Starting Phase one....Again

  • I lost my mother a week ago to cancer and for the past month I have been eating out and eating junk as well as emotional eating. I have gained ten pounds and feel so bloated and miserable.

    Now the healing begins and I want to heal my body along with my heart.

    I have set a goal for 25 pounds by February 1st. that is 2 and a half months. I will settle for 20 off by then.

    I need any tips that helped any of you through tough emotional times.
    I really need to do this!

  • I am so sorry, chilichick. It will take longer to heal your heart than to heal your body. You will always miss your Mother but the good memories are precious.
  • Prayers are with you
    Time will heal and make memories fond. Good luck as you heal.
  • Oh, chilichick... I'm so sorry about your Mom. I'll be keeping you in my prayers. Losing weight is the best thing you could do... your Mom would want you to take care of your body.
  • Chilichick, what a sad time for you. I'm very sorry about your mother.
  • Chilichick I am so sorry for your loss! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. We will be here to help you all we can as you start this journey over. Now is when you really need to take care of yourself both mental & physical. Lots of hugs and prayers for you!
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you! I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

  • Chilichick - I am so sorry for your loss. Try to keep yourself surrounded by healthy stuff so when you feel like eating, you will be able to.
  • Chilichick...Do take time to grieve and to work on healing your spirit. You have lost your mother in body, but noone can take the fond memories away from you. Hold them precious and look after yourself. My prayers are with you.
  • I have no advice for you, losing your mum must be devastating ~ so i just give you my support instead.

    Best wishes and take care,
  • (((((Chilichick)))))
  • Ah, Chili, I am so very sorry. I hope that in working to heal your body, you are also able to help your heart heal. My mom told me during my last visit home that she is most happy to know that I am loving myself by taking care of my body and health. I know your mom would feel the same way about your taking care of yourself.

    Get all the bad stuff out of the house, get lots of OP things in, and start over. When you are sad, journal, cry, go for a walk, take up a hobby (scrapbooking family pictures?) and get it out, but don't stuff it with food. We all know that doesn't really help. You and your family will be in my prayers.
  • Chilichick,

    My prayers are with you. When I lost my Dad eight years ago I encountered two statements that stay with me to this day:

    1. The only way to get through it is to go through it. There are no easy paths through grief.

    2. As the days begin to pass more easily, be prepared for those moments when the grief is as strong as when the loss first occured.

    Even eight years out, I still have days like those in number two.

    Remember all the good times you had together and the sound of her laughter. When I find that I'm really missing my Dad, I pull out two pictures of him that always make me smile - one where he is sitting on the porch eating peanuts and another of him in a restaurant offering a bite of food to my nephew.

    Cry when you need to and use tissues of remembered joy to wipe the tears away.

    God bless.
  • Chilichick,

    I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. Know that others' thoughts and prayers are with you. I am 35 and lost my mom almost 5 years ago (can't believe it's been that long) so I know what you're going through. Be strong honey, she wants you to be strong and know that she suffers no more.

    P.S.- You aren't the only one who needs to re-do Phase 1!!! It's probably my 10th time or so... ugghhhh We won't give up!