Friday Chat - September 24th

  • Good Morning

    And Happy Birthday CIN !!! Enjoy

    TGIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! need I say more

  • Happy Birthday Cin!

    Wow birthday city here~

    Have a good one!

    I'm off to bed!

  • Good Day ladies
    I posted late yesterday about my problems . This a.m. I read the info post on clinical depression, and it answered my questions. I know I should be in counseling, but with all our other medical bills, we really can't afford it. I'm also dependent on my DH to get me back and forth to appointments. We live in an "underserved" area when it comes to psych. care; it's hard to find Drs./counsellors whose services are covered by our insurance. I'm sorry for venting. . I can still function, but it's hard sometimes. Wednesday night I had to drag myself out to church, but once I got there, it was great Then we got home, and watched the Red Sox win a nail biter over the Orioles. I enjoyed that

    Please pray that maybe I can work something out so I can get help!

    Love to y'all
  • Hey Gang!

    sorry this is quick - its really busy here this morning and I need to run to the bank during lunch

    Cin - check out the birthday thread girlie! and have a great great day!

    Joanne - I am sooooooooo sorry you are having a rough time! I will be praying for you! please let us know what we can do to help - but at least keep coming here and venting and let us listen - we can at least to that and I know it helps to be able to talk about things! hugsssssssssss

    Lynnie - please let us know what is going on. hugsssssss

    Hugs Leenie & Liz - I'll try to get back later.

    hugs hugs hugs,
  • Good Afternoon ladies
    Hello ladies.My birthday got alittle better last night.Wanna know why?

    They took my grandmother off the life support and by the grace of GOD she started breathing on her own.But she is still in coma. So knowing this and knowing that my dad will not feel like he is killing her makes me feel just alittle better. Its up to her and GOD now totally.

    I did very well with my eating yesterday even though I was sad and it was my birthday.I still have 22 flexpoints left.YAY ME!!!!

  • Lynnie...
    God is Good-ALL the time!!!
  • I will catch up with you all later...... HUGS !!!
  • Joanne Hang in there! I hope you will be able to get the help that you need.

    Lynnie I am glad you had a good birthday all things considered.

    Be well all!

  • Hi Ladies...

    Happy Birthday CIN!!!!

    Joanne - *great big hugz* Sometimes venting is the best thing to do. Don't hold it all in! If it's way to personal, try keeping a diary or even write yourself a letter. Its what I call a "Mad Note". Write yourself a letter, vent, cuss, kick, scream in your letter, whatever it needs to get the bottled up emotions out of you. Then when you are through, try writing a paragraph at the end of it about what you can try to do to make the situation better. Like for me when I get depressed I come here and talk to a few people even in the chat room... but when I'm alone, I'll use a mad note or even write down a journal on my computer. I use my DD's YM Diary Program ehehehhehe so I can Password it *grins* Oh and ahh congrats on your team winning! I'm a braves fan we'll have to get together on here when our teams play each other hehehehe... *great big hugz*

    Lynnie - Oh that is wonderful news. I know having to make that decision is the toughest thing a person can ever do. Happy Birthday also.

    Today's been a trying day. Do we have any mothers in here who have children around the age of like say 11-15? I'm just curious as to what is an ok age to allow your child to stay home after school. My situation is, my DD gets home from school at 3:00 and now that I'm back in school I am no longer home when she is home. Her father gets home at 4:30-5:00. So she will be home for about an 1.5 hours. She's 12 years old. knowing this, I've decided I'm going to put her in an after school program. But it is only on Wed & Thursday. Fridays I have no school and I get off work at 2:30 so I get home at 3:00. So I have Wed-Fri covered. I don't know what to do about Mon & Tues.

    I don't think 12 years old is an age that should be staying home alone but then I think it's only for 1.5 hours.

    Anyone having a similar situation?

    I can't post pictures. My FTP site for my webpage has been killed and is being transferred over to a knew URL. So I've gotta gather up info on how to get my new URL. I will post pictures later.

    Thanks everyone!
  • SueMarie, I think that the child can be alone for that amount of time UNLESS she starts showing anxiety about it.

    Well, I finally cleaned the kitchen enough so that I don't feel icky looking at it! I couldn't very well clean last week without running water! Plus the dust factor made me feel dirty. I've spent a bit of time just cleaning. Today we ran the water for about 6 hours because it was still a bit murky.

    DD is having major difficulties with my GD15 and I think that I know the whole problem. But, if I say anything, there might be a big blow up. Am stuck between a rock and a hard place. A person in the family lied to me and then tried to tell me that GD lied to me. She didn't...I know that she didn't. Why is it that the kids have to suffer for the sins of their parents?