Stay At Home Moms #224

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  • 6 of 7 days
    Hey hey ladies~

    Just checking in to report that I did pilates today while the boys napped and that makes 6 of 7 days. Woot. Granted I only have the rest of my life ahead of me. But I so dislike exercise so this really is kinda a big thing in my life.

    Leigh--Hope you have a great time tonight...I bet Liam will be adorable.

    Spryng--do tell about the movie. I liked the first one. Enjoy your supper too, sounds yummy.

    Penny--wal*mart on a Saturday, poor thing. I hate having to go there on Saturday ours if flooded with tourist and I end up wanting to pull my hair out or poke someone in the eye before I leave.

    Michelle--thanks for the update. I hope the Vioxx will help. Be careful I think it is very irritating to the tummy. (my mom has severe RA and that is one of the many meds she's been on, currently she's on Methotrexate and arthotec)

    Ricci--hope the nape helps your headache. Feel better.


    I dislike how I'm inconsistant and I procrastinate

    I like my handwriting and that I have a lot of compassion.

    And someone asked the other day ...I'm 5' 7'' to tidy this living room that Elijah has strewn toys all over and get supper prepped. Hope yall are having a nice Saturday.
  • Hello everyone.. Just a quick update... Food hasn't been THAT bad... I ate a SF kool cup and a pickle, and some candy canes... and I ate some of my porkchops, an apple, a plum, and a red pear. I exercised for like 18 minutes and I got tired and just laid there and gave up. I don't have any energy. I get way too tired too fast.. MY daughter is acting bad anyways, so I'm going to wait until her nap and try again.. That darn dog is barking away... hubby is laying on the floor sleeping.. oh well, I don't care. If someone comes banging on the door, he can talk to them! Well I gotta go... gotta pee!! Talk with you all later!
  • Hello friends!
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday, or if I did, I don't remember it!!

    I have broken out in some kind of rash from something unknown. The only thing I know I have done different is that I started using Splenda this week. So I have been taking Benadryl feeling kinda groggy. Now Christian has a fever so I will have to be quick while he is out of my lap!

    I did maintain again and I am so thrilled about it. I will have to continue with the effort and see if I can get past 197 next week. I want new clothes!!!! Been watching too much WHAT NOT TO wEAR and I know I am soooo not fashionable now!! I should be on that show, I could use a new wardrobe, but not 5000 worth til I reach my goal!!

    Congrats to all the losers and to the ones who didn''s a new week, start fresh, put a little extra effort into it and see what happens this week. If I can do it, anyone can! YOU CAN!!!

    to catch up...

    My toenails are pearl pink

    My dh was my boss when we met

    The thing I hate most about myself is my inability to complete anything!

    The things I like about myself are...hmmmm...thinking...okay, I think I am a great mom, I think my kids would agree(except for maybe the 18 yo that knows more than anyone in the world now!). The second thing that I like about myself is that I am a positive person who refuses to let anything get me down. If I can't figure it out myself, I give it to God and he takes care of me always!

    Did I answer all the questions???

    back soon!
  • Hello Ladies.
    How is everyone this evening.I've been alittle busy with the Family and catching up on house work today.Sorry I missed the post yesterday or at least I think I did. I'm so tired I can't remember right now.


    I don't like the fact that I can't stay organized and I'm inconsistant with everything.

    I do Like the fact that I'm a great mother and I'm a very loving person.

    Yesterday's QOTD

    My toenails are violet pink or purple not really sure.

    As far as me dieting.I'm much happier when I don't worry about it.I'm going to continue to exercise and watch what I eat but I'm not going to worry about every little thing I stick in my mouth.The only thing it does is stress me out.So I think if I don't worry about it then I'll probly lose weight without relizing it.So that's my new plan.It's just really stressful for me and I'm really grumpy when I do.So i'll let ya'll know how it works for me.

    I got to get off here and get my curtain climbers in the bed.We've got church in the morning then were off to N.C. to my Dh's sisters baby shower.She's having a girl.It's due August 23 and my B-day is the 21rst so I told her if she had it on my B-day then she had to give it to me for a I do miss having a baby around.All my kids are growing so fast.Well i'll ttyl
  • Hey there ladies!

