Hi Everyone!

  • Hey Everyone,

    My name is Apryl and I've been posting in the 100lb. Club for a while now but my actual weightloss has been at a STANDSTILL for 2 years. I'm really tired of it and I'm prepping to head to South Beach in early August when I get back from a week at my sister's house. I hope I can jump in with you all!

    Any great advice for someone just arriving in South Beach?

    Thanks! -Apryl
  • Welcome, Apryl! The best advice I can give you is to read the book and read the FAQ section of this forum. There is lots of good advice already posted. If you like to cook, check out the recipe section. There are lots of good stuff to get you going. Early on you may want to cook from the recipes but you will quickly learn how to adapt recipes that you already have. Flip through the old posts. There are lunch suggestions. Breakfast suggestions. Just about everything you could need.
  • Welcome to the Beach, your chair and umbrella will be waiting for you after your visit with your sister. As Barb said read the book and check out all the info here and you will be have no problems. Take care.
  • Welcome to The Beach, Apryl. As the wise chicks said, read and read and read both the book and the posts in the Forum. I've been "stuck" at the same weight too for about a year. Maybe we can both start moving again!
  • Hi, Apryl!
    I'm so glad that there is another person who has a lot to lose - I think this is a good diet for us - the weight loss is significant, so you can see progress, and personally, I haven't felt hungry - The snacks are filling - not 6 jujubes, and a glass of sauerkraut juice! - but I love it when the doc says, when you're hungry, eat! The trick for us, of course, is making sure that we are hungry.
    The best advice I can give is: DO NOT CHEAT AT ALL ON PHASE I, and then relax a bit, because while there is weight loss in Phase II, it isn't nearly as dramatic, as it takes a week or so to start kicking in.
    Two other things - one is that the best thing you can do for yourself is to start adding exercise, gradually, but definitely exercise. I can't speak for you, but I'm fat and out-of-shape.
    The other thing for people with a lot to lose to take seriously is that I believe it's really important for us to be low fat on the dairy, and the meat. I suspect that we haven't been doing our circulatory system any favors by getting as heavy as we did, and it's important to not look at this diet as an opportunity to live on saturated fats!

    Good luck - enjoy your vacation - just a thought, but, while you're away, just try a salad or two more than you ordinarily would eat, and maybe park the car a little further from the event than you normally would - For me, this really isn't a diet, it's about a new way a life, and you don't have to go on phase I to start being better to yourself.
  • Welcome Apryl!

    Come on in and join us!
  • Welcome Apryl

    I started using www.fitday.com to record my meals and exercise and track my weight loss and it was a really big help. It is really easy to cheat or not feel like exercising but when you are recording it each day it really helps you keep on track.
  • Welcome Apryl!
    Hope you enjoy the beach. Jump right in. This place is fun and knowledgeable. And crazy sometimes.............::
  • Welcome, Apryl!

    I think you'll love this group and this WOE. It is fantastic!
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome, Apryl!
    You seem familiar... Alternachicks?
  • Thanks, everyone! One of the advatages to visiting my sister is tomorrow we're going to Barnes and Nobles (my home city is tiny 8,000 people) and I'm going to buy The South Beach Book! (previously skimmed and researched online.) But, all advice is still greatly appreciated.

    Ellis: You've probably seen me in the VeggieChicks forum a bit!
  • Hi Apryl,

    I'm in my 6th week on South Beach and I've never felt better. My 2 cents is to tell you that around days 3-5 of Phase I you may feel the sugar withdrawal. There are some threads around that describe the feeling as lethargic, flu-like or, in my case, hangover-like. Just be nice to yourself during that period and you'll be fine (by nice I mean baths, rest, renting a good movie). Get past that and it's smooth sailing.

    I started at 247 and am now 229. I have been stuck for a week but I think it's because I discovered how addictive pistachios can be!

    Good luck!