Nervous and NEW

  • I've had success on WW but lately it hasn't been working for me. I was diagnosed with ulcers and it seems like the only foods I've been able to eat were high in carbs, which has now caused me to CRAVE carbs (sugar) all the time. I used to only crave sugar during TOM, but now it's everyday! I look in the mirror and hate what I see. I need this 2 week detox, but I literally feel like I'm a drug addict getting ready to check herself into rehab tomorrow instead of a regular person starting a diet tomorrow. I just want to make sure that I understand my eating habits before I start: 3 meals a day, unlimited low fat proteins, with vegetables and 3 snacks??? Or can I snack whenever I feel hungry as long as I am eating the right things? I am a total night snacker, but HATE breakfast in the morning, sometimes I can't even get anything down before 11am.

    My weight now 144 (and I'm only 5ft)
    Goal Weight 120
  • Welcome, sugarholic!

    Just bumping this up... back later...
  • Welcome to the gang! We will help you through the tough times, that's what we're here for. Have a great day~
  • Welcome to the Beach! Do you have the book? Try to at least read it at the library. I can really help. Read the Frequently Asked Questions area and feel free to ask lots of questions. Did you start Phase 1 yesterday? How did it go? Feel free to post your menu and we'll make suggestions. It is important that you eat about every 3 hours to keep your blood sugar level. Don't worry so much about portions in Phase 1. You need to be eating plenty so you aren't hungry. Remember your legumes. You need the healthy carbs. Oh, and don't forget your water.
  • Welcome. You have already made it through day 1, so you have made a great start - and with a weight loss to boot. Keep it up and let us know how you make out on the first phase. Take care.
  • Hi Sugarholic ~

    I just started SBD on Monday and it's been a struggle this week. Yesterday I had major stress and I was weak and ate a small snack bag of Ritz Bits with Cheese. I knew what I was doing as I ate it, talk about comfort foods!

    I got back on track at dinner and today I'm doing better.

    I weighed myself yesterday and I was down 2 lbs. It's tough during this Phase, but I'm sure we'll both make it!

    Have a great day!
  • The first week of Phase 1 can be really tough. You just have to have power over yourself; don't let the food control you! Once you get through the first couple days to a week, it will start to become a lot easier. I restarted Phase 1 and am in the second week. I feel 100 times better than I did at the beginning of Phase 1. The rewards of weight loss and feeling as good as I do weighed out sugar anyday and am I also a sugarholic! I've used no-sugar-added fudgesicles and no-sugar popsicles to get me through when I needed something sweet.

    In regards to breakfast, you should really try to get in the habit of eating breakfast. Breakfast is exactly what the word is-breaking the fast. This gets your system going and can raise your metabolism. I eat l/f cottage cheese mixed with s/f Jell-o in the mornings and love it. It's quick and I don't have to cook anything.

    Good luck in the next 2 weeks. You can't cheat in those 2 weeks while your system does it's detox or you have to start over again. You can do it! Stay in control of yourself and if you find yourself ready to give up, drink some water and come on here. This place is great for support!
  • Welcome sugarholic
    We are glad that you are here. I think that it is important to admit your mistakes and then move on. Don't dwell on the negative. Pat yourself on the back and know that you can do it!

    We are all here for you, slipping and sliding. It's a great support group where you can be honest and still receive unconditional love.

    Take one meal/snack at a time. The present is all we have.
  • just wanted to throw in a welcome too. I think you will be amazed once you get past week one how good you feel and how easy it is to stay OP. I have no doubt that if you set your mind to it you can do get it done. Don't forget we are all here for you.
  • Hey welcome to the beach! I'm sure you will do good! You made the first step by joining us other chicks! teehee You can always look on here for support!
  • Thanks Everyone For The Support
    Wow, thanks everyone. I'm proud to say today is day 3 and it is MUCH easier! And I've lost 3lbs!!!!!!!!!!! I found a breakfast idea that I can gag down, and I am so motivated because of this website it's ridiculous. My son's birthday party is this weekend, and I was going to cheat, but now I don't even want to. I've already planned out what food I am going to bring for myself and leave all the other food for the guest, better on their hips then mine . I also took a trip to the doctor yesterday and he was really happy to hear that I had started SB. He told me that one of his nurses lost 55lbs on it, and that it is a great diet, which was even more encouraging.


    SW 144
    CW 141
    GW 120
  • Good luck with it! I just finished phase 2 on Tue. and I will tell you what everyone told me -- DO NOT CHEAT -- it's only 2 weeks -- YOU CAN DO ANYTHING for 14 days!!!!!! If you cheat you have to start over.

    Anyway, look forward to seeing you around!