Something new

  • I started a journal. Well, actually I set it up a month ago and never got it started until today. Anyways, the link is in my siggy but here it is again.

    My Magic Pill

    Feel free to follow along if you want. Just thought I'd share
  • That was a MAJOR cool entry!! Very enlightening and very thought provoking. It's reminded me of a few major things I've forgotten on this weight loss's not an overnight's a LIFETIME change. And it's got to be something I can DO for life. So if Atkins isn't my cure..I need to figure out how to make it work for me!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!!
  • Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :::::blush:::::: Thanks That is what I wanted, for anyone who read it, to take something positive away. I am going to keep up on it, at least weekly so check back. I think eventually I will print it all out and keep it.

    It's public, and people can leave comments if they want, both good and bad.