Weighty Issues #16

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  • Welcome to the June edition of the Weighty Issues Thread. We are a group of awesome women who support each other through the highs and lows of every day life--it's not just about weight loss, it's about LIFE. If you have something to say or need a shoulder to cry on, Weighty Issues is the place to be. Come on in, grab a chair and stay and chat a while. You'll be glad you did!

    Now lets all get serious about losing some weight. We will be happy that we did!!!!
  • Well, I had just done a nice long post and I lost it!!! I hate it when that happens.

    Okay, I weighed myself yesterday and the scales said I weigh 191 pounds. I am ready to lose this weight. I want to be back to 140 pounds again. I dont want to look like this if I can get to meet Kempy.

    I am going to try to at least get in one great day and go from there. I am so fat feeling that it is uncomfortable. I cant wait to lose about 20 pounds to be feeling a bit better.

    I will check back later.
  • Well, the count down has begun. 30 days left until the big 3-0. I am trying to deal with it like a woman.

    I am glad that you guys are going to join in a this challenge. I think that is we make small goals we will reach them.

    I wasn't able to get here over the weekend b/c my internet was down. What a royal pain in the butt. I never realized how much I missed it when I didn't have it. Shcool is going good. I should be out around Aug 19th. When I miss a day it pushes back my graduation date. I hate that too. I am really ready to get out. We did get another student though. She only comes in on Saturdays though so I wont be around her very much. I think it will only be something like 12 times that I will see her. I am ready for her to start to work on me though. Usuallt students will work on each other but I havn't had anyone to wokr on me so I feel that it is my time for hair removal. I have paid my dues and now she needs to practice on someone.

    Ok, I have a few things I need to do today so I will be back soon.
  • June is halfway there
    Hey Ladies!

    Can you believe it - the year is at the half way point? That is crazy

    I hope all of you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Thank you all for the advice on my business partner it is much appreciated. It is just disappointing not to be treated the way one hopes one would be treated..anyway...

    Julie it sounds like a great weekend with exercise included! Happy birthday to your boy!

    Noelle your boys graduation sounds precious! Congratulations to you and Rick! I hope you fully enjoyed the king crab legs et al. I hope you enjoyed the beach despite having your arm twisted.

    Angie and your talk of lobster...I'm drooling more than my dog (sorry for that visual). I hope your husband gave you a foot rub for all the work you did this weekend.

    Cal - 8 more days I would be having a parade. Enjoy your time but congrats on making it through the year!

    Angie you can only take it a day at a time! I feel squidgy alot but I feel better than where I was. If I start thinking about it a week at a time I go cukoo! I have made a promise to myself - that I will not have any kids until I am at a weight that is healthy so I know what I can go back to. Luckily DH understands that.

    Kempy I hope you had a great memorial day weekend.

    "When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy." -Anon.

    p.s. Does anyone know how to paste a photo here? I cannot figure it out!

  • Happy first day of June! Great quote Summer, I really like that one.

    Well, I did enjoy the beach despite myself. We went to a nearby beach which has 5 man-made lagoons. It's part of a resort area which isn't fully developed yet but they keep the parking stalls at a minimum so the beach doesn't get overly crowded. We actually paid $10 to valet park at the hotel (boo). The upside was that the beach was really clean and not too many people crowding all around. I brought a bottle of bubble soap and a bubble ring (one with lots of holes in it to make lots and lots of bubbles with minimum effort). I sat upwind and just let the bubbles fly. A lot of the beachgoers enjoyed it too. It was nice to put a smile on people's faces. Rick and Mikey swam and built sand castles and I just relaxed under a coconut tree with my book. We did go to the fair in the later afternoon and rode some rides and played some games. Boy, carvnivals can really put a drain on your wallet can't they? We had a really fun day though.

    Angie, I didn't step on the scale this morning but I did make a conscious effort to have a healthy breakfast--some wheat toast w/peanut butter and sugar-free jelly. I think the exercise will be the hardest for me to pick up again. I need to come visit the site often for inspiration to keep me from wanting to pig-out. The first few days are sooo hard.

    Julie, glad you had a good time with your in-laws, that was sweet of them.

    Wish I could reply to everyone but work is calling. I'll be back later for sure
  • Hi. I forgot to tell you guys about my knee yesterday. I was watching the kittens at the end of the driveway while I was walking down to check on them(They were staring at some birds in the trees and I didnt want them to bug them if they were building nests) anyway I fell and slid across the gravel and dug the **** out of the whole knee cap. It hurt so bad.

    I am going to try to post the pic of Rebel in a minute so I will try to explain it if I can get it to work.
  • Here is the pic of Rebel
    Isnt he cute?

  • okay, First you need to shrink your pics on your computer. I just do them to 1/4 page on my Picture it. Then you come here and hit the Post Reply button and type in your message. Then go to the Attach Files at the bottom of the page and hit brouse and it will show you your pics. Pick the ones you want then hit upload and then submit your post. I hope this helps.
  • Rebel goes Hollywood... Ouch, that knee must be sore! Hopefully it's just a scrape and nothing more serious. Take it easy.

    Well, I got through the morning and lunch OK. Now to keep my mind on work and get through the afternoon . I'll let you guys know how I did tomorrow morning.
    While we were at the beach yesterday Michael took some pics of me and Rick...yikes! I knew I was getting fat again but boy, those pics really showed it to me. I am keeping those pics for use when I feel like reaching for the chocolates or chips.
  • AURGH!!! Can we say stressful day? Usually I am happy it is almost 1pm but today I have so much to do. I have no idea where the day has gone. I still need to get payroll together, place a supplement order and try to make sense of my desk. It looks like I threw up paper. Sorry for the visual.

