Desperate Housewives (Formerly SAHM's) #286 ~THURSDAY~

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  • Welcome all to a thread full of wonderful women taking on the responsibilty of raising a family and trying to take care of themselves too. We look forward to a new day with members, new and old! Please feel free to jump right in and say hello Here is a little bit about who we are ...

    MichelleRae: Michelle sahm to Taylor 8-25-01 & Teagan 10-13-03 Married 2 years to Zhaun. Plan I'm following is a combined WW and South Beach Diet

    Spryng: 24 y.o. married 6 years. Kids- Ava 4, Bubba (aka Joseph) 3 & Tanner 1. Currently on ww, hit goal in April.

    Mompen: Penny 23 y.o. Happily Married & SAHM Momma to three active boys, Hunter 5, Nicholas 4 & Andrew 16 mo. Weight Watchers and a bit of South Beach is my way of life.

    Loveliam: Leigh SAHM to Liam 10.21.03 & happily married for 2 years. Doing the Weight Watchers thing

    Sydsmom: Kristin SAHM to Sydney 09-27-01, married almost 2 years to wonderful dh Began Weight watchers mid-July

    Cheri: married to Donald for 8.5 years, SAHM/homeschooling momma to Nathan, 5 (9-11-98), Daniel, 3 (8-29-00) & Elijah, 1 (10-16-02) & doing the low carb thing kinda, lol

    Cindi: Mom to 6 boys & 1 mean girl. Plan.. No diet for me! Portion control, exercise & lots of water (most days)

    Chubba: Geri..Mom to two boys, Will (3) & Tony (1)..married for 4 years to a great guy..following Dr Phil most days!

    Crystal: 27 yo sahm of 3 almost 4. Alisa 6, Ally 3, & Andrew 22 months. Due Feb 1st. Married 9 years, live in Texas & homeschool. My plan, when on it, counting calories & exercise.

    Ricci sahm to two boys 4 and 5, married 7 years, doing ww

    Jaymi: 2 kids, 20 mo Girl & 6 yo boy. Been married to DH for 2 ½ years. WW Core Plan is my way of life.

    Jill: SAHM of 1 daughter, Bayley, born 9/19/03. Currently trying to lose some of the baby weight I gained with her & need some extra support to help me do so.

    Melissa: SAHM of 1 girl (4) and 1 boy (2). Currently watching what I eat and exercising 4-5days a week.

    Deana: SAHM of 3 boys and 1 girl. Counting calories exercising, and drinking lots of water

    Chris: SAHM of Tiana, Kayla and Nicole: ages 11, 5, and 2. Married for 5 years. I live in Billings, Montana. I'm a rheumatoid arthritis sufferer and trying using WW Flexpoints to lose weight .
  • Good Early Morning

    We haven't been having a QOTD, I think we keep forgetting and my day is on Sundays, which I usually forget on Sunday. I wanted to ask a fun one today...
    Answer: Simply I don't have one. I mean we celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday with dh's family and on Friday with my family. Basically your traditional everyone bring something and we eat, eat, eat. At Christmas, I'm more excited to start my own and next year I'll get to in my new, big home. But every year, we go to dh's family's at like 9 in the morning and his grandma makes her homemade cinnamon rolls along with breakfast. After breakfast, we put the turkey in and sit around opening gifts. Then we get to play for a whie then eat lunch. Usually we have to leave by now to go to my mom's but there is no set tradition at my mom's so I enjoy the same custom every year at dh's family's. We have been trying to make a tradition with just dh, me and our kids to sit around opening our gifts and last year we did it on Christmas Eve night and that's what I'm going to try to do again. I want my own traditions and hopefully can start setting them.

    I slept so so. Andrew must be teething too, he just wasn't feeling great yesterday and didn't sleep well. I slept with him most of the night and he never did this until our stay in the hospital. He never wanted to sleep in my bed or cared if I slept with him, but now he wants me to. So I slept okay, just can't fit too well on his bed.

