Amazing Autumn Royal Adventure Ii! All Welcome!!

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  • Hello all!

    Whew! Glad I'm home today to be able to catch all the posts!

    Wildfire! YEA!! Very kewl! So glad things are moving along so quickly!
    You are due for some good fortune!! Will it add to your travel/commute time?
    Does it put you in a different school district??

    Empress! I too, am very impressed with your painting! Like singing, painting has always been a talent I admired and wished I had....

    Eydie! I need your advice! I didnt realize how tough getting to goal really is!
    Remind me please how long it took you to get thru the last 10 lbs... I know you are a few years younger than I and there are other factors to consider but I really feel like I have come to a place on the road that I need a new map and a guide too! I don't know why I thought it would just fall off!
    And PS, regarding Dr Phil, I think his wife would be knocking on your
    door saying "Nach w/ my husband!" ...

    Anagram! Yes, it makes sense that Ebay would become too big but it sure was not what I wanted to see!! Sure hope this doesnt mean there won't be any reason to yardsale!!

    Ceara! Glad the ear is healing... What did I miss about Toddler time??
    Is it true you manage one?

    Wood Nymph!Yes, it is worthwhile... and no, you don't want to have to start all over again later either...yes, time does move slowly when we are watching the scale BUT... don't forget...... the time is going to pass anyway...If you're like me, you don't want to be wishing come March 05 that you still weighed what you do today because you gained.... and if we're lucky, both of us will see a loss by March 05!!
    Don't forget, when we don't fell well, we (me at least!) are more apt to crave/need comfort food and because we don't feel well, find it harder to resist....
    Here's a "take a long lunch card" and maybe you can sneak a short nap in...
    Tell them ALL I said so....

    WSW! How are you ? Hope you are catching all the greetings from all of us... you are being sent love and warm salutations across the miles....

    Cerise! 1st of all, good for you passing up on the first band, gut feelings are important..... the NY's eve opportunity sounds great! How exciting... AND you know you have to be open to using this audition for whatever lesson there might be coming with it.... even if its only for practice... Breathe... breathe.. breathe... stretch... stretch... stretch...
    And btw, you really do know how to get over the speed bumps....just take it nice and slow... you know if you put your pedal to the metal you're only going to bottom out....
    I suspect you've already made your list, you know what you have to do to learn those songs... you know what you want to wear... ( You BETTER SAY SOMETHING YOU LOVE THAT'S COMFORTABLE ) and keep posting...stay w/ us... we are all rooting for you... in fact, I am signing a proclamation now that all the royal subjects must send good vibes your way... so you will feel prepared, look ravishing and knock them dead!

    SeeCat! Tell us more, more, more! Need details! Really, how are you??

    Thought of the day :

    "None of us suddenly becomes something overnight. The preparations have been
    in the making for a lifetime."
    ---Gail Godwin

    Question of the day :

    "When is the last time you went to the library?"


  • Ok, I just alughed out lound about the Dr. Phil dream and then I laughed even louder about the food=sex post. Fortunately my boss, who has an office right across the hall from mine, is not in right now.

    I started journaling again today after a week long hiatus. It is really the only thing that keeps me on track. When I journal I know what I am eating and how much I am eating. I also do the WW point tracking when I journal. It is the one thing that has helped me lose weight. I know that I am an indifferent exerciser at best and plan to be better about it in the future, but seriously, if I do not write things down I do not lose weight.

    Speaking of exercising, did anyone else out there watch any of the Ironman triathalon that was on about a week ago? Did anyone else get all emotionally involved and start thinking "wow I would love to do that". I then realized that I would die on the swimming portion alone, make it about a fifth of the biking portion and then save myself the bother of having to buy running shoes becuase , well seriously, a marathon? I think I might be running in a 5k this spring through. Hey, it ain't the ironman, but it seems ambitious to me right now.

    For whoever asked, I live in Minneapolis, MN. For those of you who know Minneapolis, I live in Northeast, or as it is known here Nordeast. It is coldish here, but not as cold as it supposed to be this time of year. And all of our snow left us. We are supposed to get more later this week. If we haev a brown christmas I will be really bumbed out.

    QOD: I was in the library for work about two weeks ago. I tend to be a book buyer, which is not fiscally responsible but o so fun. Incidently I got the trivial pursuit book lovers edition for my mother for her birthday and it is really really hard. Super hard. You should check it out. I did well of the childerns lit and the classics and okish of authors adn nonfiction, but there are two categories, book bag and book club. that I did not know a thing about.

    Well, back to work.

  • QOD..every bloody day! I have the scars!

  • [color=blue]Seecat, do you have the Flexpoints tracker? I love that thing ... have two but don't do points anymore. I assume you have that but if not, you're welcome to my extra one ... I won't go back to points.

    I always thought I'd love to do a triathalon, but upon reflection it occurs to me that I can't swim and would drown.

    Very excited about the portrait (sorry, repeating myself) ... they've scanned it and the cards should be ready tomorrow or the next day ... got lots of compliments on it ...

    Well, brain-dead ... must go to bed.

