Tuesday 08/24 Beach Chat

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  • Hello ladies!

    Well.......I cheated today...and it was soooooooooooooo good....My mom and I went to California Pizza for lunch today...and well I haven't had pizza since the beginning of May....and well I had half a salad and 2 slices of the cheese pizza, which the dough was honey wheat....it was soooooooooooooo good....but afterward my stomach was like there is something foreign in your body...lol...I'm trying not to beat myself up on this...it'll be a while before I have it again....How is everyone today? It is beautiful today!!
  • You are fine....
    I think a treat like that is OK as long as you don't "fall" hard. (I've whined plenty about that)

    Besides, it sounds like you made pretty good choices.
  • Evening chicks!

    DH just went to Sam's Club and took DD with him, so I get at least an hour to myself. Woohoo!

    Catching up on posts as usual...... I miss being able to check in more frequently. As long as you all don't "give me the boot!" OP yesterday and so far today. Just need to make it until bedtime.......

    We bought a new (new to me!) car last night- s Dodge Durango. We traded in my Ford Focus, so I am loving this big 'ole car!! It is a 2003 with only 17K miles on it- a metallic gray. I really like it.

    Ellis I am thinking of you!

    Laurie You are SO going to complete this journey to better health. DO NOT DOUBT YOURSELF FOR A MINUTE!!!!! You are going to be this hot, healthy mama (literally) chasing around after your kiddos!

    Off to get some schoolwork done while it is quiet around here.
  • Hi everyone, finally have some time to check in! I had to babysit starting early this AM, and was able to come back home for my Curves workout and a quick lunch, then back for more babysitting til early this evening! Both little ones were cranky, I hope they're not coming down with something. So we had a "quiet" day, just coloring and reading books, although I got them outside to play in the sandbox for a while, the weather was just too beautiful to spend all day inside.
    Yesterday was an unexpected holiday, I ended up not having to babysit afterall, and spent a wonderful afternoon just being with DH. I haven't spent much time with him since I've been away, and I think the absence made both of us appreciate each other a little more.
    I made it through yesterday and today staying OP on Phase 1 - Hooray! I've been looking through the recipe threads to get some fresh ideas to keep me going, and there are some great yummy-sounding recipes there! For my supper today I had 2 extra lean turkey burgers with peppers and onions sauteed with ginger and garlic, and it was delicious.

    RNMom: I do agree with you about missing fruit in Phase 1. I had some huge great tasting peaches and planned to have one yesterday, but I was very good and gave them all away. I could go for some cantalope, too, but I won't. It sure will be good to get back on Phase 2 again!

    Beachgal: Thanks for the idea of mixing cinnamon and splenda into yogurt. I bought some plain yogurt and was wondering what to do with it!

    Jen: You've sure been having a rough time of it lately, what with your daughter and now your dad. You are a strong person to hang in there without turning to food for comfort, and I admire you. Hope the future gets brighter for you.

    Weezle: I can sympathize with you regarding not losing inches in the "booby area". After 6 months of losing everywhere else on my body, I'm FINALLY losing inches there. I think for some of us that's the last place we lose.

    Hi to Mama, Ruth, Jodi, cac, Sheila, HistoryChick, Emily, skherb, Peggy, Jenne, Barbara, and a big, big hug to Ellis.
  • A quick "hi" to you, too, Kiko! We were posting together!