Weekely TG Chat - August 16 to August 22

  • The Thin Group

    Woohoo! I get to start the thread this week again.

    Got back from the FIL's birthday party. It was OK, but the wicked SIL made sure that she phoned him last week to tell him that she was sorry that she couldn't come - noone invited her. That did 2 things: give him the wrong information and spoil the surprise. She really is a piece of work. However, the rest of us had a great time. I did, however, come home with 3 more pounds. Taking that off will be my goal for this week.

    Sylvia - glad to hear that Nico's party went well - minus the family digs. Families! I just don't get them. We do so many nasty things to each other that we would never consider doing to a complete stranger and think that it is OK. Oh well, I can only control my own behaviour, not that of my family.

    I mentioned in my last post that I had to go home at noon on Friday to pick up a scrap book. There is a story behind the scrap book.

    When I was 5 my grandmother got a job as the matron of a senior's home and had an apartment in the home in Red Deer, Alberta. Since my mother worked and I was too young to leave at home, I spent the summers living in the senior's home with my grandmother. I have often joked that I grew up in an old folk's home.

    As my in-laws moved around following retirement, they found themselves buying a house in a small town between Red Deer and Calgary. When they decided to sell their house, they bought a condo in Red Deer and settled in there. Three years ago, they decided to move into a senior's home and put their name on every waiting list in Red Deer. A month later, they called and told us that they were accepted into one of the homes and could we come and help them move. When we got there, low and behold, it is the same home in which I grew up.

    I moved my mom into a senior's complex last year and found a scrap book that my grandmother put together, documenting all the things that happened over the 10 years that she was there - including cards from many of the residents and newspaper articles. Since the home is starting to prepare for there 50th anniversary, I took the scrap book down to them to use for that event. I was a small coincidence, indeed, but fun to look over the past 50 years.

    When I dropped it off on Saturday, they were thrilled to get it. They don't have any of the really early stuff from the opening of the place. That's the story...

    Have a great day, all. Take care.
  • Hello Ladies!

    Just thought I would pop in for a quick hello. I've been feeling pretty blah the past few days...I think the birthday cake from Nico's party has something to do with it. We finally threw it out (we had to buy 2 cakes because people RSVPed late and it wasn't in time when we ordered the cake.) We had half of a half of a sheet cake left....with vanilla cheesecake filling...not good for those will no will power and an evil bout of PMS. I'm scared to even step on the scale....God only knows what it will say! SBD here I come!

    Peggy- YOU BRAT!!! Good job on starting the thread! Sorry to hear that your SIL ruined the surprise. Some people are just mean. I loved the story about the scrapbook. Everything happens for a reason!

    Sharon- I hope you have a great trip!

    CJ- I know you are having buttershots in that hottub of yours! I can see you!

    Mindee- Stop by and post when you have a chance.

    And all you lovely lurkers....at least stop by and say hello!

    Well ladies, have a wonderful evening and "losing" evening!

  • Sylvia, good to hear from you. I know what you mean about feeling yucky. I got into the birthday cake on Saturday, and if that wasn't enough continued with the off program foods on Sunday. I decided to do 2 weeks of Phase 1 to get back on track.

    Then, last night, I was sooooo sick. I'm sure I spent the entire night in the bathroom. That was payback, I guess, for eating all the wrong stuff this past weekend. I actually think that my system can't handle those foods anymore. That's OK, I will think twice before I eat them again, that's for sure.

    Good luck on the start of SBD and let us know how you do. By the way, in the SBD recipe list, there is a recipe for cheesecake. It isn't the real thing (more like a custard), but I think it is yummy. The basic recipe is good for Phase 1 and adding berries or something like that brings it into Phase 2. I brought it to work for a birthday cake in the office and everyone wanted the recipe.

    I also make it for one of the desserts when we have company (or even to bring to work for desserts at lunch). Giving everyone a choice of dessert is good, and I also know that there will always be something special for me to eat when I am feeling most sorry for myself.

