fibromyalgia, anyone?

  • Hi, I am pretty new to this site. Last year I lost 52 pounds and had another 34 to go when I decided to quit smoking so I've gained about 12 back. Anyway, another issue I have is fibromyalgia. I'm 42 and have had it since I was 24. Over the years I've never really paid any attention to it. I've refused to give in to it. However, over the last 5 years I've gotten a little sorer, stiffer, etc. I'm finding that I don't have as much stamina to keep moving and the fatigue is tough. Are there any fibro people out there who can give me some fitness, diet, and health tips? I don't know anyone who has this. I've dealt with it by myself for the last 18 years and I think it's time I asked for help. Kerry
  • Help is on the way if you want it!
    The first thing that you need to do to get a permanent handle on fibromyalgia is to begin counseling if you havent already done so. The largest contributor to fibromyalgia is your mental health status. There may be some old baggage from your childhood or teen years that you havent been able to let go of. Psychosocial factors can really impact a person's inability to recover and move on. People have been known to become totally disabled and unproductive due to the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. The diagnosis is a relatively new term that physicians came up with when they couldn't identify a clear etiology for their patients reported symptoms (similar to Residual Sympathetic Dystrophy, Chronic fatigue syndrome). I used to work for a multidisciplinary pain management program facility. It was the team's firm belief that in order to affectively treat fibromyalgia, you need to include psychological counseling with an aggressive physical exercise program. Water aerobics is a great source of non-impact exercises. also, you really need to begin a good regime of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, take them three times per day, every will be suprised what a difference that will make to you. Anyway, I spent many years researching vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and believe in them 100%. What people don't get is that the body gets rid of any vitamins, minerals, and amino acids within 2 hours of ingesting, after 2 hours your body needs them again....there is only one vitamin you can overdose on and that is Vitamin K....anyway, hope this helps, justjulied
  • Well-go to the dieting with health problems thread-there is a fibro part. It's all women but you will get some sympathy-I treat fibro with some meds and waliking-swimming when there is a pool. I do take vitamins-my cousin said her fibro was much better after taking magnesium which gives me stomache aches. I was fortunate to find a doc who sent me to a rheumotologist 25 years ago-I could hardly walk. And I was going through a divorce. Mima
  • Hi Kerry. Stress does play a huge part in the control of FM. I developed this 8 years ago, after going through a terrible time with Arthritis in my back. I do take vitamins and minerals and believe that they are essential. Also, essential fatty acids are necessary. Going to a therapist is certainly an option, but in my case, I didn't have any repressed anythings. Just a lot of stress on the body from severe pain.

    Come join us on the FM thread.