I am new

  • Hi
    I just joined yesterday. I am 5'6 237 lbs 19 and insulin resistant. Loosing weight sucks so bad and I know I have too because I don't want to become a diabetic alot of my family is and I see how much pain and trouble they go through. I still cheat sometime (who am I kidding all the time). I would love to be slimmer. I mean I could say that I want to be skinny it would help something, but I kinda like being a BIG girl. Honestly I like having the big boobs lol. But All of me is a little too big. I was just putting this new message up to see if anyone else felt like I do or if anyone has any advice for me.
    thanks Theresa
  • Hi

    My Mam is diabetic and we are both on diets now. I don't want diabetes. I have enough worries without that too (like being 5 years off forty )