Feisty & Sexy 50 & 60 yr olds #114

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  • Tornado? Oh My........
    Geri: Glad there was no damage to your property. Pretty scary Im sure!

    Slavika: Oh I dont know the names of flowers either. I buy them cuz they are pretty. Then I forget the names of them when someone asks Just something that does not stay in my brain! Good luck at your WI tomorrow! I know you will have a fun tea time. Say Hi to Trudy!

    Maria: Good idea to get a second opinion. Bet that wallpaper is very cute! We have a show like that here to. I like to watch it when Im home.

    Night all!
  • ...not trying to be mysterious...
    Hi gals... I just haven't been feeling well. This damp rainy weather has been murder on my Fibromyalgia and Myofacial Pain. Right now my head feels as if it is in a vice. Because Fibro is a muscle syndrome, it affects my digestion as well. So... I have been feeling lousy. Haven't been sleeping well, so no restoritive sleep for me. The weather man promises that this disturbance is supposed to leave tomorrow mid day, so I know this will pass. I will "talk" to you gals tomorrow... bye bye
  • Trudy I hope that you are feeling better today. Take it easy. Peggy
  • Oh Poor Trudy
    I hope you get to feeling better soon.
    Take care of your self
  • ..sunshine today....
    Hi gals ... feeling better today, the sun is shining and that always works for me. I can take really cold weather, but can't take the dampness.
    Geri.. those tornados are so scary, sometimes we get warnings, but I have never been in one, and I don't want to be in one. Can't believe people chase them
    Maria..Canada is such a diverse country, when you travel from coast to coast, you get different climates, geography (from mountains to prairies), different customs and accents. No matter where we have travelled, we always liked the Province or city we were in. I guess it is like anywhere else, if you take the time you will find something you like.
    Peggy.. the first washer & dryer we had lasted 30 years, the second washer we got has had 2 transmissions in it already .. somehow I don't think it will last 30 years like the first one did.
    Ann.. for sure I have to buy Kashi when we cross the border. Some Canadian cities have it, but we don't.
    Slavika.. I went to that weight loss site.. that guy has be paid for appearing on two different weight loss supplements. I guess he thought no one would notice, but you did! Your flowers are so pretty. Most of the time I just buy what looks nice too ~ usually don't have a clue what they are called etc. WW meeting was really good today, we had a couple of ladies who had us laughing. The meeting went a full hour, there were a lot of questions.

    Hubby's sister and her DH are back for a few months. They have a farm they want to sell, it is always nice having them around. I had a really nice day today, hope everyone else did too.... bye for now
  • ...we had sunshine today

    Hi Everybody
    It sure was nice to wake up to sunshine today.

    Yesterday, this little bird, I think it was a red headed Finch went into Sammy's little food hut and was pecking away at the grain I put in there. Well everytime I looked out she was in there. First of all it was pouring rain, and she had hopped right into the "hut" was out of the rain and had all these seeds to eat. I guess most of the bird feeders were swimming in water so she must of thought she found "birdie heaven". I loved it.

    We had a great WW meeting. Our Leader is very funny, and so are a couple of the gals in our class. It was fun, and I lost 1.2# so that pleased me too. Trudy might not have been feeling too good yesterday but she sure looked good.

    My DIL actually left for Croatia today. When she told me she was leaving on the 9th she meant the 8th. That's ok, I saw her this morning and gave her a hug. Three weeks is a long time. Her children will really miss her as will we all. I hope she has a lovely trip with her Father.

    Maria Trudy is right, Canada has many many beautiful places. Whistler is just one of them. It is of course in the Province of British Columbia. You could check out some "travel sites" on the net to get an idea of what the different places are like. I forget Maria, do you have one more sleep left??? LOL

    Lily I'm glad someone else has trouble with the names of all the flowers. I have some friends who are REALLY knowledgeable.....boy I hate that. hee hee
    I have to keep all those little plastic thingme's that tell me the name of the plant, and whether they like the sun or shade. Vegs I know....I never mistake a tomato
    for a carrot.

