Stay At Home Moms #211

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  • Welcome all to a thread full of wonderful women taking on the responsibilty of raising a family and trying to take care of themselves too. Please feel free to jump right in a say hello and to all you regular posters I look forward to another wonderful day with you!
  • Morning Ladies!!!
    Hope everyone had a good night. I thought I kept up pretty well yesterday, but geez after lunchtime the board went crazy.
    Jaymi, well we know you're not pregnant so I hope you do start feeling well soon. Keep us informed.
    Kristin, I am so happy for you for joining. I tried the WW thing and I can't get the grasp of counting points. I'd rather count calories. But obviously WW works so I hope you stick with it and it works for you. Good Luck!!!
    Penny, you sound like you are busy, hope you have a good day.
    Spryng, no matter if your dh is tired or he sleeps alot, you're gonna be with him and that's what's important. And it will be out of the ordinary for you and that's good sometimes. Have fun.
    Michelle, are you doing good?
    Leigh, how are you?
    Geri, exercising while kids are up is great. I can't do it unless dh watches them.
    Ginny, HI!
    Cindi, how are you ? Busy, huh?
    Hi to everyone else. I think I'll run to town today. Need to go to the bank. Otherwise I'll stay home. May grill pork chops today for dinner. I'll try to check in later. Saturday is my annual garage sale day. My sister, best friend and other really good friend go every year to Mesquite, a close big city and have a day at it. We plan it a year in advance so sitters can be planned. We have so much fun. That is Saturday, so I"m getting ready for that. TTYL
  • Atlanta Morning
    Thanks, Penny, for starting a new thread. I was about to, but then saw you had done it
    Good morning gals! I'm supposed to go on a walk in 20 minutes, but Liam just fell asleep, so maybe that will be postponed until he wakes.

    Jaymi- hi! Glad you're still sticking to your diet/health plan

    Kristin - yes, clothing is a good reward too. I'm all for rewards

    Spryng- it's not crazy to just want to be around/near DH! I think that's sweet That gift card idea is really neat! Maybe I'll start doing that for every 5 lbs. Or maybe I can do it for every 5 or 10th workout I do! Can't wait to hear about your WI. Mine is tomorrow, but I'm not sure what it will be like.

    Geri- I'd love a margarita too! on getting the walk in! Also, I love zoos - that sounds like fun.

    Michelle/Kristin - good morning! Have ya'll seen Dr. Phil's potty training method? If not, let me know, and I'll describe it in my next post. It may be worth a try - it's kind of clever.

    Angel- DH and I love Greenville SC - he used to live there and we visit Greenville fairly often.

    Penny- I wish I could organize everything here. Every time I try I only get a tiny portion done

    Hi, Crystal! It's like old times with you posting early in the morning I'm doing well - how are you? I'm trying to kick start my exercise motivation.

    Today is groceries and dropping a perscription off at Walgreens. For birth control (heh-heh). TTYL.
  • Just a quick addition. I really liked Spryng's gift card idea, but rather than for pounds, I wanted to modify it to fit more directly with reward for exercise. So, for every 5 workouts completed, I can purchase a $10 gift card to various, favorite stores of mine. That should work out to $10 a week, if I'm working out like I should - if not, then $10 every week and a 1/2 or so.

    Since Liam is napping, I did a 15 minute ab workout while waiting to walk. If we end up not being able to power walk, I'll be doing an additional 20 minute aerobics tape this afternoon.

  • Good morning all!

    I had a hard time falling asleep last night for some reason. I guess I'm just anxious about today. But I did my WI! Ready?? I'm down 1.5 lbs!!!!!! Now I'm exactly 126 lbs, only 1 lb away from my personal goal. Which makes me think I may move it back down to 120. But anyway, I'm so thrilled with my loss this week!
    This morning I have a few things planned to do. First, make bed, shower, get dressed, dishes and then the house is done. SIL will be here around noon and I'll leave shortly after noon and hit the library for some good books and then head towards KC. Dh will be at the yard by 3 pm so we should get there around the same time if I time it right. Then he will be off the rest of the evening so he wants to eat some dinner and maybe catch a movie. Tomorrow we'll probably do a few runs and then come home. But today should be fun! I'm excited about it. (not that you all can't tell, it's all I talk about) then at the end of the month I'll leave out with him on the 26th and come back the 31 or 1 st of Aug. (sat or sun) So monday I'll start getting ready for that trip.

    Well, I wish I had time to get more personal this morning but I need to get my rear in gear and get around. I'll check in again before I leave today (I'll try!) but if not then have a great day and a great friday! TTYL!
  • Good Morning,

    It sounds like you are going to have a great time on Saturday. Good for you!

    Good Luck on weigh in tomorrow. I know it will be a good one for you!

    I luv ya!

    Have fun with dh

    Where are you woman?

    Hey...... You too...... Where the heck are ya?

    Hope you are back on track! Glad you had fun at the zoo. BTW, Nicholas & Hunter didn't train until after 3 maybe 3 1/2 almost. But each is different. Have you seen the new Pampers Feel n Learn training pants?

    Welcome! Hope ya love it here!

    I hope you have a good time next week. I know you can stay on plan!

    Welcome Heather!

    It sounds like you had a great time boating! Did you get sunburned?

    I am gonna email you my info right now

    How do you like the Apidex? That is what I had taken.

    Ginny, Ricci, and anyone else I missed ..... Hope you have a wonderful day

    I stayed up till 3 am and finally finished the boys room. They are so excited going through the little clear totes playing with their toys. They can actually find what they are looking for now....... LOL (they never play in their room, maybe this is a start of some peace for me...... sigh..... ) LOL

    I have to start on my closet today and file all my bills. Now this should be fun.......

    LOL Have a great day!
  • Spryng,
    I missed ya post! LOL




    Take your camera and make dh take some pics of you!

