Buddy Moms # 76

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  • Last night at the dinner theatre I had very little supper and then had dessert. It wasn't even that good

    Robin - it gets warm here towards the end of May.(we don't dare plant any flowers out until then; still could freeze at night)
    Then it's fairly warm until Sept. August is usually very hot.
    It's so weird here, though. We could get snow in May. June could be drizzly and cloudy or super hot. It varies.
    I hate the heat.
    BUT.....a couple of summers ago when I was in the 190's the heat didn't bother me ONE bit!

    Lynn - good luck at the appt. today

  • Hey...

    Lynn - I'll think good things about your results - but I know so many people who have had hysterectomies....my mom had one - she felt if there was anything questionable, and she didn't need the equipment anymore, "raus da mit" (out with it in German) - very practical woman. No one wants major surgery of course, but just to be able to get on with life, right?

    Jill - just get back OP! I had two days with M&M issues - now I've been back 100%, realizing I was screwing up because I didn't have my FLA goal - but I feel worse when I screw up!

    ALL - CAB emailed me - they had been looking at a house on their own street and finally chomped on it and made a bid and it was accepted! 100 yo house in great condition, etc....and lots more room. So she is going nuts of course, but has lost 8 lbs from the stress!

    Well, cleaning lady # 999 didn't show this morning so the h*ll with her. I am going to TRY and get a system goiung where my family pitches in and cleans with me. I needed this like a hole in the head, ya know? When it rains it pours.

    Gonna call my Dad now to see how the MRI results came back...wish me luck....

  • Farmbabe-how HOT is 190 in our temp?????

    Viv-any news from your dad? Too bad that the cleaning lady didn't show up.

    Cab-how soon will you be moving into the house?


  • Oh Cindy, I KNEW as soon as I typed that, I had worded it wrong! When I was in the 190's as pounds/weight/
    It's amazing what even losing 25 lbs. can do(as I had done that year). I just HAVE to do it again!

    Yes, Viv, I'm tracking again; gotta keep going!

    Does everybody here watch Survivor? I know Cindy does; can't remember about the rest!
    Cindy and I want Roger to win. I like Elizabeth too.
  • hello...
    jill - i was thinking that was pretty hot too....

    i catch survivor occassionally, i like roger to...but, i was watching dave letterman the other night and he has the people on his show after they get voted off, well...the last guy voted off (i can't remember his name) was on there and from what he was saying it looked like colby was going to win...hmmmm...we will have to wait and see.

    well, i finally exercised today...i have been meaning to start and haven't found the time...charlie is on a play date and i have a stack of dishes in the sink, but decided that me and evan would go for a nice walk..it was about 40 mins and now my stupid back hurts!! maybe from pushing the stroller..anyway, at least i tried.

    thinking about taking charlie to see spy kids tonight, he has been good. ..now if i can just stay away from the movie popcorn! i haven't had a coke in 2 weeks, that goes really good with the popcorn ....aaaahhhh....

    viv - glad you found flylady, let me know what you think...still haven't read all the posts, maybe tonight.

    later all...robin
  • Morning!

    I'm beginning to see the sun!!!!! YEAH! Has been really rainy here and oh well, as soon as I saw it (the sun) it was gone. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

    Barry say the doctor yesterday and we found out that his asthma is really mild. He started taking singular daily and will use his inhaler at school and home when necessary. I was so glad to hear something positive for a change.

    Les is doing great! He will start rehab next week and go for 12 weeks. Then he gets to start back to work on the 23rd, for 1/2 days. I can't wait to have the house to myself again. LOL

    I bowled a 138 game last week in duckpins. Had 5 marks in a row. Stunned everyone, including myself. I told everyone that I was putting Drs. faces on the pins. LOL LOL LOL

    Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and enjoy your holiday (whichever one they may be!). Take care and thanks for all the well wishes.

    Going shopping for bargains today, will let you know if I find anything good.

