I DO NOT want to be FAT & 40! I want to be FABULOUS!!

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  • Thought I'd start anew thread for those of us wanting to be FABULOUS not FAT by our 40th b-days!!

    I started my journey on January 25 2004 and have lost a total of 40lbs so far and have about 30 more that I would like to lose.

    I do swimming,walking,kick-boxing and pilates and am trying to eat sensibly and stay away from fast-food!!

    Anyway I am 38(almost39) and want to have met my goals by the time I am 40(inOct.2005) I am giving myself the time to do it right slowly and surely ...because we all know that the "Quick fix" does not work long term.....

    Just thought I'd see if anyone out there is wanting to go the distance on this thread and help each other out when times are rough by sending...
    and pat each others back and give three when things are GREAT!!

    Hope to talk to y'all soon ...Jilly
  • Hi Jilly,

    First I have say that I had a really long post but once I pushed submit it then told me that I was not logged in. All I have to say about that is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Anyhow, to make a long story short I am just starting out on this great journey of losing all this weight I have gained over the years; I am 32. I too am starting at 240lb, my heaviest weight. I am happy to read that you have lost 40lbs, you should be proud of yourself. I also want to get to 140 but I am thinking that 160 would be good. It would put me in a very happy place.

    I am ready to go the distance and I look forward to what this thread will bring.
  • Hi Jilly and HeartnSoul4u!

    I want to be fabulous too!

    I just turned 36, and I have been loosing weight for a time now. But like you Jilly, I'm going for 'slowly and surly'. I started off at 243 - seems that's something we all have in common, huh? I lost about 35 pounds, and then maintained the new weight for almost a year and a half before I started off with a new "loosing-weight-period" this April. I'm loosing weight by counting calories (about 1500 a day or 10.500 a week), and (trying to) exercise a little every day. I try to eat healthy: no fast food, whole grains, a lot of fruit and vegetables, etc.
    My plan now is to loose weight this summer and autumn. In November I'll start maintaining the lower weight, and do that for a while.

    I have been yo-yo dieting my whole life - so maintaining weight and doing things slowly is my first priority.

    For exercise I do jogging, weights, hiking, yoga - and yes: Pilates! I just had my first course, an introduction course, last weekend. And I loved it. I'm starting up with a longer course in September. Kick-boxing sounds like fun!

    I'm also ready to go the distance.
    ...and: great title for the thread!!!
  • Good Morning chicks!
    Good Morning everyone...I am just having my morning coffee and w.w.toast...

    WELCOME Mette and Heart and Soul..I am so happy to have you here..I hope we can inspire each other and support each other and make each other SMILE . It helps to have others who struggle with the same issues ...I look forward to talking to you...

    I am off to work soon after I do a couple of errands for my Mom(I am the only daughter out of 3 that live in the same town ...the running never ends...but I love her... soooooo.....oh well )

    Anyway I am going to walk this afternoon,I ussually do 4 miles....hope it quits raining before then. My kick boxing class just ended last week for the summer and I purchased a tape to start on the weekend(i hope it as good as the class because the class kicked arse.....No litterally my butt is smaller now than when I started )

    I hope everyone has a great weekend I know that they can be hard and sometimes we fall off the wagon... ...but... as long as we climb up on it again I think a little tumble is okay now and again....

    Anyway I have got to get my butt in gear....talk to you later...Jilly
  • A day off and I still am sitting here in my jammies
    Goodness...its almost 1pm and I am still sitting here in my jammies. Talk about being lazy. What I should do is get up and move but I just can't seem to find the energy.

    Today started off great until lunch. I haven't gone grocery shopping and the only thing I could find was some frozen pizza and I ate. It was good but had like 30grams of fat...pretty sure that is like the allotment for the week! Ok, I think that dinner won't be such a disaster. I will get up and go food shopping and load up the cart with fruit and veggies.

    Running off to shower and shop......

    PS. You can call me Karen
  • Hi Jilly! First you get three huge for what you've accomplished already! And that you're doing it sensibly, and know that it's for the long run.

    I didn't start MY journey until I was over 40; how I wish I had started earlier, so I could have had more time of my life in better shape. Anyhoo, way to go!!!

    For the rest of my life now, I will keep an eye on calorie count, and have made exercise a 5 or 6X a week commitment.

    Again, congrats!!! and best wished on your successful journey!
  • Hi Jilly and Karen!
    It’s Saturday, and I thought I’d start the day with hiking. The weather is fairly OK, cloudy but no rain – so it’s perfect for it.