    The 5 day forecast calls for sunshine for the next 5 days with highs in the upper 60's and low 70's. Sounds great to me. I think we'll pour slab on Monday now.

    I got the Girl Scout schedule yesterday and there is this really neat event coming up. See our troop gets asked to do lots of things during the day because they're homeschooled whereas other troops are at schools. The Dallas Women's Museum is opening a First Lady exhibit and our troop has been asked to attend and the news media wants to ask our troop some questions. Also there's a BIG chance they could meet Barbara Bush, Laura Bush and the Bush Twins. I think this is so cool. I know Alisa is too young to appreciate it, but she's old enough to remember it and as she gets older she'll appreciate it. It's on a Tuesday and all day so I'll have to have a sitter for Ally and Andrew and don't know that I can, but dh said for something like this I don't think you should worry about a sitter, so we'll see. I'm hoping, I think it's an awesome, less than once in a lifetime experience.

    Spryng, how is Bubba? Are you ready for Monday?

    Cindi, what about you??? Are you ready for Monday? I think having all those kids you do need to ask their help. It shows responsiblity.

    Michelle, how is school going? What exactly are you going for?

    Mel, you've been hiding a bit lately.

    Jill, good luck on the paper. Hope it goes well. Are you enjoying being back in school?

    I'm so sorry to all of you that had bad days yesterday. Deana, Chris...keep your heads held high and remember today is a new day. Make it a great day.

    Hello to Geri, Ricci, Leigh, Jaymi, Penny, Angel, Steph, Roxy and all you other sahm's out there.

    We've got to get out later and go to Walmart for a few things and maybe we'll all feel better, yesterday was such a gloomy day. We'll school and hopefully nap at some point but I'm not sure.

    Okay, I've babbled long enough. Hope you all have a great day. TTYL
  • Good Morning Crystal, I'm here and I've been reading most posts, but I've been super busy around here trying to keep up with the house and kids and exercising. Juggling act. Abigail has no school this week, so that easier, but harder if ya know what i mean. Glad weather will be good so you can probably poor the foundation.
    QOTD, I think we had this one, but we have so many new people, so it doesn't matter.

    Well my two favorites are easter and Christmas. Easter I love, because of new life. Christmas I love because of the sharing and kindness that so many people have. THere are so many good people in this world and it's easy to forget, because so many people are so nasty sometimes. We take turns going to my father and mother and then to dh's mother's house. This year Thanksgiving is at my mother's and xmas is at mil's. xmas eve is at my dads.

    Chris, I'm soooo sorry about your bad day. I would have cried too. Days like that make me wonder about going back to work too, but then I rethink all the good days and that no one could raise my children the way I would. You're not in this along girl. We all have days where we want to throw in the white towel or send out the flag.

    deana, I can't believe the scout leader just quit! and let down those boys. That really bites. Sorry, your day wasn't so good either. Nice that ds comforted you. IT's nice when they give a little back.

    Hello, to the rest of you. Sorry, I'm not getter personal with all of you. It's not personal. You know I love you all.! Have to get myself moving. the Gym is calling me home. Still haven't lost any more weight though. A bit frustrating, but I know I'm doing ok. ONe of these days five pounds is just going to disapear, or it better!
  • Good morning all!

    I really need to get in bed earlier tonight. I am sooo tired today, didn't get to sleep until 1 am this morning. I've been working like crazy on the blanket for my cousin's baby to be. So last night I finished all the squares! So today I can start on the butterfly motifs and hopefully tomorrow I will piece it all together and be done. It's going to be so cute but has been hard work.
    Other than that not much happened yesterday. Ate leftover pizza for dinner, but I only had two slices (small ones) so I'm sure I'm fine.
    Dinner tonight will be that asian grilled chicken.