  • real quick...
    lynn - glad to hear things are looking up for you...bet your husband can't wait to get back to work too...mine would! being home with me and the kids would drive him crazy. hope you had fun shopping.

    cab - congrats on the house, i love victorian homes. have fun moving...at least it's not very far.

    hi to everyone else...

    just wanted to say have a good holiday and i will try to check back in by monday.

    i slipped tonight, had 2 pepperidge farm cookies!! thats what i get for staying up late!!!! wasn't even hungry either! stupid stupid...oh welll.....

    night all...robin
  • Farmbabe-OK----I thought you were talking about a temp. LOL SILLY ME.

    Lynn-its so good that you got some postitive news for Barry and Les. I'm sure Les will be happy to get back to work, and I KNOW you can't wait to have some privacy. ENJOY. You deserve it. How is the foot situation coming along?

    Robin-2 cookies is not a big deal, you can shake that off in no time. Keep up the good work.


  • Happy Easter!
    Hi Guys,

    I'm still trying to recover from this awful stomach virus. went to the doc last Thurs and she told me I have gasteroenteritis (inflamation of the GI lining from the virus) told me to go on a liquid diet for 2-3 days, take some meds she gave me and ran a few tests....... well I lasted on the liquid diet about 2 hours! LOL just couldn't do it. so I've been eating "very" light, mostly things that are easy to digest.....apple sauce, pretzels, yogurt, dry tuna, stuff like that. needless to say I had a great weigh in Sat. lost 4.2 pounds......yeah, I know once I start eating it'll come back.....

    my 4 yr old came down with it Friday morning. she threw up for about 8 hours straight -- poor baby! it was awful! then she went to sleep for a couple hours. woke up feeling better and started eating ice chips.....now she's got really bad diarrhea

    Despite being sick and the weather turning cold and raining all day, We've had a very nice day here. we baked a ham for dinner and made scalloped potatoes. dh made homemade sourdough bread -- yum! haven't been into the kids Easter candy once! and very proud of myself for that!

    Wishing you all luck in your "new" weigh loss adventures......for me WW is the safest and easiest way to go.

    take care, Theresa
  • happy easter...
    theresa - it's about time we heard from you ...sorry about your stomach thing, yuck...and your poor little girl..hope she gets better soon. great loss...the only good thing about being sick!

    cindy - yeah, 2 cookies i guess wasn't that bad..the only bad thing about ediets is that the only dessert type things are snackwell cookies, or frozen yogurt...maybe on the days that i have to have something "bad" or get fast food, i should try to stay within ww points for that day? i think that would be a good solution to keep me in check rather than just eating what i wanted for the day...

    the weather here was in the 80's today, so we heated up the pool and went swimming...it was nice...kinda missed the pool this winter. the weather man says our weather will be changing after today and we should expect it to be in the 70's for the week...fine by me.

    viv - i saw BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY yesterday....i loved it...very funny..i never read the book, but the movie was great.

    after the movie my friend and i went shopping, 2 weeks ago i bought a size 20 capri pants and now they are falling off of me...i am going to try to shrink them here in a minute...anyway, i bought a pair of black ones in a size 18 last night and they fit great!!!! that made me feel pretty good....i am weighing tomorrow..i think i have lost 9 or 10lbs.

    anyway, trying to make a dent in this laundry before the week starts....will check in tomorrow....

    bye robin
  • Wow, the 70's and 80's for weather. It's like, 28 here

    It IS suppose to get into the 60's later this week

    Well, I have to admit I ate a huge meal tonight. I didn't eat much all day.(an orange and small bagel)
    Had a full turkey meal tonight AND dessert; I feel like crap.
    Thank gawd this Easter thing is over.

    I don't know what I'll do with the kids all week. I'm sure dh will put them to work some.
    I guess we'll do a city trip again before next Monday.

    I hope you all had a really good Easter
  • Morning Everyone!