    You guys must be pretty busy too. I am the only one on here for today and it is after lunch right now. I would say that I am doing good on the diet but I am bloated right now from PMS so I have no idea what is real weight and what is water weight.

    I hope to see some of you one here today.

    Angie I love the pic or Rebel. The things we do to our animals, huh. I need to start taking a few of mine. The only funny things they have been doing lately is crawling in the culvert under our driveway and laying in the water. I am going to the store today to buy them a pool. I am tired of the being muddy from the ditch. I think them laying in a pool will be cute to see.
  • Hi. Sorry I am so late today but we got up early to go to Ticketmaster to buy tickets for Jay and the kids for Monster Jam this weekend. I am staying home but my sister and I are trying to trick my Mom into going out to dinner together for her birthday.(maybe someone will buy mine too since it is my birthday too. ) Of course it is Chinese. I did okay yesterday but I did eat a few of the mini Twix bars. I still consider it a success because I did pass up an egg roll, terriyaki steak,lo mein,Skor bars and ice cream all day that was sitting right here.

    Today I passed up fresh chocolate chip cookies and Wendy's and had a ham sandwich and WOW chips but I have to make a batch of No bake cookies for the accounts later(That will be a big test for me.)

    We went to the pet store today and played with some puppies. I hate that they allow pet stores to even exist though with the crap they do. The lady had a JR/Shih-tzu mix and told a customer that they did it because JR are so hyper and the Shitzu would make them calmer.My neighbor has a Shi-tzu and she is way more hyper than Rebel is. I almost puked and then she went on to say that one is $750.00!!! HUH??? The puppies were cute though. I feel so bad for them having to start their lives out there.

    Well, I had better get back to work.

    I will be back!!
  • Hey Girls

    I have made two long post earlier today, and poof gone! Ugh!!!! That makes me so mad.

    Angie hope your knee feels better. Take it easy and do not over do it. Ice it girl. I love the doggie pic, what a star she is!

    Kempy I was in tears once today because of these stupid hormones. I am carrying what feels to be like 10 pounds of extra water. Yuck! Don't you just feel like you want to run as far away as you can during this pms-pretom time or go to bed for a week ! We will make it through this. I hope .
    Hope your day de-stresses for ya a little bit.

    Noelle I am glad you went to the beach. You are a beautiful woman, and I am not just saying that. Your skin and hair look great from the pictures I have seen of you. So don't be so hard on yourself about the pics that Michael took. I mean it, you are so pretty!

    Yesterday was ds b-day. It rained all day but we had fun. Poor hus took off work and it rained and today is beautiful sunny and 68 degrees. I ate a huge mongo piece of cake, and one the day before that at MIL's house, and my mom is making one this weekend and my dd's b-day is in two weeks !!!! And you can't forget the ice cream ! Oh I can't wait for tom comes to visit me. I just want to have a talk with it!!!! Sorry not making sense. Hormones kicking in again . Whats for dinner tonight? We are going to have hamburgers on the grill and probally some salty chips . Oh I hope you guys are going to be around alot this week I need to talk, vent, cry, laugh, and just need someone. Feeling kind of alone. I tried posting 2 or 3 three times and would not work lets try this time ! Check in later girlies....Julie btw I hope I did not bring anyone down with this post, I know misery loves company....sorry! Hugs
  • Whew, kind of running-around-non-stop kind of day for me. I still have to bring my in-laws to the airport to go home ...Just a quick post.

    Angie, $750 for a Jack-Schitz? Good job on resisting the Chinese! Can't say the same for me. I had to go and buy a bunch of Chinese food for the in-laws to take home, I couldn't resist buying some for lunch. Bad me! Man, when am I ever going to get that "click"? I did pretty great yesterday except for some plain m&m's in the evening. You know how you sit and watch TV and that mindless munching begins...gosh, I'm glad I stopped at one "grab". Those were those big SHrek sized suckers too. What's Monster Jam?

    Julie, thanks for the compliments , I'm embarrassed now It's nice to be told that once in a while though, especially when we're feeling frumpy, or squidgy as Summer said. Happy belated b-day to your boy .

    Kempy, hope your day turned out OK. Hugs to everyone who needs them!

    I gotta get back to work for now. Hi to everyone else
  • Morning!! Well, I caved last night. I ended up eating a big fat honey bun and 4 no bake cookies!!!! I know Noelle, I wished the click would happen for me too. It is so easy once I can get in the right frame of mind but getting there is the hardest thing to do.

    Monster Jam is the Monster truck show. Corey loves the GraveDigger so Jay wanted to take him to actually watch them race and crush stuff and since I would rather watch paint dry I am staying home. Actually we are taking my Mom out for dinner so I wont be too bored.

    Jack Shitz!! I told Jay that I wanted a Beagle Jack Russell mix so I could name it SPROUT.... Get it? It would be a Brussell sprout. hahaha

    Julie, I will try to post alot so we can talk all weekend. If you ever want my phone number so we can talk in person I will give it to you. Ya know I would love that too.

    Oh gross, I tried to take my bandaids off my knee last night and the skin was like stuck to the band aid so I wanted to puke and figured I would wait until I take my shower this morning and then just try to keep the bandaids off from now on so it will just scab over and heal. I get queasy pretty easy.

    My sis and I are tryiong to get all of the old photo albums so we can get a DVD made for Mom with all the old pics and music so I was going through all of my old ones and I found a pic of Alicia and Brit when they were really little and Alicia was flipping the camera off while Brit watched and her little hand was trying to copy her. I remember when it happend and Alicia didnt have a clue what she was doing but she thought it was neat that she could do it. I guess I will use that one in her DVD. My kids were so cute when they were little. They were all so blonde. It sucks that their hair got all dark now because it was so blonde it was almost white.

    Well, I need to jump in the shower. I will check back later.