    QOTD... I hate the fact that I don't have more patience (especially with the boys)
    I like my eyes and my handwriting too (I loved that one Cheri so I'll steal it if you don't mind )

    Angel...I think you have a good have to do what works for you.

    Jaymi...did you get your exercise in today? I think you should have put the baby on Dh while he slept on the floor but that's just me! the heck do you think you can be organized with all those kids?? I think you're a great person too! So your Dh was your boss, hey?

    Cheri, I used to hate exercise too. Now that I try to do it everyday I actually like it (once I get my butt going that is!) If I miss a day I feel very guilty beacuse it's usually out of pure laziness.

    Di, maybe hubby should have had his alone time BEFORE your shower ! I so envy nap time!

    Leigh..hope you're enjoying the wedding. A drink everyonce in a while is what flexpoints are for I thought Let's see..the east coast of FL..where all the NY'ers live My BIL lives in Coral Springs near Ft Lauderdale so we'll stay in FLL for a few days. The guys go diving. Then we go to Islamorada and stay at Ocean Pointe Suites the rest of the time. It takes about 19 hours or so to get there by car and FL is the longest darn state...especially when you're going way south. I just love the Keys. I get to have 1 piece of Key Lime pie while there . I can taste it already. Where did you live?

    Spryng..have a great time!!

    Ricci..hope your headache is gone.

    Penny.. OK, so maybe you were born but you were all awful young then

    Michelle.. man you really have had the health issues!! Hope this stays just a strain! Take it easy there chickie!

    If I forgot you...I'm so very very sorry! Nothing personal. I need to get some work done on another site.

    Have a wonderful Saturday night...and I'll ttyl!!
  • I think Jaymi should have put the barking dog on top of dh while sleeping...but that's just me!!!
  • Good morning ladies, about both the baby and the barking dog???

    Just did a 2 mile walk. I can here Dh yelling at the boys upstairs so I lost my motivation. I'll take them for a bike ride later today. No other plans for me. I have to figure out dinner.

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

    I'll TTYL
  • Hi gals:)
    Morning Not surer how much time I'll have to post/reply because BIL and BIL's girlfriend want to see Savannah, so we're taking a road trip The wedding was okay - I wanted to post a few pics from yesterday since ya'll want to see recent pics of Liam. The 2 of him are right before we left for the wedding. The one of me is a joke one from the wedding. I had to hold DH's drink almost all night since he was holding Liam

  • Hey girls! Just a fly by post, I hope you are all having a wonderful sunday.
    Leigh those pics of Liam are absolutely adorable!!

    We're going to look at the dog breeders pups but not out of the litter mine will come from she just wanted us to come take a look at some of the litters she has. And then we are gonna bbq some supper and early to bed today I think. Have a great night girls!!

  • Just quick everyone!!! HELLLOOOO!

    I tried to post yesterday. I had a tough day with the kids. I wrote a personal post to a few of you and then POOF. PJ hit the mouse and it backed up my screen and it was all gone. I did not have the energy to write it again.

    Cindy, What kind of rash do ya have. Sounds like maybe 5th's disease. See if you little guy gets a slapped cheek look after the fever goes. Common among kids this time of year and if you never had it, you don't normally get a fever just a rash. Kids don't always get fevers either, but sometimes they do and it follows with red cheek or two.

    Leigh, Liam looks ADORABLE....which wine was better, the red or white?

    Cheri, great job on the exercise!!!

    Hello, Spryng, Michelle, Geri, Penny, Jamyi and the rest of you. Hope all of you are well.
  • Hi all,
    My ww stuff FINALLy got here. Could one of you tell me how many points a day I get. I am 5'7 and 153. I still have a slight headache. I think it's from TOM which came last week, but is now gone. Have a great evening.
  • Good evening all!

    Sorry I didn't get here sooner today... I'm taking a breather from packing at the moment. Got all the kids stuff packed... made me almost cry. I'm going to miss them so much!!! I'm sure I'll be bawling like crazy tomorrow morning when I drop them off.
    But anyway, today has been super busy. I haven't even eaten dinner yet because I forgot! I made a healthy choice meal about 30 min ago in the microwave and just now remembered it, lol. What a scatterbrain I am ,lol.

