No Book Forum?

  • Hello, I'm new to the site and have been surfing around...but I noticed that the site doesn't have a book club or book thread....

    I know this is a weight management forum, but I think it might be an idea to toy with. A place for people to give book reviews and recommendations and such.....

    Ok, maybe I'm just an avid reader and a little crazy about my books....does anyone else think this is a good idea?
  • Hi sarah and welcome!! We don't have a "book" forum but we do have a library forum where I'm sure we can post book reviews or perhaps you can start your own "book club" in the library forum or here in general chatter our Library forum is located under the "General" heading
    I too love to read although it takes me awhile to get through a book now that I have kids lol.
    Welcome to 3fc!!

  • Hi!

    There is currently a "beach blanket books" summer reading thread in the alternachicks forum and book sub forum under the Dr. Phil - forum.