I am such a B word...

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  • Renee~

    I have been in that very dark place when I weighed 225 2 years ago (I am 5 feet tall)--- it is very dark-- but I found it was more than just the weight. The weight didn't come off until I dealt with what was going on with me-- that needs to be tackled fast! There is a reason why you are snapping and losing it-- it isn't going to stop or change until you make the choice to get help.

    You say you are pressured to be the "perfect mom"-- well the best way to be a good mom is to make sure you take care of yourself physically and emotionally!! Any attorney in front of any judge in your defense would easily be able to prove your therapy sessions are responsible attempts to take care of yourself. MANY MOMS, MANY MANY MANY MOMS seek help from counselors or therapists------ it is the most responsible thing you could do for you and your children! The worst thing to do is say, "I'm embarrassed to ask for help"-- and never do it-- prozac alone is not going to help. Has it so far?

    Please, please get help!

  • thanks for the comments...I will give them some deep thought.