    You can do this...if I can, you can.
  • Well, I'm just getting waaaaay to cocky for my own good. I started power walking at noon everyday about the third week in June - I use a 30 minute power walking tape. It has gotten easier to manage - since I am a firm detestor of any kind of exercise - but I haven't seen a whole lot of weight loss. It was discouraging, but I was feeling more fit, so it was worth the Effort.

    Anyway, I decided to progress with my power walking workout and increase to 1 hour. Soooo yesterday was the BIG day to do that. As it turned out, another lady stopped me to chat on the way to the track, so I could not get the full hour in. When I did start the tape, I discovered that it does interval training and I was able to finish 2 out of 4 of the intervals. Low and behold, I lost .5 pound yesterday. I am really anxious to get back to the track at lunch today to complete the full workout. (note to self: take temperature to find out if sick). I am really counting on losing the darn weight by the time I have to go back to the doctor in September. He gave me such a hard time in May, that I just want to get this done and then pretend that his scale wasn't working in May....

    I just changed the weight on my signature line yesterday, so will leave the extra .5 pound until my official weigh-in on Friday. I am soooo excited. If I lose any more, I will finally be able to fit into some 'small' size clothes that I outgrew last year. Wooo hooo.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Talk to ya soon.
  • Hello Ladies!

    I don't know what is wrong with me. I started out today, eating very well...up until 30 minutes ago when I got on the computer.

    *Bless me Thinsters as I have been eating chips and salsa while I type* (hanging my head in shame)

    I don't know. I do well early in the day then night time comes and I blow it. I'm getting very frusterated and feel just plain BLAH. Other than that, I've been doing well. Tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to start fresh.

    Peggy- GOOD JOB!!! You are such an inspiration to me. Thank you and keep up the good work!

    Well, I'm off to burn some calories by doing some laundry.

  • Good morning everyone. I am soooooo glad that it is Friday. I keep telling myself that I really do need to retire. However, I am too young - need another 2 years for that, and another 4.5 after that to get a full pension. Soooo, I am in for the long haul. DH changed jobs 1.5 years ago, so must work until he is 60 to get his full pension at his new job. He left his pension in the old job, so will qualify for a full pension from there when he is 65 if he leaves his money in that long. We have a few years yet, but it will go quickly.

    DS and his girlfriend moved in with us last September. It has been trying, to say the least. She thinks that we should do everything like her family does it and can't seem to figure out that other people do things differently. DS also took a job out of town this summer, so he has not been there to keep things in line. Thankfully, she is going on vacation today for 2 weeks, so there will be some peace in the household...a reprieve of sorts.

    Today, woohoo, was weigh-in day. Since I gained 3 pounds last weekend, I knew that it would be tought to meet my 2 pound per week goal. Well, the scale was not only down the 3 pounds, it was down an extra 2.6 pounds. I am ecstatic. Can you tell?

    The plan is to stay OP and keep up the exercising. I just need to get this weight off once again.

    Mindee - Glad that the baptism went well. Sounds like Brandon received lots of lovely gifts.

    Sylvia - You can do this SBD. I know that you can. I also have problems with snacking, particularly in the evenings after supper. It isn't even that I am hungry, it seems to be more of a habit. When I recognized that, I decided that I would keep SBD snacky things on hand for those occasions, and even plan to have the snack at night. If I don't plan the snack, then it seems that I will grab anything that is handy. Try keeping sugar free jello, reduced fat cheese stick, have a sugar free fudgsicle when you are feeling that urge. It will keep you OP and also prevent that BLAH feeling. Hope everything goes well this weekend.

    CJ - Where are you?

    Have a great weekend everyone. Take care.
  • there are pictures up on his website from the baptism and other things if you all would like to see them.

    the address is: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/o/our1munchkin - password is baby.

    Hello ladies…..how are you all doing?