    QOD: Yesterday ...
  • I am not going to close that code ...
  • Up way too early again today. Sigh....Good day yesterday but food not low enough that I'll lose anything. Empress, do you mean the code on that IBS popup? Tres annoying, no? I'd love to be the kind of person who could do a triathlon. Doesn't mean I'd do it, just would like to be that kind of person. Did I mention DIL did Marine Corps Marathon again this year? Sigh....Hmmm, I don't even know if she swims. I do know she runs and bikes so those parts of the triathalon she has down real pat. But I don't want to ask or next thing I know, she'll be training for a triathalon. She has DS running too but he says he doesn't have a death wish and so will not try marathons. He does "halfs" with her though. And that's pretty good for the couch potato I raised.

    Well, morning beckons. Appt that will take most of the morning and then another in the middle of the afternoon. Not much "Christmas" will get done today.....but tomorrow is a dinner dance (a turkey dinner so won't have lots and lots of goodies to reject - or try to).
  • One night of Victorian Christmas down! I have to leave soon and probably won't be home till 10:30 tonight. I'll wear my play clothes for the first part of the day and will try to sneak away and get in some Pilates today---that's the plan, if it happens, it happens.

    Kaylets, about losing those last 10 pounds. I guess I had to find the old 'fire in the belly' and started yet more experimentation. I started counting calories for real and kept exercising, of course. I was able to lose 14 pounds in 4 months that way, and now that I've reduced sugar I've lost 5 more pounds. And all the time, journaling it all. [SeeCat, journaling is the BEST! ]
    I've never been on any plan where 'the pounds just melted away'. I really HATE hearing that expression---I don't believe it happens in real life!
    This last [or latest] leg of my journey has been about finding food that truly satisfies me and comforts me, not the illusion of comfort that I got from sweets. Oh I could go on and on....!
    BTW, current weight is 132 pounds-----and as always nobody's more amazed than me!

    Gotta go pack my food for the day! Last night as I was putting out the fudge and cookies for the reception it would've been so easy to eat up all those little broken bits, and the impulse was there, I admit, but only from habit, no real craving.
  • I think the code was for /color. I do that too. Anagram why are you up so early......I usually do that when something is bothering me. It can't be the light...boy is it dark at 6:30!

    Cerise! How did the audition go? I've been waiting and waiting......

    Actually I say vitamin the way you do Arabella, but I think it the other way.......hmmm. And yes they are in that book. I should take a multi anyway......I always have them I just don't take 'em. I dislike pills.

    Toddlertime is a story time for 2 year olds and their babies in baskets. I have up to 10 kidlets with parents, grandparents, babysitters, and sibs, or other children in the caregivers' care. It can get a little snuggish, but we do have fun. The programme is about a half hour long...we do lots of little songs, fingerplays, puppets and 3 books/ programme. I like doing instruments...usually the sticks, but yesterday we did bells...for Christmas you know.

    Lost at weigh-in last night. Celebrated with 2 cookies and some pop-corn. Feel loggy this am....Sugar..the evil May try for a walk later, the sun is supposed to be abnormality these days!

    I am either going to wash walls, clean for the tree, or go to town...maybe I can do a bit of the first 2 and still do the last. Oh yes...should wash that dog too...she has chalk in her legs.

    Have a great day s.


  • Hello, darlings.

    This is a me-me fly-by since I'm tired and...tired. Wanna go home and be with The Ramon.

    But I don't want you to stay in suspense - I got the gig! The band liked me. Despite some trouble hearing myself (they're loud) and some mistakes I did OK, had a really "game" attitude and jammed with them for a couple of hours. They're these sweet, pudgy sort of 40-year-old suburbanite family men, and I'm already terribly fond of them. They're not educated musicians, but I can still learn from them and they sound pretty good. I've told them that nothing's guaranteed after New Year's (with regards to my staying on as a vocalist), but that I'll for sure do the party with them and then we'll see.

    Anyway, thanks for your wonderful support of what I'm trying to do. It means so much to me just to read about all of your lovely lives and to know that you care about mine, too.

    Much love, and sorry for the (unnatural) brevity.
  • Well, this is unusual. I woke up at about 2 and couldn't get back to sleep. Maybe because I went back to bed this morning and slept until 8:30 (we get up at 5:30 usually -- yes, it's harsh!). I'm (I think) recovering. Found at least one more reference to snuffling chili pepper water, so I (cautiously) tried it yesterday. I think it worked, not an immediate cure, but I could definitely feel it in my sinuses and things seem to be breaking up. Just used a tiny bit -- maybe an eighth of a teaspoon in 8 oz. of water. Perhaps if I'd used more I would have seen God. Hope this is completely gone soon. I had fever/chills the night before last and now have that wobbly post-fever feeling. May take the laptop to bed and work from there today. I thought I might be well enough to go to the gym, but I don't know.

    Kaylets, you're absolutely right -- I don't want to wake up from a self-induced coma in March, 20 pounds heavier and wondering how it happened. I'm working to keep Monday's weigh-in in mind. There's our family Christmas party on Sunday and I vow to stay on plan! One sister is taking a veggie tray. I think I'll take mussels. So there's two good things. Must stay dedicated!