    I am so excited for you.......... !!!!!!!!!!!
  • Spryng WOOOHOOO!!!!!! Way to go girl!!!!!!! That is sooooo awesome!!!!

    Leigh, I have been using Dr. Phils method and having potty parties but Taylor just isn't ready to commit yet I'm not worried about it at all though. It will happen when it does I'm sure Teagan will be potty trained early though, she's already further along in development than Taylor who went with the averages lol.

    Crystal I'm so glad you are starting to feel better!!! Are you going to find out the sex of your baby? I never could wait to find out lol.

    Kristin I think I may sign up for ww online too. I'll see what dh has to say about it lol.

    Penny I love ya too!!! Have fun organizing!!!

    I'll be back later!!

  • Morning Ladies, I have to catch up with everyones posts from yesterday and today. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Spryng, WTG!!! That is awesome. You surely are an inspiration to us all.
    Leigh, yes I'm getting back around early these days. I'll be getting back to my coffee pretty soon.
    Michelle, I will find out the sex of the baby. I didn't with my first but did with the last two and I liked knowing.
    Penny, we will have fun on Saturday. We do every year. Thanks. Glad you got that stuff done.
    Hi to everyone else. TTYL
  • 'Morning!!!!!!

    Spryng- congrats on the loss!!!!!!

    Michele and Kristin- WW is a great program, not for everyone but it really gives you the tools you need to live and eat normal foods and not be deprived. It is all about choices and portion control.........good luck!
    Penny- congrats on getting the kids rooms organized...such a wonderful feeling, isn't it?
    Leigh- any workout is better than none! COngrats on getting one in.
    Crystal- your garage sale day sounds like fun......enjoy it!

    It is so hot here in NY- but tomorrow is supposed to be cooler.
    Got a morning of yard will end someday (I hope!) and maybe shopping this afternoon, as Dd has a bday party to attend tomorrow.
    Better get myself in gear here......have a great day.
  • GOod Morning girls!
    Got to get in the shower and get breakfast done, and then got to dig into the laundry! uhg I hate laundry! DH was like "i have only one clean shirt" this morning lol ! oops, guess I got a little behind! Today is lunch with some old co-workers (we try to do it once a week) and also cleaning the desk off downstairs, hopefully a walk with the dog and the dd.

    Leigh - hope yopu have a nice walk or ab work out today. I haven't heard of the Dr. Phil thing, which is surprising...let me know if you give a minute, or if not, I might see if I can find it on his website.

    Crystal - I love garage sales! I think that would be really fun to make a day of it like that, it will be nice for you to get some time away too! I wanted to know what sydney was too, it made me feel a little more connected to her I think! Sounds like you are feeling pretty good today!!!

    Penny - wow! I wish I could get sydneys toys all organized! you are my inspiration for tomorrow, I think that is what I will tackle then, I have been wanting to, but putting it off! haha! As far as the boating trip goes, I got some sun, but used SPF 10 so I didn't burn, it was a blast, I hope we can get out a little more before the summer is up!

    Spryng - YEEEEHHAAWWW!! Congrats on the WI! That is awesome! Hope you have a nice time with dh

    Michelle - Hope you have a great day!

    Mwl, Ginny, Ricci, Jaymi and any one else that I missed, I hope you all have a wonderful day! I am off to get some things done so I can get going to lunch in an hour! I will check back in after I get home and get the dd down for a nap!
  • wow - I apologize for my spelling in that post, good lord, am I on drugs or something! haha! , well talk to you later gals! BTW - Mwl (that was supose to be Mel, I think that is the only one that is really unrecognizable all together! ) !
  • Wow, Spryng that is fantastic news!! We are all so proud of you, you are sooo close to your final goal, how exciting. Hope you get all your chores done quickly. P.S. I'll be gone for about a week on the trip.

    Leigh, missed ya all too! It's been really hard to get to the computer lately and post regularly. It sounds like you are doing really well with your workouts, I'm so jealous! I'm just not finding the will power to do it every day for some reason. It's something I really want to work on, but I always seem to find excuses like cleaning the house etc... I'll have to work it out for myself soon though.

    Michelle, the w.watcher meetings are expensive, so if you don't think you need to pay just to weigh in, then don't! You do need a point counter and a little bit of the literature. It's hard to find these things sometimes, even online. You may want to joing for the week, just to get some materials etc... Sounds evil eh? But do whatever works for you, you seem pretty motivated, so the meetings may not be what you need.

    Penny, I hope I have fun next week too, but I'm all stressed about it. Trying to kid-proof my sister's new, pristine house will be difficult, if not impossible. They will have to sleep in their Pack N Plays, so nap time will probably be a dissaster. Can you tell I'm starting to focus on the negative??? LOL Someone smack me! I hate it when I get this way. Wish I could just go with the flow on this, but thats not going to happen. Arrg a 6 hour car ride with toddlers, sounds like something only insane people would attempt.

    well, gotta jet. A big "helllooooo" to anyone I didn't get personal with, love ya all!
  • Hey Girls!

    I have had a nice case of pink eye and haven't felt like getting on much. I couldn't wear my contacts...which actually caused the problem because they are my last pair and I can't afford more now. I should have thrown them away two weeks ago or more and I just cleaned then and reused them. So now some people at church are buying me new glasses and contacts!! Isn't that just so wonderful? DH has a hard time accepting generosity, because we have needed it so often lately, but I am grateful to get the gift of vision. I feel like an invalid walking around here half blind!! One day I will be able to return the generisity to someone in need.

    I have been exercising and eating well, but don't think the scale is budging this week. Tomorrow we will see! I am happy to see you all trying so hard to get those 15s in!

    Gotta take two kids for shots, so I will be back later!

    Love to all!!!