    I just gave him his first taste of cereal Thursday night! He LOVED it, and then got mad at me because I told him that once the bowl was empty there was no more until tomorrow. Then he got a bath because he kept putting his fingers in his mouth after each bite!

    Well, things have taking a turn for the worst so to speak. My hubby came home from work today and told me that they suspended him for something that he didn’t do. They told him that when some one gets in on Monday, they will investigate into it. So Tommy is going to look around for a new job just in case or for unemployment until he can get a new job. And since money has been tight as it is, things are going to be extremely tight around here now.

    On top of it all I have to call tomorrow morning an schedule Brandon’s 4 month check up. I guess it is a good thing that he is covered by Medicaid for a year after his birth. So that will help out, since his doctor’s visit was going to cost us $90 for 5 shots and the visit. ($15 co-pay for them all.)
  • Oh Mindee. What an ordeal you are facing. I can't believe that DH would be suspended BEFORE an investigation and the absolute truth is found. Since my field is Corporate Security, it just makes me shake my head that they would suspend then wait for someone to come in to investigate. I prefer to have my ducks in a row before I recommend suspension, or termination. Hopefully, the truth will come out, THEN DH is in the drivers' seat. So much civil litigation these days to chance that kind of action.

    Take care and try not to worry all weekend.
  • Peggy~ Thanks for the response. The hi-lo driver that brought the parts over to my hubby, admitted to my hubby after that he assumed that since the parts were in the bin for his line that they were the right ones. So it isn't my hubby's fault OR the hi-lo drivers. It is the people that put the tubes in the wrong bin. She is trying to get him for falsifying paperwork for a certain time, and my hubby didn't even mark the parts for that time when she had said he did that!

    He was going to file a grievence with the union along with another co-worker because the supervisor has done nothing but harass both of them. And since neither of them will kiss her butt or suck up, they get the brunt of everything.

    so hopefully, with all the prayers that I am sure are being said, that the truth will come out and my hubby will still have a job! (he is hoping that he does, and I am as well! as soon as he gets back there he is filing for a transfer to a different line that is NOT run by this lady.)
  • Hi everyone! Hmmm ... guess I have some catching up here .. sorry I stayed away so long but we have just been going going going. I just haven't been able to sit down long enough to play on the computer ... We went to the casino again last Sunday and guess what ... I won another $1400!!! Then Thursday nite another $300. It's been rather a very nice lucky streak - yesserree! Thursday and Friday we went to the old engine show in Buckley. Lots of old tractors but the part I go for is all the 500 vendors flea market! Rows and Rows and Rows of vendors and I walked all day both days so am pretty darn sore right now. Got to get into my hot tub tonite for sure!

    First of all - BRAT BRAT BRAT BRAT!! For the new thread - lol. Congrats on the great weight loss! I've not been really good .. but then, haven't been really bad either .. so my weight has just stayed the same this week. Very interesting story about your SIL ... She sounds like a real challenge. I'm glad the party for your FIL turned out good tho, in spite of her.

    I'm glad your christening turned out good .. sounds like Brandon got a lot of really neat stuff. I'm sorry tho to hear of the trouble hubby is having with work ... I hope everything will turn out for the good and I'm sure that it will.

    Hey girl ... don't fret too much about the snack attacks! I'm having a bit of a hard time getting straight myself ... just keep starting over fresh each day and one of these days we'll get it down pat again! YOU CAN DO IT! Oh, and by the way, you were looking in the wrong window cuz I was NOT in my tub this week drinking buttershots .. hahahaha ... hmmmm, I wonder who you were watching! LOL But I am about to go in it tonite to sooth my aching bones .. no buttershots tho.

    I know you are very busy but GET IN HERE AND POST real quick! We miss you!

    OK ... off I go to get in my tub .. gee, I wish you all were close to me .. we could have a Hot Tub Party! Oh well .. I'll just have to pretend ..... Have a good nite all and talk to you tomorrow.

