Desperate Housewives #303 ~WEDNESDAY~

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  • Hello ladies!! Today as been so hetic!! I've been running around all day for my daughter. She had a dentist appointment. She has to get 4 crowns, 4 fillings! I didn't think her teeth were that bad. To make it even insurance doesn't cover the procedure..uugghh!! She's suppose to be getting it done in 5 weeks. I guess I'm going to have to change my insurance provider because I know I can't afford it on my own.

    Roxy~ Hello!! Yes my daughter is in kindergarten. Thanks so much in advance, I can't wait to see what you have! I've been meaning to ask you, how do you manage with 10 children!? I babysit and the most I have at one time is 9 but 6 of them go home at night..LOL!! Are all your kids in public school now??

    Spryng~ Hi!! I'm glad you're enjoying your new job. It's nice when you have reliable family to babysit. Most of the kids I babysit are family and of course I too give them special rates.

    Sherry~ WELCOME BACK LADY!! We certainly missed you here. Keep the posts!!

    Michelle~ I love the idea of the challenge! I can't wait to hear more about it. I think we all could use that extra push.

    Mel~ I know exactly how you feel. I felt that way for the last 2 months but am now back OP. You can do it! We are all here to support and encourage each other. Continue to be consistent and it will come off.

    Alicia~ Hello!! My name is Jeniqua and I'm 28. I've been married for almost 6 years now(Feb 13th). I am a SAHM to Jasmine 5, Juliesa 3(will be 4 Dec 27th) and Joseph Travis(we call him JT for short) 2 1/2. I too am fairly new and I absolutely love it here! Welcome and I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Well, I'm off to surfing the web..all the kids are sleeping before 9!! What am I to do??? LOL!! If I forgot anyone I am sorry but know I appreciate you all. Nite!!
  • Good evening all!!!
    I think I am finally getting into my groove, lol.. with this job and trying to post. So here I am! Today was a great day! We really learned alot and will start paying claims as early as this monday which excites me because I really love the process involved. But I used today as my flexpoint day and went to lunch with a friend and splurged on a small burger and fries which totally hit the spot. But tomorrow it's right back to core.
    OK, Michelle... thank you thank you thank you for the gifts!!! I know everyone wants to know what I got, lol... so here it is... a little planner organizer, (which I love!) a bathset in vanilla (bath crystals, body wash, etc, smells so good and the bottles are so pretty!) and a reindeer that I laughed and laughed when I saw it!! It is a toy reindeer that has jelly beans (brown ones) you put them inside the reindeer and then squeeze it and guess what? It becomes reindeer poop!! Comes right out the back side, lol! You are such a funny person Michelle and that really gave me a taste of your personality, but thank you so much for the gifts! You are the best!
    Penny, I have your gift all boxed up now and will get it in the mail tomorrow!! I'm so excited for you to recieve it, lol.
    ok, let me take a moment and try to get personal with everyone.

    Jeniqua, so sorry about the dentist mess. Insurance can be very tricky I am learning and you have to be really insurance savvy to get things your way because they will never tell you, lol. Hope you can get some coverage for that procedure.
    Michelle, you have been dealing with late toms and I've been dealing with toms that won't leave! LOL! Ever since I got back on the pill my periods have been coming too soon and staying two weeks or more. This last time it was 3 weeks! I'm on my 4th package of pills now so maybe it will start to get normal. I tell you... being a woman is hard!
    Mel, I thought the biggest loser was off last night! AHHH! I missed it?? I love that show so much!! I hope you are able to get some motivation back soon. It's very hard I know.. but stick with it and you won't regret it!!
    Ginny, glad you can enjoy your slippers!! How have you been? Did you ever switch to core or are you still doing winning/flexpoints?
    Crystal, I totally understand you are at the uncomfortable phase of your pregnancy. I hope the next few weeks fly by for you!
    Roxy, believe me, if this was 5 weeks ago you wouldn't see my up at 6 am let alone cleaning my house, lol! This job has really changed alot of things and I think for the good. I really am enjoying it and the kids are thriving so that makes me feel much better about my decision too.
    Well another thing this job has changed is my sleeping schedule, lol... I'm exausted and off to bed now! I will try and chat some more in the morning but if not you'll see me tomorrow night!! Have a great night all! And thanks again Michelle!!! You are the best!
  • Hey guys!
    Thought I would tell you a little bit about me...I am a sahm of two. Chase turned two on Monday and Stuart is 31/2 months...I live here in Allen, TX just north of Dallas/Plano area...and have lived in TX all my life...I taught elementary school before having kiddos and am loving staying home...

    Happy Birthday Andrew! You and Chase are so close in age!

    Crystal- I know what you mean about hating being pregnant toward the end...I was so done with it in August...I told my doctor to stick a fork in me! AGHHH...I am done!

    I started WW after having Chase and lost all my baby weight only to find out I was pregnant again! I was super excited but not looking forward to getting fat! So now I am back on WW and have lost 19 lbs but still have at least 11 more that I want to lose...

    So I am just curious...the name Desperate that because you guys watch the show?
  • to all!

    Sorry I was MIA all day. I have been working on the kids room all day!!! plus all the running and scouts. I finally got it done at 10:00 tonight. The kids didn't mind though, they got to stay up late.

    Needless to say I didn't make it to Curves today but will be there tomorrow.

    I splurged today on lunch, but figured I was really burning those cals by cleaning and moving furniture. I really deep cleaned that room. I went to Chinese.....get this.....BY MYSELF!!! Kinda snuck there after I took dd to preschool.... . I was pretty good though, I put my hot and sour soup bowl on the plate and then the rice and other things around that so I couldn't get much on there....and only one crab rangoon, my weakness! That was the first time I have been there in over 3 months! Then because I was running late from scouts, my chicken wasn't thawed yet and dh had to was McDonald's for supper. But again I was good, I had a salad. I just love their California Cobb Grilled Chicken with Balsamic Vinagrette dressing and croutons....only 360 cals.

    Sorry to not get personal with everyone, I will be back in the morning. Nothing planned during the day except Curves and picking up some lumber so we can expand our entertainment center this I will be staining until then! Gotta nail dh down while he's off this weekend.

    See ya'll in the mornin'!

  • Oops!!! I almost forgot....

  • Hey Ladies

    Spryng, I'm so glad you liked your gifts You sound so excited about work, that's awesome!!!

    Yoda, I had the idea to change the name of the group from sahm's to Desperate Housewives because several of us have decided to go back to work, and well, we are all housewives and all get a bit desperate at times, and I love the show and I think several other members do as well. It's great to have you in our group!

    Deana, I enjoyed our chat last night It sounds like you were very busy today!! Wanna come deep clean my house? LOL!!! I call crab rangoons crab racoons lol and I love them too, but thanks for giving me the craving now LOL!!

    Okie dokie artichokies, I'm at work with nothing to do as usual but I suppose I should look busy lol. Oh I've made some changes at our MSN Group site and added a section for our Biggest Loser Challenge! So there is a sign up page if you want to be a part of the challenge please sign up there and there will be several message boards for each section of the BLC. I'll be working on it throughout the week

    Have a good night ladies!!
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