Help calculating points, pleez!

  • Hi everybody! I'm doing WW without attending meetings for now, and so have a question about points....if I eat, i.e. some fat free, sugar free Jello-1/2 cup for zero points, and then I add some fat free Cool Whip-2 tbsp-for zero points-does this remain a zero point food? Or if I have 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal for zero points and then throw 1/2 cup puffed wheat (if I'm feeling wild and crazy!) on top of that, would that then be a 1 point bowl of dry cereal? I would be very grateful for any help! Thanks!

  • Total up the calories/fat/fiber and then figure points is your best bet.

    1 serving of sugarfree jello (all jello is fat free unless you add something to it) is 10 calories, 1 serving of Cool Whip Free is 15 cal so that if you have them together is is 25 calories/0 fat/0 fiber so it comes up to about 1/2 a point. Most people if they only have 1 serving don't count it but know that they had it incase they have other 'zero point freebies' later. My leader advises for each 'zero point freebie' you eat to make a tick mark and for every 4-5 add 1 point to your day.

    Again on the cereal I have never ever counted any cereal as zero points because of the calories but that is just me. The E-Tools and CFCs lists 1/2 a cup of FiberOne as zero points but if you toss in the puffed wheat you need to total up the cal/fat/fiber and then figure the points.