    I really hope we can inspire each other too – it’ll be so nice to get the chance to get to know you both. I agree with Jilly; it's nice to get to know others who struggle with the same issues.

    But for now: it’s Saturday! The best day of the week! I’m single, live alone and have no children – so Saturdays are all about relaxing and doing what I want. That thing with ‘sitting in my jimmies at 1pm’, Karen? I do that a lot on Saturdays!

    I don’t have any big plans for what I’m going to eat this weekend. But for exercise I’m going hiking today, and tomorrow I’ll do Pilates. How was your walk, Jilly?

    Best wishes to you both for the weekend!
  • Happy Saturday Chickas!!
    Hello all.....

    I am sitting here relaxing...my youngest son..Josh (16)is working and my oldest son Ryan(19) is sleeping between jobs...he is trying to make extra $$$ for college in the fall(he is going to be a Paramedic)
    I have been married to a great guy for 20years(we married young..I was 18 he was 21) and are very happy and the best of friends....he has been with me every step of the way on this path to better health and weight loss...he has lost 30lbs himself and looks wonderful....we make better eating choices and exercise daily ...and have never felt more healthy....


    Mette :my walk was GREAT we have a beautiful Riverfront here and it is a most relaxing and breathtaking view....

    Holly: WOW....you have done so well you are truly an inspiration...are those your abs in the picture? HOLY SMOKES GIRL those are amazing!!!!

    Karen: I love staying in my jammies sometimes on aSaturday also it is nice not to have to be rushed to do anything and hang out and relax before we have to do weekend chores

    Anyway I should fly I have to start supprr I think I am making lasagna with whole grain pasta and a salad....

    Have a GREAT Saturday......talk to ya'll tomorrow...Jilly
  • Sunday evening - -
    Hope you all had a nice weekend.

    Jilly is right: those are really some amazing abs, Holly! Very impressive (and I suppose: a lot of hard work?). I want my stomach to look like that too!

    I’m rereading “Passing for thin” by Frances Kuffel this weekend, and I really love that book. She describes so beautifully feelings and thoughts about loosing weight that I recognize and relate to. It’s not that my weight loss is anywhere near as dramatic as hers, but I definitely identify with her feelings about it.
    I really can not recommend this book enough.
    ...and if any of you have books you recommend I would love to hear about it.

    Jilly – do you follow any specific eating plan or are you creating your own?
    I don’t - I just count calories and try to eat healthy. But I also eat “unhealthy food” if I really crave it. If I really want chocolate, I’ll eat chocolate!
    The only exception is meat – I don’t eat meat (I do eat eggs, fish and dairy though.. ) – but it has nothing to do with loosing weight, I haven’t eaten meat in years. Apart from that I’ll pretty much eat anything!

    Wish you all a nice week!
  • hi girls...
    Well ...I am just sitting here waiting for everyone to get home from work...
    (it's kinda nice to have the house to myself every now and again.. )

    It is beautiful..although a little cool here ....I think I'll walk after supper....

    Mette: I followed Atkins for the first 3 weeks to kinda kick start my weight loss and to motivate myself...now I just make better choices ...like a good Bran cereal w/ skim milk for breakfast,a salad with chicken or a whole wheat sand.w/tuna or fat free chicken or ham and a sensible supper ..I try and stay away from too many carbs at dinner as it is too hard to work them off before bed....ussually meat and salad and one other veg.If I have rice or pasta it is brown rice or whole grain pasta.AND I NEVER EAT AFTER 8:00pm!!!
    My doc said it really boils down to what you take in and what you burn off!

    I also exercise quite frequently....for me it is an honor to be able to as 2 years ago I had to have an Achilles Reconstuction and was in a cast for almost a year...I gained alot of my weight then...when I started exercising in january I began with swimming to build the muscles in my leg back up and now I can walk and kick-box and many other things that I could not do prior to my surgery.

    What do you eat...I have always been curious about that...I think that the only thing I would miss is a big ole' hunk of Prime rib every once and a while other than that I could probably handle it...Do you ever get cravings for meat??

    Anyway I think I have time to read for a while on the backdeck while i wait for chaos to begin ..

    talk to ya tomorrow...Jilly
  • Monday - - -
    Hi Jilly and everybody!

