Exercises for the hips

  • Okay,
    i know i should not spend every thinking moment of my life worrying about my hips but.. they bother me. I am 12 pounds from my goal weight and i work out 4-5x a week 30-45 minutes. i am proud of my results but I can't get rid of the bulges around my hips. I look okay in a bathing suit only if i cover it with a wrap or skirt. Is there any suggestions out there for what I can do to work this out?

  • I carry most of my weight in my hips/thighs, even at goal. As a fellow 'hippy chick', the exercises that work best for me for toning/tightening are weighted lunges. I've also become quite a fan of the use of a tall step with weights. Several of the Firm tapes utilize this (Tough Tape, Firm Strength are two), and it really does work those hips/thighs.

    Also, since I've started running, I haven't necessarily noticed a reduction in my hips, but everything (especially the derriere) is lifted and smoother looking.

    I'll always have disproportionately large hips, I think, but the running and toning exercises do help. Good luck.

    p.s. I forgot to mention...Since you are so close to goal, now is the time you might find some of the bumps and bulges leaving your more stubborn areas. Those last 10 lbs can make a significant difference. It might not get rid of everything (if you're like me), but the exercise you're doing is a great way to help it along. I hope you're pleasantly surprised as you finish the home stretch. Congrats on your success.
  • Hi,

    You sound like you're shaped like my sister. Have you tried belly dancing exercises? They can be done in water also.

  • Serious weight training!!!
    If you have a pear shape, then doing only cardio will just give you a SMALLER PEAR shape. To change the SHAPE of your body, weight lifting is key. Muscles are what shapes our bodies. Keep the cardio in the mix, and you will see the bulges melt away.