Weekly weigh in - 15th - 21st November

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  • 75 lbs is a great achievement Sarah! Of course you rock, so I would expect nothing less. I agree that it is difficult to be on-plan and then step on the scale and only see a 1lb loss. Reguardless, it is a loss!! If it is a water issue you will know next week. I love Chinese food but, like you said, it is full of sodium even when you get the healthy stuff. Yum Yum, now I'm thinking about Chinese food. Shame on you Sarah for making me have naughty thoughts!
  • Way To Go, Sarah!!
  • Wow, 75 pounds. That's such an incredible achievement, Sarah. You must be soooo pleased!!!!
  • I'm right with you this week Sarah. I stayed on plan all week and lost 1lb. Total of 74 now.
  • Excellent Howie!
  • Thanks, lovely people! You guys are just great. You know, 75 doesn't feel very different than 74, so there's a reminder in there somewhere that it's just one pound at a time, and no matter where you are in the process -- 5 pounds in or 75 pounds in -- the pounds come off one at a time, and they add up to milestone numbers the same way.

    Yay, Howie.....I'm so proud of you, my friend.
  • I did not weigh this week. It was TOM. I know better than to weigh. My weight fluctuates anywhere from 3 to 7 pounds on the heavy side. I don't need that stress, so I passed on weighing.

    Howie, good job on the 1 lb. I'm sure the coming week the scale will be just as nice, or better to you again. You are doing a great job.
  • Thanks Tammy, I've gotten to the point in my weight loss that as long as it's going down I'm happy. 1 lb, 2 lb or 3 or more it's all good.
  • Yeah, I'm at that point also. A loss of any kind is way better than a gain. I hear ya!