Are You Drinking Too Much Sugar ?

  • I got this from a newsletter I received in my e-mail this morning. I found it to be interesting so I thought I would share.

    Too much sugar can be dangerous to your health and can prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals. Always check the label and try to keep your sugar intake to 12 grams or less per meal or every 3 hours. Below is a list of common drinks with their corresponding teaspoons and grams of sugar.

    Apple Juice 8oz - 7.5 tsp = 30 grams
    Cranberry Juice 8oz - 8.5 tsp =34 grams
    Fruit Nectar 8oz - 8.5 tsp =34 grams
    Grape Juice 8oz - 10 tsp = 40 grams
    Orange Juice 8oz - 6.5 tsp =26 grams
    Capri Sun 8oz - 7.5 tsp = 30 grams
    Fruitopia 20oz - 18 tsp = 72 grams
    Slim Fast 10oz - 10 tsp = 40 grams
    Gatorade 16oz - 7 tsp = 28 grams
    Coke 12oz - 8.5 tsp = 34 grams
    Cherry/Van Coke 12oz - 10 tsp = 40 grams
    Dr. Pepper 12oz - 10 tsp = 40 grams
    Hawaiian Punch 12oz - 11 tsp = 44 grams
    Crystal Light 12oz - .5 tsp = 2 grams
    Mountain Dew 12oz - 6 tsp = 24 grams
    Pepsi 12oz - 10 tsp = 40 grams
    Diet Pepsi 12oz - 0 tsp = 0 grams
    7-Up 12oz - 9.5 tsp = 38 grams
    Sprite 12oz - 9 tsp = 36 grams

    There is a good chance that one of these drinks would supply the total amount of carbohydrates you need at each meal. We highly suggest that you consume your carbohydrates from eating nutritious food rather than these sugar loaded drinks.
  • Thanks Marti,

    Once I get in all the water everyday, I drink iced tea made with sweetener. But this list sure makes a person stop and think!
  • Marti~makes one really think about what they are putting in their mouth/body. Glad I don't drink any of those, well, once in a while a diet pepsi. I stick with water, diet coke and tea, which I use sweet n low in.
  • ah man my fav Cranberry juice is high....dang
    I try not to drink juice,,,just water, milk or coffee...and my coke every so often. I used to always put cranberry juice in my protein shakes...
    I can't drink anythign diet or light cause of teh aspertame...and ya know even if I wasn't allergic I wouldn't take aspertame,,,that stuff is really bad. If it had to pass the food laws now from what Ive heard it wouldnt' pass...scary.