Motivationally Challenged

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  • Motivation Challenge
    Weekly Challenge: 4-5 days of whatever your chosen exercise, at least 20 minutes

    Daily Challenge: Add at least 5 minutes to your workout

    Daily Question: What is the hardest thing about each day?
  • Hi all! Like Jaymi I will just go with the flow too. You all are the best and I'll follow you guys anywhere!

    Today was a success overall. I went on that riverboat luncheon cruise with my mon and sister and although I didn't count my calories I think I did fine. For one thing they really didn't have anything fattening or too damaging. I had a little salad, one piece of turkey breast, a little mashed potatoes, a very small amount of veggie lasagna (It was an all you can eat buffet but they were serving this so I'm assuming they didn't have much of it in the kitchen), stuffing, and pudding for dessert. That was at about noon I guess and I decided that would be my last meal for the day since even though it wasn't extremely horrible, it was very carb heavy. So that was my challenge to myself. I wasn't too sure how much water I had on the boat so now that I'm home I have my extreme gulp cup (52oz) beside me.

    Julie - You only think about food when you're hungry or bored? You're my she-ro!! I want to be just like you when I grow up I have a long way to go in that area!

    I'm actually pretty good too about getting my fruits and veggies in. I may go through spurts where I don't get all of my veggies but for the most part I'm ok. As long as I do a salad at some point in my day I'm good. You only need 1/2 cup of leafy greens for 1 serving of veggies so its pretty easy to get 3-4 veggies down in one sitting if I do a salad.

    Have a great evening!
  • Hello chicks! I tried to update last night but my computer was acting stupid. Well anyways I’m pretty tired this morning. I’m drinking my coffee. I just ate a turkey sandwich for breakfast so I guess I’ll be ok. I forgot to journal yesterday. I had good intentions.. But it didn’t happen. I exercised for 48 minutes yesterday. I just don’t feel right if I don’t exercise for an hour. It takes that long to work up a good enough sweat. And I don’t feel like I have don’t anything if I don’t sweat. I guess I’m going to have to wake up earlier. I don’t ever get a chance to really comment on the journals. I barely get a chance to post! ! I know my daughter is gonna wake up soon. They actually have a cold front coming in… but it doesn’t get cold until late.. And cold to them is like 68 degrees. Which is good to me! I’d rather be cold than hot any day…. Except when I’m around water! Well anyways I got 2 swimsuits.. Well actually I got 2 tops and two pairs of $3 shorts. The tops that I like cover my stomach.. comes with bikini bottoms… which I refuse to wear. Then the tops with the shorts are little bitty! One of the outfits fit.. But the other one.. Which is made the exact same way and is the same size.. Is hilariously too small and both sides of my boobies pop out!! So of course since I’m the take stuff back queen, I’m going to take it back and get me another one. I can’t try on stuff with a toddler and a big ole’ basket full of stuff! Maybe this time though.. Because Walmart is almost 20 miles away.. Too much gas money to waste. Anyways I have 15 minutes to get ready to exercise and stuff… if the baby don’t wake up… so I better go… I will talk to everyone soon!!
  • Hello chicks! I got in my 60 minutes of exercise. It was hard though.. My knee is really killing me. Which seems weird since I hadn’t exercised in like 3 days or so when it started hurting. I didn‘t do anything else… so I wonder what it is! And with all the ice-cream I‘ve been eating.. You wouldn‘t think calcium would be an issue!! Boy have I been craving those Frosty‘s from Wendy‘s. I almost bought some of those no sugar added fudge sickles…(that doesn’t look right!) but I was scared I‘d get hooked on them. But heck.. That‘s gotta be better than nothing! I also LOVE banana fudge pops… but they don‘t come in the f/f… or s/f. Well at least not out here anyways. When I take that swimsuit top back, I‘m through buying swimsuits.. Unless they go on sale for $3 or $1.. Then heck.. I‘ll sell them on ebay or something! I‘ve noticed that a lot of people buy clearance items and sell them for more…. Or get more when people start bidding on them. I guess that‘s legal… hmmmm. Anyways I‘m tired as a dog. I can‘t fool around on the computer today, I have to do some housework. My DH said that we were supposed to go to the beach with his friends.. So who knows.. They might end up coming over.. So I need to prepare instead of getting mad over it… Besides.. If I kept my house up better, than I wouldn’t have to clean it so drastically when we have company… AWWW who am I kidding… these kids dirty up constantly. Is it tax-free weekend anywhere else?!?!? Now that could be more trouble for me…. But the baby does need some more pampers.. It‘s tax-free on everything right?!? Anyways I will try to come back later and get personal… have to start getting stuff together now! The store will probably be packed!!!!!

