weight loss buddy needed badly!

  • Hi,

    My names Ben and i'm 16 from the UK.

    I'm looking for a weight loss buddy around my age because after about 20 failed diets i've finally realised that someone to keep me motivated and someone for me to motivate would be a big help.

    I weigh around 160lbs at the moment and would like to lose around 20lbs and tone up a bit too.

    Please post a reply or send me a private mail if you want if you're interested

  • welcome ben i'll try to help you.
  • hi, i'm 20 if that is not too old for you i'm willing to provide support. pretty new to the forum but at the moment i am quite motivated to help as all things are going well with my weight loss and i want everyone to feel as good as i do at the mo. anyway if you want to know more, talk more, have me as your buddy let me know by private message. good luck with it all.