Chit Chat #65

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  • Jana: I just wanted to say that I love all your little avatars. I justwish I could do mine. I even had my sweetie take the pictures. Stupid computer. grrrrrr. Anywho, you are so puuurty!!!!! :-)
  • Mornin' all..

    I have been trying to post in this thread but keep getting interrupted!!! BBl, okay? Have a good day!
  • Morning ladies--

    Susan & RK--You know, I believe you two keep asking me where James stays and I keep forgetting to tell ya!! He's been staying at the Days Inn near the Expo. This next week he's staying at the Residence Inn near the Lloyd center. So feel free to pop in there, ask for James and keep him company!

    Heather--I clicked on your picture to see if I can get a bigger view of, is that second picture you? Very pretty!!!

    Jana--No, I don't believe you did tell me about Dales neat is that? I guess the person or the dispatcher (over here) who get's a hold of the driver is crabby and tell the guys to quit callin!! That makes no sense!!

    Sue--Glad your biopsy came back with normal results!! That's got to help put your mind at ease.

    Cristi--The drive (it was only less than an hour away) was a looooonnnggg drive!! But I managed to stay awake because I didn't like being on the road with just semi's!!! I felt small and helpless. Then while waiting for James after I got there, I took a cat nap!! (that helped)

    Jen--I used to live in West Frankfurt Illinois. Have you heard of it? Small town and they sure weren't used to new people moving into their town!! (I've got experiences that I'll never forget from that place!)

    Shanna--You're not the only one who can't figure out how to change the maybe we'll figure it out together.....

    Morning to the rest of the girls out there!!

    Sorry I made the replies short...but James and I are taking off again. With the way this job works....his personal day hasn't even started yet...which means I get an extra day. I get confused trying to figure it out, but at least I understand what it means when he says that he's got some time!!

    Oh....gotta go...James is all primped up and ready to leave!!

    talk with you all later
  • Hi Everyone!

    Not feeling so good today, woke up with the worst sinus headache. What I thought was a cold is actually allergies, which I think is 10 times worse than a stinking cold. Oh goes on.

    Susan~I am glad that you and Mike? are going to counseling, hoping that does help. He needs to quit trying to cheat you out of the money he owes and just pay up. He's is so lucky he doesn't have to pay more because $50 is not enough to raise a kid. He should at least be paying you half of what you pay for raising little Gaby. Yeah, pets take a lot of time. The kids were always trying to talk me into getting a dog and I didn't feel ready for one because I liked to get up and go when I wanted to and not have to worry about having someone take care of a dog. But we finally did it back in '95 and when we go little ernie goes with us. I left him in a boarding place one time and will never do it again. It was so sad-don't think he ate the whole time he was there, which was just a weekend.

    Jen~I saw that on the news last night about the robberies-what a great time to plan them huh?! So far WW is working fine. I won't know for sure until I weigh Monday-that will be the real test. I have been doing fine with it, this is day 4 and I have been OP so far, and Marti are silly, your "girls!" I had to go back and see what the heck you guys were talking about. Geez, I am always wishing mine were smaller.

    Speaking of mammograms...just went and had mine yesterday. Had it scheduled back in April??? just didn't go, then rescheduled and didn't go again and finally did yesterday. It has been two years since my last. Now to get to the dentist. Have to do physical therapy also for my right arm-have to get that done before it gets cold. Hoping it does help with the pain-we'll see.

    RK~I haven't read anything about them changing the guidelines, when did that happen? I swear they change things every other day and can't keep up with the changes. I will still try to have one every year regardless, just like the pap smear. I did see somewhere that they said you don't have to have those every year. How the heck can you (meaning the doc) not find your cervix? Weird to say the least.

    Sue~glad everything went well with all the tests. You are going to be one busy lady. No...not a leftover kind of person, not sure why. That's why I can never fix meals ahead and freeze them because to me they are "leftover!" I know weird!