    Well I wish I could get personal but I'm going to hop in the shower so I feel human again and maybe it will wake me up some, lol. So I'll be back in a little bit. TTYL!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Today is better, so far. And just to let you know.....some of you, and you will know who you are, are absolutely terrible.....I had to go last night and get me one of them there club pogo memberships . Yep, me being selfish again!

    Crystal: That First Lady exhibit sounds sooo awesome. You're right, she would remember it for the rest of her life. What a great way to start out in Girl Scouts, it may help her stay more interested too. Glad the weather is gonna be nice for you.

    Mel: It wasn't like she just up and quit. She has been warning them about their behavior and lack of respect for her since last year. This lady has opened her home to them, even remodeled a room downstairs just for cub scouts and they don't seem to appreciate it. She may have a change of heart, just don't know yet. Just remember you're toning and building muscle, that weight will start dropping off soon. Have you lost inches?

    QOTD: First tradition for Christmas is that we always have a fresh tree. A couple years ago we couldn't afford to go buy one from a tree farm so we went driving around country roads looking for one to cut, didn't find one we liked so headed home and stopped at mil's house and told her where we had been and she had a few she was trying to thin out so we got to pick one from her yard. Second, this will be the 4th year we have done this, we don't use pre made ornaments. I find a craft to do and we make our own ornaments for the tree. That way everyone can enjoy their own and others' handiwork.

    Not much planned today except I am going to sew a tote bag to take with me Saturday. I am going to a Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow, with exhibits, midway, classes and a trading post, etc. It's all day and our Bear leader is supposed to be going with me. I'm goign to call her today to see how she is doing. We sent our money in for it and I know she won't want to miss it because she sent her money last year and something came up that she couldn't go. She even switched with someone at work so she can go. Oh, and I'm going to Curves again this morning.

    Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!

  • Good morning to you all!

    I'm back from dropping the school children off. It's a half day today they get out at 12:30. Then I go back for the dreaded parent/torture meeting. Only one out of six disappointed me with grades this time. c's and d's! So she has some work to do. We don't give allowances here, so money is big. When exceptional work is done then they can earn some. I give a dollar an A, so this time around I'm out 23 dollars which is great! I don't mind spending money on that! Wonder what they'll spend it on?

    OOH! Hey guess what? I'm down 2 lb. since yesterday. I weighed myself three times just to be sure. I know, I weight myself to much. It probably should be only once a week. But I'm still so excited! That's the pay off for turning down those snicker bars, kitkats and butterfingers that they have been waving in my face! I've also had a stuffy nose since Monday and can't smell anything. I guess you can't be too tempted by stuff if you can't smell how good it's gonna taste.

    QOTD: Ours starts Christmas Eve, we go to church for midnight Mass, and welcome the Christ Child into our hearts anew again. It is a very beautiful
    Mass and our faith is important to us. This is a wonderful time of the year! We have a potluck afterward only for an hour and go home at about 3-3:30 a.m. We all sleep in and usually some one will get up build a fire so it will be going before we get up to unwrap gifts. Everyone must be up before we unwrap. The youngest child unwraps first, all their particular presents so everyone can see what they got and be thanked for the given ones. (they all must give one too, even if it's just a crayon picture) We take a calm picture, clear the decks of wrapping paper then off to the next youngest. This takes a while but no one complains because it's so fun doing it this way. In the past it was chaos!
    Also, I couldn't remember who gave what so they could receive a thank you later. Then we have a light breakfast meal, something I've baked yesterday
    cinnamon bread and hot chocolate. Then we eat our big meal a couple hours later and sing Christmas carols and play with toys. Usually DH comes up missing sometime cause he'll have to snooze. We generally don't get together with family because they are so far away, but during they course of the day all the relatives call or are called.

    Deana- hope you'll have a better day today. Have fun at curves and gaming!

    Mel-You're a busy Mommy, have a great day too! I like you QOTD post!

    Spryng- can you take a little siesta? Hope so! Isn't quilting great?! Can you show us a Pic when you're done?