    Peggy well I guess tomorrow you get your new washing machine, that's better then going to the laundermat. I recovered completely from my flu and my DH is much better today.
    Good night everybody, have a great day tomorrow, and I'll "talk" to you then.
  • Very Hot here ALAS.......
    Trudy: Glad you are feeling better! Wow a washer & dryer that lasted 30 years? They sure dont make them like that any longer. This set we have is 12 years old so Im crossing my fingers as Im expecting them to go out soon.

    Slavika: Your little bird did find a treasure. Bet hes gonna moved in. Then when Sammy comes back.... Oh oh...trouble!
    I use to save the plastic things to and then finally just gave up on that to! I do know my Veggies to! Just not the flowers.

    Maria: Have to agree with Slavika. Canada is Beautiful!!!!!! I havent been to where Trudy and Slavika are yet. But thru Victoria & Vancouver and that side is truly beautiful. Fell in Love with the place. We loved it so much we went back 2 years in a row for vacation. I do want to spend alot more time traveling Canada and seeing alot more.

    Its been 95 for the past 2 days here. Usually doesnt do this til Late June. And rolling black outs again makes it mighty hot inside to! ALAS. Just got back from Trader Joes. Found all kinds of great Stir fry's. All low points and look really good. Cant wait to try them!

    Have a great night!
  • Still no rain!
    Trudy: Glad you are feeling better. We have lots of sunshine down here in Florida. I have a friend here with fibromyalgia, and she enjoys the sun. Where are you in relationship to Calgary? I've always wanted to attend the 'Stampede'. :":

    Slavika: Congrats on the WL. And glad you are over your 'flu'. Croatia is a a long ways away. And I surely hope your DIL has a fine and safe time. That part of the world seems to have a lot uf unrest.

    Peggy: Tomorrow is the day for the new machine. You probably can't wait to try it out.

    Lily: Glad you liked the krispies.

    Maria: I used to live very close to the Canadian border, and was able to visit Ottawa, the capitol, quite often. A lovely city, and very interesting. Of course that is Eastern Canada. Montreal and Quebec are also interesting, but you have to speak French.Or at least understand some.

    Goodnight all. Ann
  • Hi y'all,

    Just a quick hello. Been really busy. Glad to see Trudy is back.

    Josiesaid to say "hi". She has been super busy. She is keeping Cole 2 days a week now so she can't do her typing on those days. She and her Dh have bought 5 acres out in the country and have been looking at new houses. She checks the thread so she knows what is going on but doesn't have the time to paost right now. Hope we can get her to come back. I miss her.

    There was quite a bit of damage around here due to the tornado. We didn't have any and neither did my friends. Several houses right in our neighborhood were hit pretty hard. It apparently went right over our house.
    Thank God.

    Peggy, I hope you like your new machine. Can you fill us in on what really happened with the kid that was shot. All we get is what's on the national news and I don't think that is necessarily the most objective coverage. It tends to be slanted and aimed at sensationalism rather than "just the facts".
  • Hi, If you want to read any of the riot stuff here is a linkhttp://enquirer.com/editions/2001/05/08/loc_officer_indicted_on.html It is from our local paper. Yesterday there was a good article about all 15 but it is not updated yet. If the kid would have stopped when he was told to and not run this would never would have happened. All the cop knew was that he was wanted on 13 warrants. He did not know that they were minor things. We will have to see how it plays out in court. The wonderful washer came and it works great. Of course the hot water faucet thingme srpang a leak{shower} when it was turned on to needless to say I am washing everything in cold water. Dh is not having a good day. They delivered the trusses for the garage he is building to the wrong address. Now he can fix the faucet and the storm door which also broke. Since he doesn't do plumbing I guess we will have to call a plumber in. It is always something, isn't it? But I lost a pound this week. Yesterday it was more but some came back overnight. Have to go take Max for a walk, Peggy Geri I am glad the tornado passed over your house and Trudy I am glad you are feeling better.
  • I have just been having an argument by e:mail with my very best friend in the world. Her name is Beverly and she is having a really hard time. Three years ago she and her daughter found out that her grandson had been molested by his father since he was a year old. They have since divorced, of course, but the custody battle goes on. Lori has full custody, but the Sleaze is always trying to get the child back in court. It has been a battle, but in t he last 3 years Beverly has changed so much. She has become cynical and gained a lot of weight. I finally just told her that she needed to get back in control, take all that junk food out of her house (she has it sitting around in bowls, for the "kids"). I told her it would be like me having packages of cigarettes all over the house. You don't have bottles of alcohol around if you are a reformed alcoholic either. Anyway, we will see.

