How do you all feel....

  • About generic vitamins??

    I ran out of my multivitamin and while at Walmart compared ingredients between Centrum with Lycopene and Equate (walmart's generic) with Lycopene. They all had the exact same things with the same amounts. So I bought the generic, heck it was 3 or 4 dollars cheaper.

    I also take extra folic acid (naturevalley), vit. E (naturemade), coral calcium (name brand/tv) and fish/borage/flaxseed oil (all in one pill).
  • I'm all for buying generic. If it's the same thing, why pay more just for a certain label?
  • There was a documentary (I'm a weirdo when it comes to TV I'll watch a documentary over anything else) a few years ago about generic vitamins vs. brand name. Most generic vitamins are produced at the same factories and on the same machines and with the exact same stuff as brand name. I haven't bought brand name vitamins since. Most of the higher price for brand name vitamins comes from cost of advertising.

    I believe that the only thing most people have to worry about is "filler". I don't know about vitamins, but for prescription medication, generic meds tend to have different "filler" in them. Some people will be allergic to the generic brand filler as opposed to the name brand... So if you notice any reactions that normally didn't happen, it's probably because of the filler being different.
  • Yup generic it is.

    Shimma is right...they are all made in the same place. In fact even foods that are a store label are made in the same factory as the brands.

    It took me a long time to believe it was the same but now I don't mind at all. Live and learn.
  • There are certain things I just can't eat generic of. No matter WHAT it is I've GOT to have the name brand. But most often I'll go w/generic over name brands (I'm a wal-mart shopper ).
    So I say go for generic