    Ceara, that's so funny that you say vitamin one way and say it in your head another. I've known some Brits that said it that way -- were you British in another life? I think there are some words I do that with too

    Cerise, How Cool! Oh, I wish we could all be there to see and hear you on New Year's Eve. Did you have to confer with TR (The Ramon) over this? I would never get away with doing anything separately on New Year's Eve, but then it is my anniversary too...

    Eydie, I did have a time where weight seemed to just melt away. It was a non-diet, though, really. Following some book that I never seem to be able to remember the name of, I just started eating only when I was hungry and only enough to satisfy. No restrictions on what I could have, but trying to eat healthily. And I found that when I'm hungry I want healthy stuff. You trained yourself not to think about food when you weren't hungry and to NEVER think nasty thoughts about being fat. I lost about 60 pounds in 6 months, not really melting away, I guess, but it felt like that. Of course, those good habits fell by the wayside and here I am again. Ah well... onward!

    SeeCat, I ran a couple of 5ks, one last summer and one in October. My first ever! I had been running (or what I call "running" ) three times a week. I think I'm going to skate through the winter, though. I'm not sure I have the gumption to run on snowy/icy roads any more.

    Anagram, I'd love to be fit enough to do a triathlon and competent in all three sports, but -- no, no desire ever to do a marathon, let alone a triathlon. I remember someone talking about marathons and training for same being so arduous that they actually took years off one's life. I'd like to be able to do 10k (six miles) comfortably, and think that's an achievable goal.

    Amarantha, I keep thinking about your portrait -- have you thought about taking your art seriously as a career? It sounds as if it could be feasible!

    Ok. Hi ho hi ho. Have a terrific Friday, all. Love!

  • Hello all!

    Cerise! I am so excited for you!! THIS is a GOOD thing... in more ways than one! You MADE it thru the audition, you made mistakes but are ok with them, ( and you should be, perfection isnt ever going to happen for any of us!) AND you got the job AND you are meeting folks in your area in your FIELD OF INTEREST!!! Am so excited for you!

    Wish I could stay longer but am out the door... raining and dark so I need to allow extra time...

    Does seem as though the wheel is turning for new things for all of us....
    Or perhaps its beccause we are really getting out there and PUSHING it...

    sorry couldnt be more personal this am...

    Thought of the day :

    "Start by doing what's necessary, then
    what's possible, and suddenly you are
    doing the impossible!"
    -- Saint Francis of Assisi

    Question of the day :

    "Would you rather have good looks or good sense of humor?"

    Love to all!
  • QOD: Good sense of humor. Hands-down. No question. Ab-so-freakin'-lutely. You even have to ASK? Who wants to be a *****y little hoochie-mama in cute clothes and frosty lipstick that everyone hates? I'd rather make people laugh...
  • *exhale*

    The house inspection held no surprises. We signed the waiver, so it's technically ours now! Still have to have a lawyer do a title search, then sit and wait for February 18th.

    Sorry my head's been all wrapped up in this. I've been lurking but generally too tired to fomat a reply. Like I am now.

    Have to congratulate Cerise, though!!! You go, girl! WE never had any doubt about your talent, and it's tres cool you will be sharing it with others!

    Will catch up this weekend.
  • Please help me
    Oh, my God. You guys are not going to believe this, but I just called and turned that band down. They sent me a couple of CDs today with at least 75% of the songs being stuff I didn't know and hadn't even heard of and didn't particularly like. I called Michael, the sort of leader, to ask him exactly how many songs I was supposed to learn and he said we were doing 29 songs at the party. 29 SONGS! In three weeks! When I wigged out a little bit, he started placating me by saying stuff like I wouldn't have to perform all of them, and most cover bands do at least that many per concert (I know from experience that that's an exaggeration). He said we'd work it out at our rehearsal Sunday and signed off with me. After an entire day, an ENTIRE DAY of privately panicking at work and then an evening of crying all over Poor Ramon about my cowardice and laziness and selfishness and grappling with the undeniable fact that I did not want to do this concert, I finally called him and left him a message saying that I was not going to do the gig and could he please call me.

    I'm in total anguish. Part of me is so relieved that I'm listening to my desires and not doing something I don't want to do, but you know there's that part of me that says that every decision I make is unworthy, cowardly and selfish, since I'm consistently motivated by greed, selfishness and laziness...that's how I felt in trying to deal with my extreme aversion to the gig and my deep feelings of obligation to the band, the universe (since I Put Myself Out There and am now trying to Take Myself Back) and even my co-workers, who were all saying that I should just take the gig - it's only one concert, after all, and you'll be PERFORMING AGAIN. But it's too much hard work on music I don't even like.

    Anyway, I'm going through a tough time philosophically with this, a really hard time, never mind that I'm disappointing and possibly really hurting four people who were kind to me, liked my singing and shared their beer and rehearsal time.

    Please tell me I'm not a monster. I can't seem to get out of this pit I put myself into. Please tell me you understand...
  • Wildfire, I am really and truly very, very happy for you. I love the look of your house, darling. I'm so glad this has worked out for you. You deserve it - you've been waiting for it for so long.

    Want some help moving?