    Jilly, it sounds as if you’re doing really great with your eating and exercise. I never could do Atkins though; I wouldn’t know how to eat all the proteins - especially since I don’t eat meat.
    Or is that just prejudice on my part? Is it possible to do Atkins without eating meat do you think?
    It’s just a question; it’s not something I think about doing. I have never been tempted to try out diet plans /eating plans with a very restricted carbohydrate intake.

    The not eating later than 8 o’clock sounds like a very good rule. And being in a cast for a whole year? That must have been really horrible! But as long as the results are good – I suppose it was worth it?
    How was it to start kick-boxing? Was it very hard when you started? It’s something I have thought about trying - but I’m not sure if my body or my movements are coordinated enough… (I’m basically a klutz )

    But I’ve lost another pound this week – so: “Yey me!” I mostly like that this is a slow process, even if I get bored, restless, and want fast results every now and then.

    What I eat when I don’t eat meat? Breakfasts and lunches are never a problem – I eat a lot of oatmeal/müsli/homemade bread/soups/salads/etc. For dinner I eat fish/seafood at least 2-3 times a week (it’s something I really, really like!). The rest of the week I eat food based on eggs (omelets, quiche, salads/etc) or vegetables. I’m slowly getting better at eating vegetables that are high in protein (beans, lentils), and I’m slowly getting better at eating healthy too. To not eat meat does not automatically mean to eat healthy! (at least not for me)

    My reasons to quit eating meat had nothing to do with health reasons originally. I have never been overly fond of the taste of meat; I’ve always found it slightly nauseous. A bit like cannibalism… Heh. During the peak of animal rights movement in the mid nineties, they used to send all these documentaries on TV about how farm animals were treated, transported, etc – it was really horrible. And then with the salmonella, mad cow disease, growth hormones, etc etc etc – it just sounded like a bad idea to eat meat!
    I don’t even miss it, and I never think about it anymore.

    Hope you all have a nice Tuesday - talk to you tomorrow!
  • Hi Jilly, Karen, Holly and everybody! Did you all go away? ...on long, exciting, and exotic vacations far far away - without internet connections???
  • hi girls...I'm still here!!!
    Hi everyone.....

    I was having trouble with my "high speed " internet cable for the past few days it would not load any web pages...I was on the phone for almost 2 hours with our provider trying to fix the problem......it took a few days but...I'm back....Thank god...it was weird not being able to use it for a while

    Anyway.....We are going to the cabin this weekend...lets hope it is going to be nice ...the weather has been soooo un-predictable so far this spring/summer... ..

    Still hane not lost anymore weight but....truthfully I have not been working as hard since Summer began..I am having a hard time fitting it all in...Summer can be soo busy and we have such a short season here it is hard to resist fishing etc. when the other choice is walking 4 miles...
    Oh well, If I can maintain my weght for now and get back at it hard in August when my Kick-Boxing class starts back up again I will be happy

    How are you all doing??? Keeping busy over the long Holiday weekend(our H-day was July 1st)??? Lots of plans??

    I won't be able to post till Tuesday (cabin and all...)so heres hoping you all have a safe,happy and FUN July 4th!!!!!

    Talk to you all soon ...take care...Jilly
  • Saturday! (...yey!)
    Just checking in at the start of the weekend to wish everybody joyful weekends!
    And Jilly: hope you have a great, warm and sunny cabin trip.

    I know summer is a slow time for many when it comes to weight-loss, but for me it’s the easiest time of year to loose weight. I seldom feel I’m missing out on good food when there’s so much fresh fruit and berries to eat. It’s easier not to overeat when it’s warmer. And it’s definitely easier to exercise outside – when the weather is warm and not freezing.
    I don’t think I’ve ever lost weight in the wintertime actually – then I just want to sleep all the time, eat warm/sturdy/spicy/fatty food everyday, and sit still under a blanket and read good books. For me, everything is much easier in the summertime.
    But Jilly, it sounds like a good plan to maintain the weight during summer and go back to loosing weight in August when you start training again. Take the pressure off and enjoy the summer!
  • hello
    Hi ...

    Just got back from the cabin yesterday ...we spent an extra day 'cause the fish were biting something fierce....it was GREAT!!!
    We had a riot lots of sun,fun and a couple of stawberry daiquiris ....

    just thought I,d check in really quick I have to take my son to the Doctor he was in a car accident the other night and tottaled his car(the other guys fault)and today his back is quite sore( a liittle whhiplash I think)...so best to check it out now...talk to you all tonight...Later Jilly