    Crystal- How awesome to be able to see the frist family or even some of them. They are still going to be very jubilant! Have fun.

    Everyone have a great morning! I'm going to go do some LAUNDRY. DD#2 is home today (same thing) DD#1 is feeling much better thanks! TTYL


  • Hello ladies!! Today is going to be another great day!! So far, I'm right on track.

    QOTD: We really don't any tradition out of the ordinary. On Thanksgiving we stay home as a family, just the 5 of us. I look forward to making my home made sweet potato pie..YUMMY! Our tradition for Christmas is that every other year we go to CT where my husband's family lives and then every other year we stay home so we can be with my family. We do this because our daughter's birthday is December 27th and both families want to be able to celebrate it with her. This year we're staying home. The kids get up at 7am Christmas morning to open their presents Christmas morning. I just love to see the kids faces when they open their gifts.

    Crystal~ It's FREEZING here!! BRR.. My heat is on 70! It's suppose to snow this weekend. My kids still like to sleep in the bed with me. It's partly my fault because I allow them to during the week when hubby's on the road. Wow!! That would be so cool to see Barbra Bush! I know your daughter will remember that for a long long time! I want to go..LOL!

    Spryng~ Good morning!! I too am very tierd today! Hubby's home this week and I
    haven't been getting to bed before midnight!

    Mel~ Remeber it's not all about the weight. If you lifting and toning you're building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. I always lose inches when I go to the gym more than anything. I find that I look so much smaller even though the scale reads the same weight..You're doing great!!

    Deana~ What is curves like?? I've been thinking of joining..

    Jill~ How is school going?? I want to sign up in the spring for online courses and finish getting my degree in teaching.

    Sherry~ Where are you girl?? I'm missing you!!

    Oh, I forgot to tell you that they found a girlscout leader for my daughter's age. She has her first meeting at 6:30 tomorrow night!! She's really excited. I'll be back later to chat! TTYL
  • Hi Ladies...

    Sorry I haven't been around lately.

    I know Kristen more drive thrus then anything. My life is always crazy but hey, It matches my personality.....

    I got Disney World booked. We are staying on grounds Nov. 30-Dec. 4.. 5days 4nights. We fly out that morning and come back Saturday evening. The kids are so excited.

    Also my kidney walk got approval from the Council Board last night.. We have to go through all that legal stuff.

    Also, Andrew's kidney scan will be coming up soon, Next Tuesday, 9th. I am very worried about it but I am hoping for the best. He is in the best of hands.

    Ok enough about me,

    That sounds exciting about your daughter's meeting. I better she will have a wonderful time! Good luck

    Hope the parent meeting goes well! I know with our kids when they get money from bdays and such, we take half of the money and put it there own accounts. The money idea for the grades sounds great! I think Chuck e Cheese's gives stuff for A's too, right

    The Pow Wow sounds fun! Hope you have a great time!

    I know you have been working long and hard on that blanket. Is your cousin the type that will see all the hardwork? How is everything progressing on getting ready for the new job?

    We both know that you are doing awesome with the gym. The scale will catch up soon! We know that!

    Congrats on the great weather! It will be so exciting to pour the slab!

    Well I am off to town for a bit.. Gonna make the boys some autograph books for the trip instead of buying them

  • Jeniqua, how old is your daughter? Hope she enjoys girl scouts.

    Spryng, sorry you didn't get good sleep. Hope you get a nap in.

    Deana, glad you're having a better day today.

    Roxy, glad the one is better, sorry the one isn't, lol.

    Penny, yippee on the Disney World thing. Have you ever been? Alisa talks about it ALL the time. I told her I want to wait until all the kids are big enough to enjoy it. Y'all will have so much fun. I'll keep Andrew in my prayers for his kidney tests. What are they testing for?

    Well, I already got a small nap in, not much, but enough to give me energy for the rest of the day. We are having some lunch then off to Walmart. Andrew is feeling better today too.

