Snacks and Junky Food

  • When you absolutley have to have some junk food, what do you reach for? I have a bag of sweet and satly chex mix in there calling my name, and it appears to only have a small amount of eggs and milk in it, so I'm assuming its pretty close to being vegan, right?
  • Yes, pretty close is better than far, far away! Especially if you're transitioning.

    For sweets, I bake cookies. Any kind of medium-firm cookie seems to turn out well with vegan ingredients. For eggs, I use Egg Replacer (available in most health stores -- basically, it's vegetable starch that you use for levening). For shortening, I use soy margarine. And for sugar, I use turbinado (unbleached sugar -- available at Cub Foods). (Although I am not strict on sugar. It is far enough removed from animals that I don't really care.)

    Helpful hints for vegan cookies: Use a little more water than the egg replacer instructions call for. Soften, but do not melt, soy margarine. Sometimes turbinado makes your batter green! (I think it's some kind of reaction... I really only have this problem with blueberry muffins.) Don't worry, the end product won't be green.

    For salty, potato chips!!!