    Lucia- I missed ya! Glad you're back! Can't wait to read your updates!

    Michelle- on your Luncheon! I would have eaten everything!!!!

    Kidzrn- Hope you are doing great.. we miss ya!!!

    Anyone else I missed.. have a blessed day today!!

    Talk with everyone later!!!
  • Friday AM
    I am soooo mad! I just typed this nice long post to tell you all about my goals from yesterday and I was talking to my hubby on the phone and the stupid thing erased somehow while I was on the phone!!! What's up with that?????

    So in a nutshell, yesterday was good food and exercise! Had a picnic with the residents at work and I turned down the desert (icecream desert) and got plenty of exercise loading and pushing wheelchairs, etc.!!! Didn't "formally" exercise but that was plenty and I was ready for a nap by 2pm!!!

    Wonder where our fearless leader is??? Elisha???

    Jaymi...Way to go on getting back into the groove. Remember that ANY exercise is better than just laying around eating bon bons!!!

    Lucia...Glad you are back! I'm hoping that scale will be kind to you when you step on it! I'm sure it will...sounds like you are doing great...are you journalling?

    Michelle...Clarification on my comment about thinking about food! I did write "usually" (had to go back and read it for myself because I couldn't beleive I said that!) so there are other times that I think about when I am cooking or eating or planning my meals or journalling my food! But really, I am so much better than I used to be! I think the fact that I plan my meals ahead of time does take the "thinking about food" out of my day! This weekend is going to be difficult because we are travelling (read my Labor Day post) but I am going to manage! So, really I AM human, afterall!

    Gotta get going now...that took twice as long as I had hoped! *Stupid Computer!*

    Hope you all have a great weekend! Hugs!
  • Motivational Quote of the Day
    The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
    --Walter Bageho
  • Motivation Challenge
    Weekly Challenge: 4-5 days of whatever your chosen exercise, at least 20 minutes

    Daily Challenge: Do something different--try a food you haven't tried before, bike instead of walk, anything.

    Daily Question: How many times today did you consciously and deliberately make the case to yourself for losing weight?
  • Fear not, Julie, I am here!

    Motivation level: 2

    Pathetic, isn't it? I've just been having a really crappy couple of days. However, I did get in 35 minutes on the stairclimber yesterday, so that at least is good. Don't think there's going to be much exercising today though, as I need to leave the house in about 20 minutes, and I'm still in my pj's, haven't eaten breakfast.... bleh. I really feel like going shopping, because that always makes me feel better, but the fact that I have no money is part of what is making me feel crappy. I'll probably go buy something cheap anyway and just deal with it. *shrugs*

    Going to dinner at my friend's house tonight, but it's my healthy friend, so food will be ok. I hope I don't go crazy with food at some point during the day. I never really thought of myself as an emotional eater, but now I find that when I am feeling down it is junk food that I want--Arby's, Doritos, completely unhealthy food, and lots of it--not because I think it will make me feel better, but just because I want there to be one thing that I don't have to worry about. So then I eat whatever it is and then I feel even worse because I let myself get out of control. It's a viscious cycle.

    Michelle--Great job on the riverboat! I probably would have eaten everything in sight!

    Lucia--It's good to have you back! Sounds like you've been doing great--keep it up!

    Jaymi--They can never manage to make two pieces of the same clothes in exactly the same way... it's infuriating. Sounds like you're getting back on track though--good to hear it!

    Julie--Maybe I need to start planning my food better, perhaps I will stop thinking about it so much. I doubt it, I will just keep thinking, "oooh, I get to have rice cakes at 1:00, and then some soup at 4:00...." That might be even worse. At least with no planning, there is at least an element of surprise.

    Anyway, I'll be back this evening to let you all know how my day turns out. Have a great day, chickies.

  • Daily Question- Since the day is still going… I’ve already pleaded with myself.. And pep talked myself about 30 times! It doesn’t work half the time.. But I do it anyways….