    Hope all is going well. TTyL
  • Hey girls!!

    Penny I'm soooo excited for you!! Disney is a blast!!

    Jeniqua - I attend school through online courses through Western International University which is University of Phoenix's junior college. I love it!! You should look in to it

    Jill - I got 4 thesis statements written out last night but I sure hope I did them right lol! How is your homework going?

    Spryng it was great chatting with you yesterday I'm tired today too ugghhhh and my arms hurt from my workout yesterday but thats a good thing. whats palnned for today?

    Crystal how is the house coming along?

    Okay I gotta cut this short, my girls are fighting. BBL
    Love to all
  • Hey everyone rough night for me. I stayed up late to get my small paper done for my class tonight and got hooked on SLINGO!!! Gosh darn it!! I knew that was a bad idea! Anyway I was just about to go to bed and Bayley got up. She was crying and crying and didn't want her bottle she just wanted to be held which she never does. So I held her for awhile and put her down around 1:30 and she just coughed and coughed, poor thing. She and I finally got to sleep around 2 I think and then she was up again at 3:30 for a bit and then again at 7 but I made her sleep till 9. Anyway to top it all off I think she is cutting molars too, i was feeling the bottom today and one of them was poking through. Oh and our neighbors dog barked non-stop over nothing for a half hour around 7 as well! I love animals but I was having visions of a shot gun.................... He does it ALL day long and I am thinking about spraying him with a hose when he does it. Any other ideas to get him to stop?

    Well not much planned for me today. Need to get Bayley a bath, finish the last paragraph of my paper, shower and get ready for dh to come home and for school tonight. It's been nice though cuz I have just been eating my frozen WW meals for dinner and it's so much easier! Oh well I'd rather have dh home, right?

    Oh and I peeked and weighed today and I was finally down again!! I have been up to 146.5 for the last couple weeks and this morning I was at 144.5!!! So excited. I'm not going to change my ticker till tomorrow though, I might lose more today so we'll see. It's measurements tomorrow too so I hope they go well. Kind of funny that I havent worked out all week and i am losing weight, hope it's not muscle! LOL

    QOTD: For Thanksgiving we usually go to my mil and fil's house so that we can spend the night Christmas Eve at my parents house. Thanksgiving is pretty basic, everyone is in charge of something and overstuffs themselves at the table, then we all lay around and try to nap while the kids go crazy. Sometimes some of us play mud football at a local school early in the morning. For Christmas the tradition my sister and I set when we were very young was to get up super early on Christmas morning (around 4 in the morning or earlier if we could get away with it) because we were so anxious to get Christmas started. My parents always let us though and we would just nap later. Oh and instead of opening a gift on Christmas eve we got them to let us open one on Chrismas Eve's Eve! LOL ya we are spoiled!

    Ok well I had intentions of addressing each of you but I will have to come back later when my grumpy daughter is napping. I'll be back I promise!!!
  • hey chicks!
    I am so busy, but so excited!

    I went for my orientation and found out that my school has a spot for my dd, too! So both of my younger kids get to go to work with me. My mornings just got lots easier! I am still rather anxious, but the way things are just falling into place make me sure this is what God has intended for me to do right now. I know it won't be easy, but I can do it!

    Gotta go get Hope, but I'll be back soon!

    Love to all,
  • Hey all!

    Quick post from me, I'm about to go down for a nap. I've got several butterflies made for the blanket so far. I think someone thought I was quilting... no, its all crochet. But I think tonight I will be able to put it all together and then I'll take a pic for you all. Also I have decided it's time for Tanner to move out of my room. It makes me sad but I know it's time. So I'm going to try buying another playpen this weekend and saturday night I will put his in Ava's room and have an extra on so he can still nap in my room. But I figure with my getting up early for work I will probably end up waking him up more often than not. So if he's in Ava's room at night then I can turn my alarm on, my lights on, etc in here without bothering him. You know? Oh, I did have a little excitement today so far. Bubba's little heater in his room caught the wall on fire!!!! The plug in caught on fire. i was so mad and upset because I have been on Dh for months now to get that thing fixed. So after dinner tonight I have to go to walmart to get him another heater and I'll use on extension cord from the living room for it so there won't be any more problems and hopefully dh will fix that other one this sunday. But it really scared the kids when it caught on fire, they were in there playing and all of a sudden came screaming and crying to me and i couldnt understand a word they were saying.. the flame was shooting up the wall and smoke was everywhere. Thankfully as soon as I pulled the cord out it went out and no damage was done, but it was scary.

