Rumbly Tummy?

  • Hi, Chicks!

    Is (or has) anyone experiencing a really rumbly stomach? I am usually not feeling hungry, but my stomach has been rumbling loud enough for people to hear, and was doing it all through an interview we hosted yesterday. So embaressing! I realize it might be my stomach trying to digest the food, but I wondered if it was normal. My DH is having the same problem. In fact, when I was getting ready for bed last night, I heard his stomach and it was loud enough to cover up his snoring! We are both in Phase 1.

  • So, truly, Pooh Bear and I are the only ones with rumbly tummies?
  • Laurie, it's been awhile since we've done South Beach, but I seem to recall some rumbling... I think it's your stomach eating itself.
  • Mine rumbles all the time! I thought it was just me! So I'm not so unique after all! haha
  • I'd settle for rumbles if the f**ts would just go away!
  • OK can I just say that since reading this thread, it's been happening to me too!!!
  • Glad I am not the only one! It seems to have calmed down lately. I wonder if that means there is no stomach left to eat?