    Daily Challenge- Hmm… today I might get on the treadmill.. That would be different! I havent touched that thing in months! Or maybe I’ll try the 3 mile WATP..

    I KNOW I have ate too many calories for today… so I need to do some extra exercise…. Anyways I gotta go now.. Will check back later!
  • Hi all!

    Lucia - Welcome back! Glad to hear you're keeping up with your food & exercise plan!

    Julie - Well you're still my she-ro Great job turning down dessert & also on the mock workout. Remember, all activity counts! I went to a Lunch & Learn session at work recently on the benefits of exercise and that was one of the things the doctor drilled into us... "ALL ACTIVITY COUNTS". I know before that session I would sometimes feel so horrible if I didn't officially exercise, yet I may have worked in the yard for an hour or so, you know?

    Jaymi - Ohmygosh I am LOVING those frosty's from Wendy's. When I'm being really good I just get the kiddie size. I think its only 170ish calories. The small is 330ish and medium is 440ish I think. I need to go back to the nutrition guide to tighten up those numbers for my own tracking purposes. I also had been eyeballing those fat free fudgsicles so today I bought a box of the Skinny Cow brand fat free fudge bars. They are only 100 calories. I'll have to remember to let you know how they taste.

    Elisha - Don't worry about the low motivation level. You always manage to get it right back up to an acceptable level really quick! Have fun at your friend's tonight!

    I had a really good day. I took the day off work and after going walking this morning I stopped for a "big" breakfast (bigger than I'm accustomed to). Veggie omelet & hashbrowns. Since I got the potatoes I didn't get toast - yay me! Major victory there Dinner was a turkey burger and salad and about 10 fries.

    Hope everyone has a great evening!
  • Hi guys back again..sorry ..I drank the water this week ...but it was a very sedentary week....the air was thick and so was I!...but I will make sure to get a bit in tomorrow for sure..I actually like to work out but lack the motivation to go and do it!..and I LOVE REALLY good food!!! plan is in evolutionary process so if you have any hints please bring them on!!! ...I started with trying Atkins.did an induction ..that made me so sick physically and mentally it was too much for a former then I went back to calories....and low ...I have put things together that I can do ...and stick with adding one at a time a week at a time.. ....I am eating 6 times a day keeping the calories below 1500 the fat below 30%...and increasing fruits and vegetables ...tapering off white food only whole grains and I am giving up is the hardest I grew up in Providence RI weaned from the breast to the bean!!!)....I want to get back to running (it has been two years off!!) and weights...I am 46 years old ....and suffering from my body trying to hang on for the ride!!!.....advice ...yeah I need it!!! and have some to share!!
  • Good morning chick-a-dees! Not soo good for me! Well not actually bad either. I shouldn’t even be online right now.. But I thought I’d check in.. it might help my day go by better. Weigh-in is today.. I know I should have weighed before I did anything else.. But I really don’t want to… I know I havent lost… my stomach is poking out big time… and my clothes aren’t as lose as before. I will weigh-in after I exercise… whenever that may be…. Or maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow. Anyways the plans for today are all changed at the last minute.. But I can honestly say that this time it wasn’t the hubby’s fault. BUT…. I still have a hour and a half to clean up the house and figure out what to do next. Food was disastrous yesterday… I ate like 4 times… so that can’t be good. Because nothing I ate was healthy. The tacos I made for dinner would have been except for the ground meat. That other stuff is WAY too expensive right now… 3.50 a lb is ridiculous… and that’s not ground round or anything.. That’s turkey ground meat.. The ground round is like 4 bucks or more for one measly lb! Anyways… who knows what today’s menu will be like with our plans being in shambles… We were supposed to go to the beach.. But now it’s all messed up and I don’t know what’s going on. Derrick’s friends decided to change plans and the mom and daughter are going shopping.. Of course I would be invited.. But no money= no shopping… I absolutely HATE shopping if I can’t buy anything.. I’d rather stay home alone. The hubby and the son want to go to the race car place, go play some golf.. And some other stuff.. So I told my husband and my son to go with them… It’s too hot to be sitting outside with a stroller watching others have fun.. And Golf and go-carts aren’t fun to me. Putt-putt is ok… but like I said we have no money. At least with just 2 of them it would be cheaper. So I guess I’ll just sit here and look miserable… I’m not in the mood to go anywhere anyway. Well I might just take the baby to the park or something because I don’t want to sit here and dog sit… I’m mad at that freakin pup right now . She started barking at 5 am.. And didn’t stop.. Didn’t miss a beat.. Until 6:30.… so she woke up the baby… and me.. And my hubby just slept through it all. I feel sorry for the neighbors.. I know you all are probably thinking.. Why didn’t you get up… FOR WHAT! NOT MY DOG!! And she was just barking for no reason like she does 24 hours a day. Anyways yes I’m in a crappy mood.. Only because of being woke up early by a dog barking… Somethings really piss me off. I’ll get over it. I got a bajillion things to do and I better get started.. Time is running way too short! Talk with everyone soon.. And I’ll be in a better mood!… hopefully! Bye all!
  • Motivational Quote of the Day
    Success is often nothing more than moving from one failure to the next with undiminished enthusiasm. --Winston Churchill
  • Morning chicks!