    Love, CJ
  • CJ~ Thanks for the nice words. I am sure that we will be on pins and needles until we hear how things are going. we are very carefully watching every penny that we spend. we have good feelings about all of this, but it is just legalities that his work says they need to do.
  • Hello Ladies!

    Just popping in for a quick hello. I've been trying to eat better but it's hard now that it's that time of the month. It's pretty bad at the moment and my emotions are all over the place. I thought the cramps get better after you have a baby? Whoever came up with that one must have been a man. Mine are worse than ever! *sigh* only 4 more days and it will go away. No wonder I've been eating everything I see, I had the PMS from h*ll and now I have the period from h*ll. No excuses, there is tomorrow. I'm just glad that I threw out all the sweets sand left over party goodies.

    I have a lot going on. My MIL has decided that she wants me to be her personal maid and cook (she had a stroke 3 years ago and has made no effort to get better). Uh, hello! I have a baby to take care of! We live in her house (she moved to a different city right before she had her stroke and wanted us to take care of her house) and she decided that she wants to move back so that we can take care of her. She has told me that she doesn't like my cooking. She doesn't ask for things, she demands them. She gets mad whenever I have to take care of Nico and not cater to her every need. The sad thing is that my husband is an only child and can't depend on anyone else. Actually, no one else wants to be around her, she's just difficult. She got mad at me for not leaving my sleeping baby with her so that I can pick up her medicine (mind you, she can't walk and can't move her left arm). I politely told her that I wasn't comfortable leaving my baby with someone that can't take of him if an emergency arises. She can't take care of herself how is she going to take care of a 1 year old. I did ask her to watch him while I got his bottle ready...not even 30 seconds and I heard a thump and my baby scream. I quickly ran up the stairs as she was yelling at Nico "GET UP, GET UP AND STOP CRYING". There was my baby on the floor turning purple from crying. I quickly picked him up and blew in his face to get him to breathe. It scared the living cr*p out of me. She just said, "Oh, he's OK." I don't think so. I have NEVER heard Nico cry so hard for so long. Luckily, he had a DR. appointment and he was OK. Now, I truly believe this woman tripped him so that he wouldn't get out of her reach. He had a big goose egg on his forehead from where he hit himself and she thinks it's a bug bite. Right, bug bites. *sigh* I'm at my wits end with her and am sooooo happy that she went back home. Marcel doesn't know what to think...afterall it is his mother. What do I do? I truly think that her being here (she went back to her house and won't be back until the end of September) is causing my poor eating habits. She stresses me out. The sad thing is that she treats Marcel like a dog and calls him a bad son. He is her only child afterall. ***AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH*** Sorry about venting....

    Peggy- You are a saint. Thank you for all your encouragement.

    Mindee- I hope things go well for your DH. That lady at his job sounds like a real winner. My DH had a boss like that and then he (the boss) got fired. You'll see, everything will work out.

    CJ- I need to go gambling with you. You could be my lucky charm.....God knows I need all the luck I can get. OK, so maybe it wasn't you with the buttershots. Thanks for the encouragement. We can do this.

    Sharon- Are you back from your trip?

    Well ladies, I'm off to bed.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Has anyone tried the new Mountain Dew out there? It is called Pitch Black, and it takes just like grape kool-aid! I love it….and so does my hubby. We like it better then that Pepsi Blue that they had out a couple summers ago.

    I think me and Brandon have watched too many Olympics at night time or during the day. He thinks he is cute when he practices his spring board diving. He will scoot half way down the bassinet, and then when he realizes he is at the bottom, he will push off the bottom to scoot back up to the top. And then last night, well this morning, he decided that he didn’t want to sleep with any blankets on, so he kicked them all off, then when I put them back on him, he kicked them off again.

    My sister Beth, offered to make Brandon’s Halloween costume for us! She is going to make him a ducky since he loves duckies!!! We are thinking of doing the ducky theme for his first birthday!

    Sylvia~ Thanks for the words of encouragement for my hubby’s work/job! Sorry to hear about your MIL.