    Ok, Michelle, I missed it... what kind of dog are you getting?

    Ricci, you get 22 pts a day plus 35 pts a week... when you hit 149 lbs you go down to 20 pts a day so enjoy those extra 2 pts while you get them!! So happy you got your stuff in!

    Melissa, hello to you too! How are you?

    Leigh, loved the pics!

    Geri, great job getting in that 2 mi walk! Hope your day was great.

    Cindi, hope that rash leaves fast!! I'd give you a big hug but I don't want it!! LOL.

    Cheri, the movie was really good. I didn't realize Jason Bourne is based on books and there will be lots of sequels. But I liked the way the movie ended and it was a good action movie. Definitely worth seeing at least once

    well... I wish I had more time. I feel like you will all forget me before I come back. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and stay OP and get some exercise in!! Great WI's ahead for us all! DH's truck is jam packed with healthy stuff now, lol. If I go off plan while I am gone it isn't due to lack of choices, lol. So I hope I am good. I'm a little tired and moody since TOM is just two days away... I hope he hits soon so this stinking bloated feeling will subside. But I do hope I have a great week too and we get to do some fun stuff while in Florida. Did someone say they knew some great spots there? Please tell! I'll check back in before I go to bed... so talk to you then!!!
  • Good Afternoon Ladies!

    I checked a couple times today but never got a chance to post.... grrrrr....

    Hope you and hubby got some "alone" time last night It is nice to get that when all the kids go down early or all at one time.

    Do you like pilates? I know for me to exercise, it has to be an exercise that I actually enjoy. I love the walk away the pounds. Do you have it?

    Congrats on getting in some exercise! And it sounds like your food choices are getting better again! Yah

    You poor thing! It sounds like one thing after another for you and your family! Congrats for the maintenance though! Oh and on the What Not To Wear Show.... I don't think $5000 would go far in New York. Exp when they throw away all your clothes and replace them with 2 pair of pants and 3 shirts and a pair of shoes. I do LOVE that show though!!!

    I say go for it! You do what you think is good for you! I feel the same way sometimes. That we stress over it too much and not enough on the overall picture. Let us know how it goes!

    Congrats on the two miles! Yah!!!! And you didn't start the qotd... shame shame..... We can take Sundays off

    I LOVE the pics of Liam! He is just too cute! And he is getting big! So you are a big alcoholic huh? Two drinks..... Hope you had fun on the road trip!

    I can't wait 8 weeks for your puppy!!!! That is just still too long! How did the puppies look??? Adorable I bet! Oh btw, I did find the tear staining meds. I wrote you an im today to let you know....

    Well to let everyone know.... We just got a Yorkshire Terrier. Michelle and I talked about us getting puppies. I was gonna wait till Christmas but I found my baby yesterday! I was sooo excited. Ok here is the stats... Rubie Slipper, girl (my only one... ) She is 6 mo. old and weighs 2 1/2 pounds. We brought her to Pet Smart today and got her a rinestone hot pink collar and leash and all her fixings. She always got groomed today. She goes to the vet tomorrow.

    Hope you have a wonderful time! I know you will!!!! Take lots and lots of pictures!!!

    I am so happy that you got your ww stuff finally!! Let us know how it is going!

    Sorry you lost your post....... grrrrrrr......!!!! Hope you are having a better evening! Email me so we can chat