    Motivation level: 3

    Not much energy today. I had planned to get up early and exercise, but that didn't happen, and now I don't have time. I guess I'll have to do it when I get home from work at 9:30pm, because if I don't exercise this week it will only be 3 days, and I can't have that. I've had a crappy week though. And next week isn't looking any better.

    Anyway, food should be good today. No going out, no dinner with friends, just me all day. That is a good thing.

    I've noticed that since I started dating a few weeks ago I haven't been taking as good of care of myself as I was previously. It's hard to stick to a strict diet when you eat out a lot. I'm still lonely, but I'm starting to think that maybe I should get myself in order before I bother looking for anyone else. I guess I'll just go crazy in the meantime. Not that crazy is too far away!
    I keep saying that nothing is more important to me right now than losing weight, but I keep letting things get in the way. It shouldn't be that way, not if I really mean what I say. So I'm cracking down again. No more splurging, no more working bad things in. I think it's time for me to start focusing on healthy rather than just low-calorie. More fruits, more veggies, more exercise, more things that are good for me.

    So about yesterday's question.... not as often as I should have, but still a number of times. My menu yesterday was atrocious (think Doritos for breakfast), but my calories were still at 1402 (because I didn't have lunch). I think I will make the case to myself more today than I have in recent weeks, simply because I'm trying to refocus my efforts.

    Oh, I'll post another question/challenge tomorrow. If you want to challenge yourself or have a question for the group, feel free to post it.
    I'll be back this evening to let you all know how my day turned out. Have a great day chickies.
  • Hi all!

    Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood, would you be my......

    Okay I'm obviously feeling pretty good today. I had a great hour long walk this morning, breakfast, and now I'm back home planning the rest of my day.

    Lucia - Unless I'm missing something I think that was extremely unsupportive of your friend! I'm picturing this to be a food court type of deal? What difference did it make if you two ate different things? It seems like she has some other issue going on. Like maybe there was something else brewing under the surface and this was her arena to explode. Her rant about how you may as well not even bother because your other attempts have not been successfull....... hints of a deeper issue. Could she be jealous of your efforts to become healthy / fit / smaller? That could be it or maybe there is something that she would like to do for herself and has not put forth the effort for some reason which makes you an easy target to let out her frustrations? The possibilities are endless but I think that you would do well to surround yourself by friends that are more supportive of your efforts. This whole weight loss journey is so hard all by itself, without having someone in our inner circle pulling us down. We need their support! In the meantime, hopefully you feel that you can come here to get some of the support that you need!

    KidzRN - I also did a stab at Atkins as well as South Beach and they are just not for me. I thought I would pass out from being so weak! I don't see how people do it but I know a lot of people get a lot of success from them both. I try a lot of different things too but I just go back to my old tried and true faithful - counting calories and exercise. Getting a well balanced diet just feels better for me and makes more sense to me. We may lose a lot slower by doing it this way but I think our bodies will pay us back for it in the long run! Health-wise and weight-wise! Oh - and I'm totally with you with slacking way back on those white foods. That's actually one good concept that I've taken away from those other plans. I know I feel better and do better with my weight loss efforts when I let go of all of that white bread, potatoes, rice, etc. The hard part is the sugars! I don't have any new advice that I'm sure you don't already know but just keep coming back here and we'll come up with something