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  • Hi! Good to hear from you both. I think that Skinny Cow brand must not be available in Canada- or at least not in my isolated province! *L* I will have to look for that I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray, I have seen the margarine version around. Some snacks that I really like are Plain Yogurt (1/2c) with Frozen Berries (1c)- it is only 2 pts and is yummy- I add a little vanilla and artificial sweetner, and it is almost like ice cream. Also, it is much more filling than the little 2 pt yogurts you can buy. As you already know, those Bakers Cookies are a new favorite of mine- only 1.5/2 pts each, and they are huge, filling and TASTY I haven't had any since I have been home- I think I will try making 8 out of a batch instead of 4, then they will only be 1 pt each! (It's all a mind game for me!) I eat 1c All Bran with 1/2c Skim Milk as a snack too- call me weird, but I really like it!
    The biggest changes I have found with the Winning Pts Program are the ones JustMe mentioned- I do not count carrots or onions as pts, though, and do not use the fiber cap either. I figure I lost 50+ lbs doing it the other way, I am going to keep doing it that way!
    My good news is that somehow, someway, I lost .2 lbs this week. It must have been because I wore lighter pants than usual, because it should not have happened. The only thing I can really figure out that must have helped me is that I ate a lot of fiber on each of the 3 days that I super- binged, and maybe the fat just got "carried out with the trash.." *L* gross, but it's all I can figure out! My fiance thinks my body needed the break, and is still urging me to quit the whole thing. (He has been for quite a while now.)
    I am totally back on track, and have high hopes for the next week. I am just a little worried that the 20-25 range I am trying out will not be enough pts, but I guess I'll try it anyway!
    I am glad to hear that you are also ready to give the diet more effort, 2sexy! Let's do it together!!!
    JustMe, I'm not sure about the changes to the program either, but I'm just kind of ignoring the ones I don't like, and using the ones I do- for example chef's salad and ceasar salad are now lower in pts than they used to be. I REALLY like that! *S*
    I seem to be writing a novel, so I will go for now. ((A horrible language disorder project is calling my name...))
    talk to ya later!
  • Saskie, glad to hear that you didnt have a weight gain. By the way the ice cream bars I was talking about are actually called Silhouette lowfat ice cream sandwiches, it also says skinny cow on the package. I just happened to notice that they have a website I havent checked it out yet but mabey you can find out if you can get them near you it is www.skinnycow.com
  • o.k. this is my third time typing this I keep losing it for some reason my finger must be pressing a button. Anyway, good job saskie. I weighed again today and was down another 1.5. Another tip I learned was to dip a banana into a hot chocolate (diet) packet it is great for a chocolate urge. Well, I would write more but I keep losing it so bye for now MW
  • Hey ladies! Congrats on your loss, 2 Sexy, thats Great!! And thanks for the tip about he ice cream sandwiches, JustMe, I will check that out! I am having a super hungry day...Thursday is always crappy, I drive for 4 hours and feel like eating the whole way! I ate a ton of carrots in the car, but they just didn't do the trick! After supper I tried this brownie recipe I heard at my meeting- its really yummy, and three points is ok I guess for a brownie, but they are quite small. (I ate 2, so 6 pts!) I also baked a batch of my cookies- am trying the tropical kind with coconut and pineapple today. I made them half the size so they are only 1 pt instead of two. I still have pts left for the day, fortunately, because I feel like I could eat forever!!!
    Do you struggle with days like that???
  • Saskie, I have days like that, infact today was one of them for me too. I ate a weight watcher dessert and an apple when I got home from work and was still starving. I get home from work at 3:00 ( I have to eat lunch at 10:00 because that is my breaktime so afternoons are hard anyway.) Today was especially hard. I had to get out of the house so I wouldnt go on an eating spree Congrats on the weight loss 2sexy. Well you guys I weigh in on sat I had a pretty good week so hopefully I will have a loss too
  • JustMe,
    I am crossing my fingers for you for the weigh in tomorrow! How do you feel your week has been? I wish I were still in the stage I was in the first 5 months when I just didn't go out of my pt range, ever! Now its just kind of like a guideline, and when I feel like it I go out of the boundaries! *L* After work is the hardest time for me too- I have to eat breakfast at 9:30 which is ok, but then I have a break from 1-5 during which I would eat lunch and supper, then work until 10 at which pt I am STARVING and usually go nuts. Today I am going to just have mini meals during the afternoon, and try to save my pts for after work when I need them.
    What do you think of the new format around here? Some things are good, by I don't like the bigger area for typing in- I can never see all of my text- and as you both know I tend to ramble on a lot!
    Thats my cue to get my butt to work...I will look for you later! Have a great day!
  • Saskie, I have had a good week except the last 2 days I have been sooo hungry. I dont know what is going on with me. I had to leave again tonight so I wouldnt eat up a storm. I went to a nearby mall and just walked around. I think I am going back to the old point system it worked fine for me before. I am also wondering if the fact that I havent been able to excercise like usual. (I havent been able to do the treadmill because I still have the stitches in my ankle I told you about before. If I start power walking it hurts) Might have something to do with it. I like the new format but I think I remember not being able to see all of my post once or twice, at the rate I am going this will be on of them Well I will check back with you guys tomorrow and let you know how my weigh in went.
  • JustMe.
    I think thats great that you have the will power and brains to get out of the house when you know you will eat everything in sight if you don't- and going walking is a great alternative! Our leader has advised us to use those extra 2 pts that WW took away from the top end of our range if we are struggling. I should be in the 18- 23 range, but I am giving the 20-25 pt range a try this week just because the other is too low, and I can't do it! I guess I will see the results on Tuesday. I hope your weigh in goes well today!
    I managed to sneak in a walk this morning, now I just need to bake my cookies, do some laundry, and unload the dishwasher before I get ready for work. Argh!!! I guess I better run- do you think the next person to respond to this could start a new thread- it is getting a little too long and my ddinosaur computer doesn't like it!
    Have a great day, both of you!