When you've reached your goal....

  • Hi all.......When you've reached your goal, what's next? I have always stayed away from setting that final goal because to me it signals the end. Fitness is a life long commitment. Our goal should be to get fit and stay fit for life...That mind set works for me, just thought I would share it. One Day At A Time....Peace

  • Hi Dave! We have a whole forum here called the Maintainers Forum that's dedicated to answering your question When you've reached your goal, what's next?. What we've discovered is that reaching goal is only the end of the beginning of the weight loss and fitness journey. Next comes the longer and more important part, which is keeping the weight off for life. Everyone's welcome at Maintainers -- it's not just for people who are at goal. Feel free to drop by and check us out -- we've got some great conversations going on.