    Jill congrats on the 2# down!!!! That is great! really helps remotivate you doesn't it? I hope Bayley gets better fast.

    Michelle, I don't have much planned for today. Just dinner and then walmart and then crocheting, lol. And I really enjoyed chatting with you yesterday too. You are a great friend!

    Penny, how exciting about disney world!!! I would love to take the kids someday! And I don't know if my cousin will notice all the hardwork I've put into this blanket or not, I hope so though. She lives in oregan though and we are not close, so I hope she appreciates it. And yes, things are progressing for the job on monday. I do have a problem though.. I got a letter today for jury selection on dec 6th, during my training period I'm not suppose to miss any days... how can I get out of that? or do I have to show up and then ask for a way out?? anyone know anything about this?

    Jeniqua, I'm always extra tired when my dh is in also.. you know men, they want their one on one time, lol. So monday's I'm always dragging, lol. But this weekend he is going to have to behave because I start work on monday and I need to be rested. So we'll see how that goes, lol.

    Roxy, congrats on the 2# gone too! That is great! And yes, I will post a pic of the blanket when I am done for you all! In fact, I have a new one to share of me I uploaded... it's with my new permed hair. You all can tell me what you think.

    Deana, how did curves go this morning?

    Ok, I'm off for a nap but here is my pic!

  • Well hello ladies.Sorry i've not posted lately,I just have been depressed TOM does that to me sometimes,but i'm feeling alittle better.I've looked over the posted,everyone sounds like their plugging along.

    QOTD:my favorite holiday is Christmas because I love to watch the kids faces light up on christmas morning.I love all the smells and just the over all feeling of being together at this time of the year.

    What's for supper.I'm making roast and potatoes and carrots with cornbread and peach pie for dessert.yummy.

    I'll try to get personal tonight all you chicks have a great day.ttyl
  • Hi ladies!

    I'm only home for a little while. Picked-up children from school and while I was talking to one of the teachers for a minute. One of my children is screaming something at me which I couldn't understand, but knew something was wrong. We have a Sable Wagon
    and my pre-K DD had her hand shut in there at the top!!! I go to unlock the door and my keys were GONE! I'm yelling "Where are my keys??!!!!" Steve had them and he was in the church! People are running to the church to retrieved the keys, while I'm trying to calm Mariel down. Keys came a minute later, open hatch, check poor finger out. Three were squashed down flat but not broken or bleeding at all, thank God! We go into the school for an ice pack and I just lost it, started yelling at Steven for taking my keys. Everytime he started to say that he wasn't the one that stuck his hand in the door. His H.S. teacher yelled out at him "YES, MOM! SORRY, MOM!" I was so mad!!!
    I still am. I know accidents will happen but taking my personal belongings is going overboard. And he said he took the keys because yesterday when I picked them up, he was playing volleyball, I beeped the horn. "let's go", still played, so I pretended to leave and started to drive away. So he had to run after the car. So he decided if he took the keys I wouldn't drive off again, yeah like I really going to leave him. Mariel's okay, just fine in fact. Thank goodness for tiny little squoochy fingers and weather stripping. BTW- Steven is cleaning out the root cellar now, something I've been putting off for a while. Yes, I'm the meanest Mom. I don't care.

    I'll talk to you all later when I'm back from the P/T meetings. Give me strength!