    Well we ended childhood in this house this weekend. BOO HOOO...... I got Barry to help me take down the swing set. We had a metal one and had to end up hacksawing the final pieces from each other. Now the remains are under my deck until the city makes a big trash pick up in August and I can just put it out in front of my house and cry as I wave good bye to it.

    Theresa - So sorry you guys are sick again. Seems like you keep passing it around to each other. Open a couple of windows and spray that Lysol girlfriend. Hope you are all feeling much better real soon.

    Robin - WAY TO GO!!!! Glad your loosing so well. Enjoy the smaller sizes.

    Cindy - Les and I can't wait for next Monday at this point. I want just a little time to myself before school gets out. My foot is still there. PT and I have decided to space out my sessions, so I won't see him until a week from Tuesday. Think it is just going to have to work it's self out. It's all just real tight muscles and ligiments in the ankle area now. He stretches them out and then they spring back just like a rubber band. We'll see.

    Jill - Hang in there! We are supposed to see some snow tomorrow and Wed. You'll probably have the warm weather up your way. LOL

    Hi to everyone else! Getting ready to go over to the hospital for DH rehab this morning. He gets to go for 12 weeks of working himself back up to snuff. YEAH!!!!!

    Talk to you later.

  • Hi everyone --
    Theresa-- hope you guys are feeling better. Sounds like you're making good progress on WW. Have you been walking?
    Viv -- are you back on SB track. We have so much chocolate around this house. I have to be good.
    Lynn -- I know I'll feel that same way about the swing set. Alyssa'a 3, so we have a few years. The big girls only use it to play with Alyssa. Boy did we get our money's worth out of that thing.
    We had a good weekend. Friday we took the kids to Great Adventure then out to dinner. Sat. I golfed w/DH then the 2 of us went out to dinner. Easter at my parents -- no wonder the scalke did nbot go down. I guess we ate a lot. Back on track today.
    Hi to cindy, CAB Ellie -- (you missed Fri -- or I missed you ) and all
  • a quickie...
    weighed this morning...down 2, so i have lost 9lbs now in 2 weeks...the first week was 7 (water) so now i should lose 1-2 lbs a week...i really need to start exercising...

    hi all...later..robin
  • Hi ladies....


    Theresa - I hope you guys are all feeling better. Springtime has gotta help - ready to go back to the Wuilderness Lodge?

    Jill - I love Survivor - I like Rodger coz he's an old guy, LOl but gosh, that Colby....don't get me going, girl! Hmmmmm.....

    Lynn - did I miss any further results from your testing?

    Linn - did you look up all the sugarbuster stuff?

    Cindy - is it really hot down there lately? I bet!

    Re: CAB - she and DH are buying a new house (oh, did I already do this?>), anyway, they are in house frenzy so she hasn't been posting. She'll be back.

    Robin -WTG on the 9 lbs! Onward and downward! I read all the flylady posts and some of them are a little too old fashioned for me, but the others I do like. I like the 1 hour daily cleanup routine and how they address working women too. Thanks for mentioning it!

    I am OP with SB but the Eater chocolate really did me in - so I am still up since our trip. Trying to get that commitment back, and I will..

    Now the bad news...my father has to have surgery to remove two icky cancers in his lung. Hopefully that will be the end of the cancer. I had wnated him to come here for the surgeryand recup but between the bad air on the plane and the fact that the doctor they have him with in CA seems quite impressive, it seems like he shouod go through this out there, including recup at his home. So I am trying to convince MY mom to come out there with me while he is in the hospital - I am not handling this that well internally and am currently in limbo in terms of dates, etc.....and I hate that in between feeling, not to mention the whole caregiver dynamic of everyone wanting something from me....like my kids are going to stop nagging me because of my father - not - and I have to be good to my kids, of course! Anyway, check your Psych 101 books on this....

    So that's the story. I'll keep you guys posted.
