, thanks a bunch!
  • Roxy~ I can't drink staright water either. I always put lemon in my water..YUMMY!!!

    Michelle~ Thanks for the info on the build a puppy..I'm definitely going to look into it.

    Deana~ You are too funny!! I love your little icons..LOL!! Thanks for the wonderful laugh, I really needed that.

    Sherry~ Hey!! It's about time you came back and post. I missed you! I will email you too. Are you going to join the challenge we're getting ready to do here?? You should, it's going to be a blast! You have til Friday to sign up if you want to do it.

    Okay, it's 11:30 pm I think I better go to bed..Nite ladies!!
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    Did it work???
  • hmmmmm they are working on the script still and tweaking it thats why they said they don't recommend using them yet as we are still testing them

    Jeniqua at this place we went you could build kitties, puppies, monkies, pandas, giraffes, gosh there were tons of animals and then of course your standard teddy bears. Then they had this machine that spins the stuffing around, kinda looked like cotton candy. and then you get a guardian angel and you make a wish on your angel and put the angel inside your pet with the stuffing. Then you get to pick out the clothes it was sooo cute!!! Taylor loves her puppy!!!
  • New thread see you there