    Marti~Is James tired of all the driving? Now you have me curious as to how they do a mammogram on women who have the "girls" Let me tell ya, not sure what she did yesterday but for some reason she clamped on the right one very hard-ouch! Hope you and James got to sleep in and enjoy your time together before he has to leave.

    Hi ya Shanna & Jana

    Heather~I do hope you get to feeling better soon.

    TJ~a survivor of cancer-good for you! Then went on to have two babies-an amazing woman. I have a great Aunt who was a breast cancer survivor and she was so proud that she made it she liked to show her scars! Anyway...I know what you mean about school. I never understood them starting on a Wed. or Thurs. Used to not start till after Labor Day so why start on a Wed. (which is when they start here) and then get a 3 day weekend? Doesn't make sense to me, and we don't have that many snow days so...not sure why they do that.

    About the avatars-I do plan on putting a pic of my mug but not till I lose the first 10 pounds. Then I think I will change it after each 10 pound loss.

    Okay, think I have gone on enough. Don't think I am going to get much of anything done today except a couple loads of laundry. I would just love to go back to bed and stay for the rest of the day-but won't. I am going to try and get a walk in later, not sure that will happen. I just can't function when I don't feel good, especially with my head being stopped up like it is. I know if I start reading I am going to get sleepy. So maybe I will watch a little tv. Anyway, hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I may BBL, not sure. Take care all.

    And a big HI to everyone else also.
  • Hello To All!!!

    I am so sorry that I haven't been able to post for so long. I've been getting peeks at what's been happening but just when I get a little up to date and ready to write something comes up and I have the leave again.

    I still haven't decided what to do about the job. They made an offer and I requested 2K more in base salary so I am waiting for the counteroffer. If the agree I will make the leap with my eyes closed.

    I haven't been doing so well on the diet. Too much stress, too little time, too much of everything.

    My husband and I have been having some problems and specially this time of year is very stressful because he is almost never home due to his work in a political campaign. When I met him he was already involved in politics so I cannot really nag so much now, but of course 9 years ago we didn't have Daniel nor so many responsibilities.

    We had a huge discussion last Sunday, on top of everything else that's been going on in my life and that just about did me in. I frankly sometimes wonder if he really loves me. I know that part of the issue is the insecurities I have and obviously my phisical appereance due to my being overweight.... which by the way I wasn't when we met.

    I actually told him how I felt and if that was the case then he should be brave enough to walk out and let me find my own happiness... I know .. I was a little melodramatic!!!! He has this way of looking at me, and I can almost read his mind.,.. "Johanne are you crazy??"

    The thing is I love him very much. He is a good friend and a beatiful father to Daniel. Let's see what happens.

    I bought today a Leslie Samsone CD, I'll let you know how it goes.

    Jana, I think you look great in your new glasses. I am glad that everything went perfect with these.

    Marti- You don't know how envious I am sometimes of you and your relationship with James. It reminds me of much happier times. I hope that you can cultivate all that love and be very happy always.

    Rosie- I read you lost some weight... CONGRATULATIONS!! I feel happy for you and I am sending you positive energy so that you can keep up the good work!

    TJ- The same with me on the Avatars and all that other stuff. Actually I am pretty much computer literate what I am not is Internet Literate. So I am reading and learning as I go.

    Sue- Great to hear about your test results!!!

    Cristy- I have been trying to wake up early to do my excercises in the morning... but so far they have only been good intentions. You know that I read somewhere that many people have the right aim in life, they just never pull the trigger... I think that that should be the philosophy of my life. Thank you for serving as an inspiration!



  • Just a quick hello.

    Happy to see you Jo. Hope you get some good news on the employment front.I don't think I have ever had counteroffers in my, sounds exciting.

    I think Mike & I HAVE to be in counseling to get I have told him he is the hardest person to get along with that I have ever met. He denies this and says he communicates just

    I feel FAT today!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaa, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I weighed in at 148- YIKES. HAVE to get my BUTT in gear!!

    Tried photobucket Jana,......I have the picture there , now how do I resize?? I see "LINKS" but not img link???? how small does it have to be??

    ok- best get

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