down memory lane: fad diets from the 60s and 70s

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  • You guys sound a lot like me! I tried those Ayds candies too (basically that's what I think they were...candy). Everytime I pop a Viactiv calcium chew I think of them! Anyone else? I also had that rope/pully thing for the legs and went to Elaine Powers when I was 15 and weighed 110 (what was I thinking?!) I guess that's when my obsession with weight/size started and it hasn't stopped though I wish I was that weight again! I started gaining a lot in my late teens early 20's and then tried those protein powders, yuk! I remember putting it in V8 juice and diet 7-up! Was I insane?!?
    And remember Tab?...some stores still sell it! This is fun going down memory lane!
    Have a good holiday everyone!
  • Yep, Mom had the pulley things. Did it even work? Also, I remember taking Dexatrim when it first came out. I remember feeling like I had too many cups of coffee. I lost a butt load of weight though
  • Have any of you ever tried the "Mayo Clinic" diet? You know the one that claims that the Mayo Clinic gives it to their patients before surgery. It claims you can lose 20 pounds in two weeks. You eat nothing but eggs, spinach, toast, etc. Gross! I lost 8 pounds on it, and of course it came back!
  • Yep, tried the Mayo Clinic diet along with the Stewardess Diet and all the other fad diets too. Lost weight, but it all came back and then some.
  • Wow talk about a blast from the past!!! I remember my mom taking Dexitrim, or some other otc weight loss pill. I remember that when I was a teenager I started pinching them for myself! Yikes! Also her otc water pills! Not a good thing. I remember my mom being on a liquid diet .... it gave her the worse gas too! Now those were some really um, shall we say, intresting weeks. Then of course there were the diet center, and weight watchers days. I remember my mom binging the day before starting so those were good days, we got lots and lots of junk food. Then it was diet time. Bleak bleak days. I now can tie these "bursts" my mom had into her manic and depressive periods of her bi-polar.

    When I was in my twenties I joined some place (I can't even remember the name of the center) but it was the enzyme diet. Where they gave you stuff to add to hot water. And there was puddings and cold drinks also. I think that it was mentioned in an earlier post. And with this diet, you could chew all the sugar-free gum and eat all the sugar-free mints you'd want, once again.... Talk about some wicked gas! I can also remember reading about "diets" in mags like Cosmo and New Woman magazine where it'd be a cup of black coffee for breakfast. It's no wonder I hate coffee to this day! I'd follow the "diet" for about 2-3 days and then eat anything that wasn't nailed down!
  • I think one of the few things I didn't try was water pills. I remember asking my mom for them many times, but she never let me have them. Ahh yes, sugar free candy. A lot of us learned the hard way!
  • My Grammy used to eat these things called Figurines. They were like Little Debbie Nutty Bars w/o the chocolate or peanut butter. Blech!
  • I forgot about Figurines! I ate those too, and I'm sure I'm not old enough to be your Grammy

    This whole thread has been so much fun to read, thanks for all the great memories, and the surprises!
  • What a fun thread!

    Yes!!! Richard Simmons DID have a chain of salons. I belonged to one in Massachusetts in the mid-80s. Richard himself wasn't there ... but they were actually pretty good ... at the time it was mostly calisthenics and in an hour-long class we did 10-15 minutes of "cardio" (high impact aerobics) ... people who did a full aerobics class (and it was all high impact then) were considered 'Gods'!!!

    In my college days ... late 70s/early 80s, I belong to Gloria Stevens. The 'fat jiggler' wasn't supposed to help you lose weight, supposedly it was to 'warm up the muscles'.