    How bout the baby, the dog and putting his finger in warm water

  • Hello Everyone! Today.. Food sucked.. But exercise was ok! Did you all know that Hardees don’t have salads? I HATE chicken sandwiches… I know I just got through lecturing myself about fast food.. But hey would could I do.. Starve?!? We were all getting out to eat… and we NO ONE wanted McDonalds.. So I just said ok…It can’t kill me! I did good so far earlier. I ate some low fat sausage, biscuits and egg beaters for breakfast. That was my lunch and I just ate a salad with just lettuce, cucumber, tomato, and f/f dressing. Not to mention the little snacks I had today… but they weren’t anything dreadful or anything! Just some dried cereal instead of chips and some s/f m’m’s because I was craving chocolate! OHHHH and did I mention the REAL Dr. pepper I had today!!! Oh well, I exercised for 60 minutes Denise Austin. And I still got some more exercising to do.. Probably Abs… and I got 1 mile WATP or treadmill to do. I am a new person starting.. TOMORROW!! I know that I am crabby due to PMS.. But who cares.. I don’t have a church home out here.. And it don’t look like I’ll find one anytime soon, so I look at TV or my dad sends me cassettes from our pastor.. Anyways today there was a message on Not settling for good enough… It touched me! He actually mentioned every single thing going on in my life.. Even losing weight.. He said something that stuck with me.. I am going to be a VICTOR not a VICTIM!!! I’m not gonna let anything like a stupid chocolate bar defeat me.. And I’m not gonna give up just because I can’t take some stupid a** pills! They don’t control me either! I don’t care what life brings my way anymore… nothing can beat me unless I let it.. And I’m gonna be more determined to get my life back.. I might not know what it is that I’m here for and what my purpose is in life.. Anymore.. But if it’s as simple as being a mommy to my kids and a good wife.. Then I’ll be the best one I know how… I don’t care if DH appreciates it or not… My efforts will be noticed by God… and who cares if he doesn’t appreciate me. Anyways again.. I’m gonna start fresh… I shouldn’t have given up or almost given up.. I shouldn’t have let those 5 lbs get me down… but now… it’s time to pick up my sword and fight this battle again… I have set me some new goals…..

    Follow my NEW exercise plan (no matter what)

    Stay on plan… and if I go over my calories.. Add more exercise.. Don’t give in to failure!

    Drink water, water, and more water!

    Don’t let no one or nothing get the best of me. PMS is just an set back… but it can’t control me! It DOESN’T PUT CHOCOLATE IN MY MOUTH! It doesn’t take my hands and make me eat foods I don’t need, nor does it control my emotions… I DO!! ME!! SCR*W PMS!!

    Set a time so I have more time to use the computer and support my 3FC family!!!

    Today I went to the pool for about an hour! Of course Dh had to get an attitude over it.. But whatever.. Who cares! He went to a bar the other night… so why can’t I go to the pool.. Which by the way is right around the corner!!! I read some of my book.. I LOVE IT! It’s a murder she wrote book.. It’s just like the actual show.. Which I love more! I wonder if they have more like that… anyways… they had too many darned kids screaming.. And that makes me nervous…. So I just went ahead and came home.. Well I still have some exercising to do.. Which is probably not a good idea because I might not get to sleep but I need to get it over with and stop procrastinating! Talk with you all tomorrow, and I will get personal then… I have typed a long story already!!! Love Jaymi

    BTW!! That putting the baby and the dog thing cracked me up!!!! I just had to let you all know that!!! It made my night!!
  • Oooops...guess I was too stupid to realize that I was the first poster this morning...'cause that never happens! I'll try to remember next time..

    Jaymi..glad we could make you laugh

    Penny...cute dog! Not too much estrogen as to upset the natural balance of your house know we'll miss you and probably talk about you too while you're gone Hope you have a wonderful time. Don't cry when you drop off the kids silly...cry when you have to pick them up

    Ricci..are you still riding your bike? I took the boys for about 4 miles then I did 12 by myself tonight. I love it . I hope you enjoy WW.

    Mel...Tony's always grabbing at the keyboard and mouse when I'm trying to post. That's one of the reasons I don't post much during the day...also beacuse I'm not normally near our computer. When's Dh coming home?

    Michelle .. how're you feeling lady?? Have you gotten any bike rides in lately?

    Leigh..Liam's adorable...getting so big! Sure, you're holding that wine for Dh...uh ha...I've used that one before too

    That's it for me tongith. Hi to everyone else out there. Hope you have a terriffic evening and i'll post later tomorrow after WI. I may be going to a gf's house after my TOPS meeting and if the WI isn't good then I may not post until Tuesday .