    Last Sunday my dh and I, ds and dil wallpapered my other son's dining room. He and his honey are getting married June 2 in Hawaii. We did this as a wedding present. We all worked so hard (the previous wallpaper hadn't been put on right) but we got it done and the area around a windowseat painted the color of the flowers in the paper. We had so much fun, but Monday Leon and I could barely walk. I told them if I had it to do again, I would take them to Dillard's. Just kidding. My dil is 8 months pregnant and she worked like a Trojan. She does this type of thing all the time and is just so much fun. She never gets cranky. Without her we would have been lost. It was one of those magical fun afternoons where everybody works and laughs a lot.

    Lily and Slavika - I am the same with flowers. Don't know their names, just that they are pretty. Lily - How are the "rolling blackouts" affecting you? Slavika - I hope you are peeking when the bird and Sammy meet.

    Maria - When do you get to go back home? I think you have had a great time on your journeys.

    Trudy - My dil's mother has fibromyalgia, but she has it really bad. They have thought about giving her a course of chemo she has it so bad. I know that when I was on chemo, my arthritis quit hurting and I haven't had it back at all.

    My sister and her dh and my brother and his wife are going to Arkansas Friday to visit our uncle. Think we should have fun. He never had a family, but married when he was 58 and is now alone. He wants to take us, his family, to church, I think, to show us off. Being the youngest couple (what a hoot!), we will get the blowup mattress. Pray for us!
  • Geri: Glad you talked to Josie. I miss her and wish she would come back to. Hopefully she will get unbusy someday.

    Peggy: Boy sounds like not to good of a day for you! That article was interesting. Its really kinda of sad. Congrays on the loss tho! You are doing good!

    Glenda: To bad about your friend. Maybe she will listen. But sometimes if they arent ready they just wont listen. The rolling Black outs are going on. But so far I havent had them at work. Usually happen during the day at home so it doesnt effect me. I will just sit in the dark at work when it happens and get hot is all. Actually I will go outside and get hot. They only last for 1 hour. so Its not to bad.
  • Another lovely Florida day:D
    But we need the rain!
    Geri: So glad the tornado missed you and yours. That is a worry here in Florida too.

    Glenda: Sorry about your friend, but sometimes that sort of constant trial makes one just sort of give up. Sounds like you are good for her, since everyone needs a good friend to tell you what is real and to get on with life. Her kids need her more than ever, especially when they are all getting put through the 'wringer' too, knowing that their father is a sleaze.

    Lily: We experienced the rolling blackouts once here, when there was such cold and freezes and people had Christmas lights plus all the heat necessary. But that was just a short time, notthe way you folks are having to deal with it. It never ceases to amaze me what 'greed' can do.

    Peggy: I guess it is so hard for members of the Black population to not shout discrimination, at imagined and/or real problems. It is hard for me to understand how they riot and actually do damage to their own people, store owners, etc. And yet I know I would not like to be judged only on the color of my hair. I want to be judged for who I am.I think we have raised a generation of people who don't seem to be able to accept the consequences of their actions. I better get off my soap box!

    Even washing with cold water in a new machine has got to be o.k. Just think of all the electricity you are saving. Maybe it will find its way to California. LOL Hope you found a plumber.

    Hi Slavika, Trudy, Maria, Karen Ann