Can you pass the third grade??

  • Click here to take the test to find out!!!
  • Yay! Good thing, considering I teach fifth grade.
  • I did after a few tries.. I couldn't beat the clock!
  • That was fun

  • I am very embarrased that it took more than a few tries and my problem was NOT the clock, it was my BRAIN!! You'd better believe that I know them all now!!!!
  • I did it!!!

    They should have one with the capitals!!!
  • Took me till the 2nd try but I ran out because it wouldn't take Delaware for some reason I tried to put it on but it wasn't close enough i guess.
  • That was so fun...and so sad!! It took me 5 trys!
  • The Eastern states (around New York) get me mixed up, but I did pretty good considering I've only ever been to the US once, and it was a direct flight to Houston lol.
  • after 5 tries, i gave up.

    i made david play.

    he went straight down the list aplphabetically and accidentally missed one, but the mouse slipped. (didn't stop me from going "HA!") he didn't even need points of reference.

    oh, and can i mention that he's only been to 2 states: CA and CO. that's IT!!!

    i can't believe him.
  • ugggg geography was never my strong suit. I got the eastern states and a few out west but the time clock is WAY too fast for me. And all those mid western square states look the same to me I guess I have to go back to the third grade.
  • that was fun. I agree with apryl definitely need one with the capitols.